How long until it's full gamespeed?

How long until it's full gamespeed?
Also what specs are they emulating on?

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I would just like to say Thank You Ninty again.

Your simple hardware allows for fast emulation.

We would NEVER have dreamed to get a 360 or PS3 emulator to this level by now.

How will the online-only games be emulated though?
Serious question, as I'm struggling to see how games like Splatoon and Mario Maker would work online.

I'm also curious over how gamepad integration would be handled by emulators.

>I'm also curious over how gamepad integration would be handled by emulators.

Ninty makes consoles that are simple, easy to emulate, but HARD to get controls working for. DS, 3DS, Wii = weird fucking controllers.


Thanks for beta testing, consolefags ;^)

Isn't that a bit of a backwards thing to say considering emulators have inaccuracies and bugs for many months if not years until the community and devs manage to iron them out?

Not against emulation at all, though. Quite the opposite; I guess you just wanted to meme.

We already have, someone got Sonic Unleashed running 30fps on a 360 emulator.

>not backing up your games and playing them on emulators
Which reminds.. I have a DS here with Firered ready to be backed up for some poke mmo action.

>What if the game isn't being sold anymore / will probably never be sold anymore?
>"But we bring back lots of old franchises!"

Nobody is losing money on me emulating fucking Cybernator. It is completely victimless.

>emulated on Wii U before 360 or PS3


It's called read the description

Wii U is weak relatively simple hardware.

PS3 and 360 are cluster fuck consoles. PS3 is straight up one of the most complicated consoels of all time. The thing's design makes no sense.


The PowerPC architecture that the GCN/Wii use has been emulated already meaning it's a little easier to emulate the Wii U compared to 360 and especially PS3.

>That lower-pitched narration
oh my fuck, my sides weren't prepared

The Wii U is basically a tri-core Wii with a Radeon HD 4470. It's both well-documented and very weak hardware.

It's not that the Wii U is weak. It's that the cemu developers have access to some really good and detailed documentation into how the system works.

Since it's closed source, more than likely that documentation wasn't acquired legally

The rate of progress on Cemu is goddamned astounding

I'd bet anything we'll have full emulation of a title by the end of the year

And yet, they sell it for 300$

those bastards.

Thanks for beta testing, console friends!

>PC specs:
>CPU - Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4.60 Ghz
>RAM - 16 GB DDR4
>OS - Windows 10 64bit

The recent Mario Kart 8 demo ran on an i7 2600k clocked all the way to 5.0 Ghz.

I kind of wonder who'd put out all of that money and go through all of that trouble just to play a Nintendo game on a PC.


Well I've already got the CPU and RAM all accounted for. I'll be getting an 1080 or something equivalent by the end of the year, and here's to hoping the Cemu devs decide to pick up Vulkan down the line so I don't need to worry about Windows 10

Thanks for alpha testing, console friends!

But what they played was a bug-free experience

Online games can be emulated and eventually you'll be able to use the wii u gamepad for emulation on PC.

>tfw Twilight Princess is playable with few graphical glitches

I like the 10 fps, niggerfaces and grafic bugs. Enjoy mustards.

Going from this:

To this:

In two months. Goddamn

Why do I even own a Wii U

>Online games can be emulated
How would you sort out stuff like splatfests and MM level starring and pretty-much the entire level-sharing infrastructure?

>you'll be able to use the wii u gamepad for emulation on PC.
I may be mistaken but isn't the only way to actually get a gamepad to buy a Wii U anyway? Doesn't that defeat the point somewhat?

That's just the PS3 version, you ain't fooling anyone shill.

>tfw you didn't buy a wii u

>How would you sort out stuff like splatfests and MM level starring and pretty-much the entire level-sharing infrastructure?
Fuck if I know but all kinds of games with online have been emulated, the most notable example are MMOs.

>Doesn't that defeat the point somewhat?
No? Emulation isn't about shit being free, it's about playing console games on PC.

