What would you like to see in the new RE?

1 - Going back to Horror with moments of tension, and mix it evenly with action (Like in RE4... but with more horror)

2 - It has to be a REAL survival, with shortage of bullets and items. You have to carefully manage your arsenal

3 - Exploration... No more linear games. Give me a big map where I can walk looking for keys, treasures, money, new weapons, secrets... Like a 3D Metroidvania. (Well... Like the old Resident Evils)

4 - Puzzles. We want the puzzles back. But real puzzles that make you think for long minutes. Not basic shit.

5 - Plot. It's not thaaat important, but I'm really tired of cliches

Not Wesker related
one campaign that unlocks a shorter one that really ties the events together through another perspective
Code Veronica full 3d rendered fixed camera style
easy acess to FPS view, slowed movement while in view

>like in RE4

You fucked up already, dipshit.

All I want is for it to be the exact opposite of 4+ and no more fucking fedora tier Leon.

action only
no more stages where enemies infinitely respawn
more sexy outfits for the girls
sexy outfits usable in campaign
more girls, less men
no press x or die

There needs to be a new formula for the RE series gameplay. The first few had you control the char like a massive fridge, which played right into the horror of the game, aka "fucking dogs", "why can't i sidestep" and "gotta aim at the head somehow". RE4 was the first of the series who basically introduced classical shooter mechanics, which made you feel way more secure, thus killing the horror.

So, find a modern way to implement gameplay which plays into the horror instead of going against it:
- Find mechanics to disarm the MC quite often (tongue lashing zombies and whatnot),
- Force the MC out of its comfort zone (player slowing the pace? drop a fat mofo on him)
- Limit ressources to make the MC feel helpless.
- Break the MC's trust in NPCs (eg stop putting vendors in safezones)
- Make enemies slowly but relentlessly follow you wherever you go (to make the MC feel like a deer hunted by cavemen).

>Not Wesker related
Get out.

Pretty awful ideas, aside from the disarming thing.

RE4 was just scary enough.

I'd like to see a total reboot that abandons all the stupid lore and decades of history and makes something new and unshackled.

I'd like it to be an actual survival horror game and not a stupid action game. That doesn't mean it has to have tank controls, pre-rendered backgrounds or even limited saves (though I do like that last one) but it means that it shouldn't be about empowering the player and making them feel awesome as they kill monsters.

Ah no it's probably going to stick with the action genre, if it is horror then probably another game that does it better.

An elephant getting its dick sucked.

I will only settle for 2 options.
Either we get Resident Evil Remake 2
or we get Reisdent Evil 6-2
I mean this figuratively, basically what I'm saying is I want all out ridiculous action, or great slow burn horror. None of this middle of the road revelations bullshit.

RE6 wasn't all out ridiculous action, that was the problem with it. It was full of slow, ineffectual tension building moments to try to pretend it was a survival horror game, and it was full of corridors with cinematic QTEs and other garbage because Capcom didn't know if they wanted a survival horror game, a fun third person shooter, or a cinematic movie game like Uncharted.

>I'd like to see a total reboot that abandons all the stupid lore and decades of history and makes something new and unshackled.
Fuck off, this series doesn't need "fans" like you.

Yes, what it really needs is "fans" who want another masturbatory game about Leon and Chris fighting monsters for the 50th time as a new antagonist who was supposedly in the background the entire series reveals themselves to be more dangerous than previous antagonist and totally won't be forgotten after this game.

I don't know if this is all bait, or if I'm sharing this site with retards.

>Sexy outfits usable in campaign.
This guy gets it. You were able to do it in previous REs, was total shit they got rid of it in later ones, especially when they went full fan service.

>I'd like to see a total reboot that abandons all the stupid lore and decades of history and makes something new and unshackled.

The last time this happen. DMC happened.

Don't act dumb.

>Less men
As long as Chris and Leon stay

EX2 Chris was the best


DMC 1, 3, and 4 were good, besides 4 being half-assed

Cinematic camera angles.

Honestly, I just want another pure Mercenaries game. Give it like, 30 stages and a ton of characters. 6's gameplay with some fixes like a non-retarded inventory and less OP counters. It would be perfection.


Though, I'd keep the counters.

Reboot it as a Zombie game that takes place during WW2.

While the United States was developing nukes, Germany and Japan were creating a different biological weapon. Turn the population of people that manufacture weapons and vehicles, into zombies. Turn Americans into zombies, turn the Chinese and Russians into zombies.

Main character is a government agent hired to do reconnaissance on German or Japanese research facilities, his name is Carl Dover.

Germans have been experimenting on jews in camps, while the Japanese have been experimenting on captured Chinese cities.

