>only a few hours left
Which race are you going to play as and why is it orcs?
>only a few hours left
Which race are you going to play as and why is it orcs?
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I rolled on the image thats been around and got Ungrim, fate has thus decreed
Vamps because I'm a slave to RNG.
>RNGing your faction choice
Welp, at least it wasnt chaos
Empire for muh beginner introduction, and to purge the land of undead and demon scum
>not playing as the faction with the most units
nah, I am going to use PFM and make mods.
gotta beat radious
>gotta beat radious
Thats not hard, his mods are rubbish.
Gota go with vampire counts
ever since a white dwarf spotlight on them (like 6 years ago) i always wanted to make an army of them
Pretty popular though. He gets all them DLCs for free as well.
I'm not playing it because fantasy is lame af to be honest 40k TW when?
How's grade school treating you?
40k would make a horrid TW game
Also do Kislev, Estalia and all that have unique units yet or are they carbon copies of empire?
chose orks
set up massive army and decisive strategy on how to beat space muhreens
battle starts, orbital bombardment .... you lose
gee how fun
Steam is wrong, its coming out in 4 hours.
Those factions are all carbon copies. But will be expanded later with DLC.
I picked Vampire but it saddens me to see how few are playing dwarfs.
The dwarves look great too. They are gong to be my second playthrough. Its just that vampires are more over the top, but the no-magic and high artillery in dwarves looks great.
Why do people not like them?
kislev is in it's own culture group and has unique VAs
its becoming a DLC down the line.
lack of cavalry scares people.
Which is sad because dorf gunlines are a god tier concept.
Dont have any monster units, even empire has Griffons and Demi's. So they dont have that cool factor.
Which faction has the strongest melee infantry? Dwarves?
They are carbon copies ala factions like in Rome 2 and stuff. Different color, same units.
they have helicopters and bombers.
What about the Varg? Do nords have their own units or just chaos?
Also out of Kislev, Tilea , Estalia and border princes which one would you want first?
Dwarfs have the toughest melee, but Chaos will likely have the most damaging.
Dwarfs get their damage from ranged units.
>Total war game
>Flying units
Who the fuck dreamed that up?
Only the base 5 factions and Bretonnia have unique units.
Every other faction is just a copy of one of the above factions.
All these sub factions will get DLC to expand their rosters though. The other major factions like elves/skavern/ect will be in the two standalone games coming out.
Which one do you think? Pic related.
The empire is a bunch of pikemen, greenskin rely on number, spooky skelly are fragile as shit.
There is only one left
fuck chaos, 2edgy5me
retard detected.
>Melee combat based game
>ranged units
who the fuck dreamed that up?
Not an argument.
It's totally game breaking, especially for sieges, and goes completely against the play style of total war games.
>i dont more options in my tactics, it hurts my brain
Chaos being just nords and a few monsters feel weird as shit. The game won't feel complete until the second game is out.
If I had to guess, the Free-LC faction coming up in the next month or two is obviously Brettonia. Then paid DLC Wood Elves. Then Second game with actual Chaos Daemons.
Also bunch of not so important DLC in-between.
>tfw buying everything
It actually feels good, I ain't even mad.
>>i dont more options
>implying you have 'options' against a Chaos Dragon
The online is going to be hilarious butthurt
>Melee combat based game
Since when? Never? Right.
torn between empire and vampires
I watched the streams, and it basically looked like something to harry your ranged units. Game breaking is an extreme exaggeration
Tell that to Hitler and Lord of The rings: Return of the king movie
Torrent when? I'm not giving them any money becouse of the preorder locked chaos.
>never kept up with Warhammer Fantasy for years
>read up on new stuff
>End Times
>Age of Sigmar
Holy shit, why did Games Workshop shoot themselves in the foot with a bazooka?
I just want the blood and gore DLC already
It doesnt feel right at all to have no gory gameplay in a Warhammer title. Unfortunately we wont get it for months.
blame the Germans
apparently they have to jump through a gorillion hoops to sell there if it's rated M or PEGI 18 or whatever
fuck it till i get muh High Elves
Warhammer was selling like shit and slipping while 40k is was still going strong.
GWS logic; make Warhammer into 40k = two big selling franchises
Obviously it didnt work out
The majority of the game is based on melee, and no argument against flying units cant be applied (to an extent) to Ranged units
Low sales. So they exploded everything.