>tfw you didn't buy pii poo

>Fuck if I know but all kinds of games with online have been emulated, the most notable example are MMOs.

You'd need a dedicated community to manage Splatoon and Mario Maker's online features else they wouldn't play anything like normal.

>No? Emulation isn't about shit being free, it's about playing console games on PC.
I always figured the point was either to play games you otherwise would be unable to, or to improve upon games (usually with more options for control, modifications, and better graphics), but if you're stuck with the gamepad's features and screen for parts that require it then it does defeat the point somewhat imo.


Amazing by the end of the year Tropical Freeze should be running properly, it's the only game on that crap console I wanted to play.


Imagine a world where the Wii U was a success and it received a string of high quality console exclusive ports.

We could have been on the verge of emulating them by now. Shit like a Red Dead Redemption port.

>Imagine a world where the Wii U was a success

>cemu fags sucking corporate cock
Goddamn, and I thought these guys were actually cool.

I didn't know mgs3 was playable on the pscx2.
Gotta play that.

This is fucking terrifying.

I know right? It'd actually be fantastic as the focus would be playing games instead of TV, movies and cinematic experiences, and AAA mediocrity. Plus, paid online would phase out instead of becoming the norm.

What are you talking about, retard

That's from Nintendo you silly goose

The same Nintendo that downloaded a ROM of Super Mario World off the internet to sell on the Virtual Console

That looks awful, and the colors are all off too. Wake me up when this can be emulated at a good quality.

>tfw NX uses similar architecture
>emulator for NX gets created a few years into it's release
finally nintendo can burn to the ground
I don't feel bad about it now that Iwata is gone

fuck Miyamoto that hack

Call us back when it reaches the level of current Dolphin Ishiiruka build.

How cemu team is acting
>P-Please oh mighty Nintendo overlords! P-Please don't sue us p-please!
How they should be acting
>Ha, fucking bring it Nintendo. We'll fuck your shit up day and night, here's a link to every motherfucking WIi U ROM what the fuck are you gonna do about it?
I know I'd be the latter anyway.


can't wait to play Fatal Frame V uncensored.

>Mfw I fell for the Wii U meme

Hyrule warriors and MK8 are all that were enjoyable

What games did you actually try?
I bet it wasn't most of them

Most of the time people say they've played 4 or 5. At least, that's been my personal experience with answers given on here.

The wiiu is shit and thank got it was emulated first ,that will teach nintendofaggots to stop shitting another companies and more care for their new console in the future.

It probably has more to do with the Wii U being a slightly boosted Wii than just being simple. And Wii docs got leaked years ago which is the reason Wii emulation is as good as it is.

>developing an emulator for a console that has literally 2 notable games

Yeah, thank got 4 this, I mean the shit they dit do another compenises like Microsoft and Sony for not allowing the competition or another!

Are there any emulation or homebrew devs that AREN'T gigantic moralfags? Just look at fucking smealum and most of the rest of the 3DS scene.

I'm honestly surprised one of the first things we've been able to do on Wii U is pirate games, you'd think they'd only be making KICKASS HOMEBREW.

I heard Bayonetta 2 is shit compared to 1, is it even worth pirating?

Where did you hear that from?

Definitive Wind Waker
Mario Maker
Bayonetta 1 and 2
Wonderful 101
Mario Kart 8 (for multiplayer with my old college buddies if the devs can get around to netplay)

Good enough for me

>Definitive Wind Waker
WWHD looks worse than the original game.

>you'll be able to use the wii u gamepad for emulation on PC.
You are going to need some pretty beefy wifi hardware in your PC to make it work

>WWHD looks worse than the original game.

English, please, retard. That post made zero coherence.

Try Xenoblade, Tropical Freeze, and 3D World next.

Oh god how the fuck did I forget Tropical Freeze

It's true.

To be honest I almost forgot to say Tropical Freeze too. For some reason I keep forgetting it exists, despite it being an amazing game.

>Definitive wind waker
Nah I don't like the claymation artstyle.

