
I don't get, why people didn't like the latest Overwatch trailer? I mean, it may not be the best one but it's pretty emotional.


Other urls found in this thread:


>paying $40 for a TF2/COD clone

I can't believe people are actually doing this shit.

How much do you get paid to shill this game


There was no emotional leverage.
The action was uninteresting

These little movies are the only thing about Overwatch thats good.

I didn't think they could make a short worse than the Hanzo/Genji one

Because I don't give a fuck about some generic little girl.

There you go, what's this ? Finding Nemo ?

>it's pretty emotional.
If you are mentally challenged.

Because it featured brown people and Sup Forums is leaking

To be fair, I do think it was the weakest one to date

here's your (you)

>during beta
>tf2 on suicide watch!!!
>after beta
>o-over shills get out!!

contrarian Sup Forums confirmed

Personally I liked it. I felt like 76 is a bit too Batmanny but it was still a good video. It had some interesting points though, like the thugs giving the girl the bat and demanding she joined in.

Also, the glow in the dark tattoos seem kinda weird but also pretty cool.

I felt it was the weakest because it wasn't a hero against another hero like all the other ones

>Widowmaker vs. Tracer
>Genji vs. Hanzo
>Reaper vs. Winstone
>Soldier 76 vs. a bunch of random mexicans

The tattoos were neat though.

Because you, really need to, stop using commas.

> You being a gigantic faggot on an anonymous message board.

I think everyone can believe that.



If this gets you emotional there is something fucking wrong with you. These are so forced.

Is there any reason to get the Origins edition?

If you play other Blizzard games and watch Overwatch stuff in there, basically. or you really want those 5 skins.

>trailer for a first person shooter without a story

Hanzo's is the only good one (1)

It's not emotional though. It's just a collection of things happening in a rushed manner, in a short period of video footage.

It has events that happen that they EXPECT you to feel emotion towards, but they don't give you enough time to process said scenes and BELIEVE that they should be emotional.

The pacing and editing in their shorts falls flat and feels bland. It's like the Ant Man movie all over again:

Literally just Payload and another Objective mode for $40

>it's another aussie thread where the shitposter manages to create a flame war between Sup Forumsirgins and overwatch kiddies while he eats pizza and watches the whole thing, saving the thread later and getting an A+ in his shitposting class

lmao this nigga literally just linked that pretentious video in my thread

>Hurr how do I edit?
>You just do
>Hurr how does I learn?
>Edit more

Only good thing about it is the perfectly breedable brown loli

Glowing tattoosare neutral at best

So what is the Origins Edition? I didn't preorder, just snagged a copy this afternoon, but they still gave me that, the poster, and the Winston figure. Thought that was preoder only?


>overwatch kiddies
Except much unlike the original problems with Team Fortress 2 fans, /vg/ now exists. Honestly, Sup Forums has been filled with multiple threads that belong in generals.

Is this even the conversation?

>most recent short shows proud white male pounding a burrito boy's head into bean dip

Whoever posted this last night had me rolling

Maybe in Eurofag land. Murifat server running fine for the past 4 hours.

To give Blizzard more money so they can continue to provide you with great content like Overwatchâ„¢ and Hearthstoneâ„¢! Don't forget to purchase a loot crate or two so you can customize all of your favorite characters to your liking!

>>Hurr how do I edit?
>>Hurr how does I learn?
- Emotions need time
- Its all in the eyes
- Practice makes perfect

I'm sorry if a 9 minute long video is too hard for you to stay focused on and learn from user. I promise you that he does explain your bait in-depth though.
I'll stick to posting those bite-sized 2 minute videos you're probably use to watching that are full of jump cuts and lack any real content. The ones that reward your brain quicker, and don't require you to think for yourself.

Back to r/film, kid

it was uninteresting, just like the character it was showcasing.

>it's pretty emotional.

How is it emotional you fucking idiot? I've heard dialogue less trite in that fucking Injustice comic

OP's post is about a short film for a game so no, I think I'll stay right here thanks.

Also I've never actually been to that board.

looks like it has a 77% like to dislike ratio you fucking RETARD

>You're one of those heroes, aren't you?
>76 stops and takes a dramatic pause

I thought he was gonna say "I used to be" but they were more creative and original and went with "Not anymore"

It's literally explained in the video. Examples are given. As it stands, like any art, excellent editing takes lots and lots of practice, despite being a very technical process.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out

so we all agree the best vid was widow right?

Where are the pics of 76 bang that chicka?

The other trailers subtly pack a lot of storytelling in the background or how they act. This trailer tells you nothing about S:76 you couldn't infer without it.

Staying right here, just as I said before. Thanks for the offer anyway, friend =)

No one honestly cares about Mexicans. Can't sympathize with the situation.

I mean, you're welcome to chill out and pretend to be retarded all you like. Just don't let it get to your head.

>servers were only 10 minutes behind schedule
>people have known about purchasable loot boxes since they were introduced in february
>magnifying the "completely optional microtransactions" part doesn't somehow make the statement untrue or flawed in some way
>ult spamming has been in the game since the beginning of closed beta, what the fuck did you expect?
>lag has hardly been an issue for anyone with a stable connection

this is a dumb post and whoever made it is equally as dumb

My problem with the short is just how weird things are when any of the overwatch heros are fighting normal people.

Blizzard doesn't want their heros killing people, and the only thing that actually ever dies or is actually physically hurt from attacks are robots during their shorts. The dragons short was more interesting due to explaining the backstory of two heros and also letting them show off their moves against each other along with being able to hit/dodge each other but not feel that it should instantly kill them

With 76 it seems odd that he doesn't seem the type to be nice and not just instantly kill people who are obviously trying to kill him and even more so once he is getting shot at. While I don't expect blizzard to just show people getting killed in their short you know nothing really bad or unexpected will happen. 76 isn't going to actually kill anyone, and is of course going to save the girl.

If they added in another hero to go against him, or even just some plot based enemy hero to fight it'd be more interesting them him shooting guns out of the hands of shitty mooks

>Voice acting for hispanic loli waifu is a 4/10

God just kill me now.

>>lag has hardly been an issue for anyone with a stable connection

this is because the game runs at 20 ticks for netcode, and is heavily based on client-side prediction.

the illusion is further fueled by the many actions the player can do that aren't twitch aiming or skill-based, especially their special attacks.

splatoon had the same thing. unless you were against someone way over on the other side of the world, it's client-side prediction was really good at hiding lag because there are so many skills you can do that don't require your own precision as a player, just good timing.

we wanted
>more 76's backstory
>Los Murteouwhatever's lore
>sombra info
>76 vs Reaper or another hero
>76 interacting with ANY other hero

We got Pixar's Dora the explorer


Mexico, wey