Game would be a combination of action and stealth, combat would be between soldiers and zombies/zombie creatures.


I'd keep the counters too, but just tone them down so they aren't strong and add less time. Make them more defensive instead of counter spamming being the key to topping the leaderboards.

>Code Veronica full 3d rendered fixed camera style


Over the shoulder was the best thing that ever happened to RE.

Mind you, the games since 4 sucked, but that had nothing to do with the camera.

Fuck off.

I swear, RE and GTA threads have posters with the worst ideas

I would like them to call it RE5 and say 5and6 are no longer canon.

Instead of being a whiny faggot, come to terms that unless a franchise changes drastically, it'll either sell like shit or people will shit all over the game.

What other settings or enemy types are left for the RE series in modern times? We've fought zombies, Spaniard insect people, nigger insect people, crystal insect people, goo people, lizards, dogs, goo clones and Neo from the Matrix.

Either the series is dead or it changes the gameplan completely.

All of you need to KYS.

>Make it stealth

Holy shit you are a fucking retard and a faggot. I can't wait for the stealth meme to leave vidya because it is the worst type of gameplay ever created.

What is this obsession with adding stealth to games?

all the le epin 90s kid can fuck off

Being this much of a faggot, I'm surprised the cum crusted on your eyes hasn't given you pink eye and the cum lodged in your sinuses hasn't given you a sinus infection.

Plenty of settings, and enemy types aren't a problem. RE6 had some of the coolest enemy designs I'd seen in a while.

That type of thinking is what made Dead Space 3.

You underage dumb fucks realize that in classic Resident Evil games you ran around zombies and other creatures to avoid them, right?

Unless you fucking niglets want another full blown, action based RE game, which has been the RE status quo for 11 years, having the option to sneak around doesn't seem to far fetched.

If your idea of RE7 is "make it like RE5/RE6 but less shit!", you have the imagination of a downs syndrome person.

Dead Space 3 was the RE6 of the Dead Space series. Completely botched pacing and the mechanics didn't gel well with the level design or enemy confrontation.

Your example has no elaboration, so I'm going to assume you have no idea what you're talking about.

>Running around zombies is somehow in your brain the same as forced stealth

You ran around the zombies that were trying to fucking eat you retard. Kill yourself. You have no imagination either even though you think you do because you are simply saying "I'm a faggot who likes all these shitty modern games being put out but not RE so just make it more like them. Dishonored ftw!!!"

Legitimately commit suicide.

You are the one that is retarded. With the bigger levels possible on modern systems, it's feasible that areas could be large and seamless enough that every zombie doesn't aggro the second you see them, or even before.

Wouldn't mind going back to simple plots like in 1 and 2 and I'd also like for there to be new characters unrelated to the cast we know, Chris, Leon and Jill are overpowered super humans at this point.

Make Elza Walker a thing.

>I want an open world stealth game

Keep up the "innovation" retard.

Keep up the strawmanning.

I miss raccoon city :(

Large playable areas do not equal open world. You're probably too young to have played games that had big areas but weren't open world.

Op is a
1 retard, 2 retard, 3 retard, 4 retard, 5 retard.
Old re is for contrarian retards, who can't into progress

Keep up the "you are a child" argument, it's working really well for you Mr. Innovation. Bet you thought MGS5 was a good game too.



>open world

Fuck off.

Kill yourself.

Your thread is shit, OP. Too many contrarians, underages, and retards.


Sup Forums is full on summer mode.

>muhshambling zombies

End Leon's story arc so they can finally reboot the fucking series

>RE4 inventory and Merchant with jew voice
>RE5 weapon quick swap
>RE6 melee
>Memory Card for saving at computer/laptop, each save file requires 1 card, no Checkpoint, new Merchant will give you 1 card for free
>HUD displayed by smartphone running on battery, if battery runs out you can't see how much HP you have left or ammo (both can be checked in inventory), GPS (have paper map but there's no pointing out where you are)
>Sub quest by Merchant to earn cash/items/guns
>RE4 treasures
>Weapons will have mods and exclusive upgrade, weapons can be banked for different builds

Fuck horror and go full action. RE was never scary.

No Chris and no fucking Leon.

>literally believing in modern crapcum


>muh treasure
>muh shop
>muh cash

You sound like a kike.

You sound like no fun allowed

never will be

Is it even possible to make a "true" horror game with gameplay as good as 6? They should go full action and stop trying to please older fans who will just hate the game regardless of what they do.

>gameplay as good as 6

Did the old Onsokkun die? I refuse to believe his taste was this bad.

I thought it was widely accepted (on Sup Forums) that 6 had great action gameplay but did nothing for horror.