Bayo 1&2 are masterpieces and Wii U's Bayo 1 is the definitive version.

>forgetting splatoon

Nigga I like the shadows and the the bloom even, but cel shading was fucking removed.

The graphics can only fake it in direct sunlight.

It's supposed to look like an old Toei anime movie from the 70's, not a pixar test render with all the sahders disabled.

I don't really care about this, but I'd play Xenoblade X emulated if they can make it load things faster and put the fun back in fundoshi.

I know Sup Forums will chide me for a few of these, but here are some others I liked. Star Fox Zero (controls are hard at first but once you get used to them they're great), NSMBU/NSLU, The Wonderful 101, Sm4sh, and Captain Toad. A lot of people like Splatoon, though I personally wasn't a fan to be honest.

It made as much sense as the post he replied to, which presumably he was mocking.

Unless they can get a multiplayer server working there's really no reason to want Splatoon emulated

I really don't get this meme. You could pick on the actual downgrades of the game like its framedrops during bosses and explosions, but no it's always about the shading/bloom which is extremely exaggerated in posts like these.

Yeah man, it's a fun game. Glad the PC beggar race is finally managing to find a way to figure out to steal it. Have fun, guys. Hope you have a controller, I can't see this game being anything but terrible with a mouse and keyboard.

Captain toad is the funky shit. Comfiest game.

>if they can make it load things faster
Download the loading pack off the eShop, it helps a lot.

They removed the cel shading, added more bloom than almost any other game has, and fucked up the color palette.

How are any of these things good?

Oh don't worry, they'll just complain about artificial difficulty and use mods for infinite health like they always do.

>WTF the game is glitched the enemy isn't mean to combo me

My man

Faster sail and shorter triforce hunt puts it leagues above the original.

Spamming load state over and over again too, don't forget that.

>I-I-I'm really hardcore. I just don't have the patience to do that level over again right now!

I know, but I mean reducing pop-in even further. I already play with downloads, but even with that you sometimes need to wait a couple seconds for enemies to appear or a skell to render properly.

>Mario Maker

Mediocre, ROMhacks are better when it comes to levels made by others, and I think taking the time to learn assembly and being able to do whatever you want as a result I think is a better use of your time than using the limited toolset of Mario Maker, though I do see how its plug-and-play status is useful for people who don't really give a shit and just want to make vanilla levels without caring too hard about what setpieces it has.

>I-It's just RNG, anyway it's not fair they used that attack three times in a row

These are literally just AR codes you can get on the gamecube.

>added more bloom than almost any other game has, and fucked up the color palette.
The first point is valid, at least as far as I'm aware, but having played both I can say these are flat-out lies. Pick of the remaster's actual fucking faults rather than this woefully inaccurate bandwagon - the framedrops, the swiftsail causing the boat to constantly clip through the ocean, the annoying miiverse bullshit bottles littered everywhere. All great and very valid points to complain about, but nah instead you'll post about a problem that barely even exists in the game - I guess this is how to spot people that didn't play the game.

Awesome. Hell, with AR codes you can just warp to the ending cutscene, removes the tedium of playing this garbage in the first place.

Ah, fair enough. Yeah it can be pretty annoying, I tend to only notice in New LA where it's at its worst. Shame NLA is basically the central story location of the game.

What if I consider the shading an actual downgrade? It's my taste.

Its their property to begin with so it isn't hypocritical like you would like to believe.

Posters like this rreally seem to miss the point of Mario Maker. It's driven by the great community, the lack of assets (which is a big problem, I'm not denying that at all) doesn't hinder the game's main appeal and key selling point: its huge roster of player-made levels. You don't have to look particularly hard to find some really creative fun levels, and it's easy to share them via the boomark site. ROMhacks can't really achieve this as of now.

>I didn't have an argument to begin with.

Well if it really bothers you that much I guess so, but it's exaggerated a lot as a negative anons regularly post. Also see

These aren't inaccurate though you autist, they DID add truckloads of bloom and fuck the color palette.