We pretend GW's latest shenanigans don't exist.
kek. Someone tell him.
user I'm sorry
if you buy in the first week, you get chaos free. It ain't perfect, but you at least get to read some reviews before deciding if it's worth it.
I cant help but feel like this whole "its a ratings thing" is rubbish and they are just cutting it out to sell later because they can.
Every other game developer ever can sell to these high rating countries with gore fine, and CA and Sega should be able to handle it.
>he wants naval combat
I wouldn't put it past them
>The majority of the game is based on melee
Not really, no. Archers, skirmishers and ranged cavalry have always been a staple of total war games. My first experience of a total war game is showering sprites with arrows in Shogun.
In one of the old posts by CA they said they will never do naval combat, they will just do auto resolve only.
Fair enough, fuck naval battles.
So, how are high elves gonna leave ther Atlantian island?
Youll get em in a whole ELF DLC so itll be HE DE and WE all in one nice $40 package
but the majority of the game is based on melee, most armies are made up of a majority sword/axe units a few support ranged and then cavalry
there is literaly not a reasonable negative to flyers if you have balance
if anything seems to be bad it would be magic
Its coming out with the Diablo 3 Skidrow release
There are 0 chances of that happening due to Dark Elves and High elves geography.
Each continent will be a full game.
No idea. Maybe they will plop them on the main land and use some fluff to explain it away? Maybe expand the map and have them in their natural locations?
Maybe TWW will sell like shit and the whole thing gets abandoned. Who knows.
This idea of doing two major standalones sounds ambitious as fuck. I mean I hope it works, I just cant see it working.
fuging fug
60 fucking euros from a pc download is ridiculous.
Will using a VPN and switching get me earlier access?
Well itll be easy enough to extend The Old World map to include Tomb Kings and Ogre Kingdoms
No, its a 1 time global release.
45 from gmg
release it at the same time worldwide.
ORCS! I will swarm every empire with a wave of green and red. Dem humiez' stand no chance. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
Chaos. I want to run roughshod over all comers with Kholek "Mannoroth Ripoff" Suneater
Is anyone going for a basic pike and shot army with halberds and handgunners?
Damn, and I bet Steam will keep the game locked until tomorrow afternoon as well.
Warcraft Complete Conflict when?
Mark my fucking words, this is how its gonna be.
1,2,3 the 3 full games, we alraedy got number 1.
Sure user, i deffinetly want to limit my armies flexibility to such a small scale and make it easy to come up against a army that counters me
that... not how it works.
The game is going to release in about 3-4 hours. The countdowns on steam are never reliable.
Griffons only
No magic
guard stance only
auto resolve only
final destination
TW games are for fun.
Never, mods are allowed but they can't use any other IP other than Warhammer.
Blame Games Workshop.
>People choosing Empire
>being a heretic
You have to be 21 to be here.
>regimental tactic based game
>getting fun from anything other than crushing your opponent with superior planning/tactics
>no 4 player online co-op campaign
Come on, CA. 2 player is great and all, but they've had that for like the past 4 games.
Useless feature, where the hell would I get 2 more friends?
I was saying something more like blizzard stealing CA's idea and making a similar game in the warcraft universe but with more waifus.
>this goy
Are PC and Mac going to be compatible with this?
Also never, it would directly compete with WoW.
You can hope they release a WoW expansion based on it though.
yes. And linux too
sorry for im too old for this place then
Like multiplayer wise? I know it releases for all three
>wow expansion based on it
garrisons was promised to be that.
Who cares?
how many more total war games until we're fielding upwards of 10K units in one 20 stack?
Seems we've reached a peak on unit size unless something big happens.
I doubt it will ever happen. Any resource leftovers is going to be using in GRAFIX. They would prefer to make the shitty grass pretier than allow us a bigger battle.
someone post him _that screenshot_
you already can. CA doesn't do that because everyone doesn't have top of the line hardware.
no it will be fucking retarded for them to make a full game just focused on the elves. Nobody fucking likes elves or lizard-men and won't purchase an entire game for those fuckers.
Warhammer's main selling point is the Empire and Chaos with The Orks and maybe Brettoniia/Dwarves being the other popular factions.
They will have to just dream up some new fluff for the second and third games and expand the map with new game mechanics. Make it more end timesy than this one because there is just no fucking way that they will make a game and not have Empire, Chaos and the Old World in it that would be completely retarded in fact I'm 95% sure that the elves, Beastmen and the Skaven will be in an expansion pack in this game one already.