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Oh hey I get it, that's an Oblivion 2 reference, nice catch

Yeah I was pretty annoyed when I saw this.

It was hidden in the back of a cave out off the beaten path. This is a decent reference because it's not in your fucking face

did he die?

>oblivion 2
it's bait but I'm still mad

Has anyone made it possible to remove the piss filter in the hell segments yet?

I approve of this thread

Don't bother this board is full of morons who think one or two easter eggs hardly anyone will see makes the game a memefest.

Is Sup Forums so desperate to hate this game that they are actually using this as evidence for its "poor quality"?

Why do you cucks get triggered by a fucking meme?

I guess so.

Not as evidence of poor quality, but as proof that the developers who worked on it are meme spewing hacks, which fuels their hatred for the game.

Please do not make stupid assumptions.

So a few little nods in game not hammered into your face is evidence "that the developers who worked on it are meme spewing hacks"?

Why are these screenshots always so bright? When I found that the cave was pitch dark and I had to shoot to be able to see anything besides the helmet that was glow in the dark for some reason


How does he do the fisting? For me , he just looks at it and puts it away.

I think it's only for that specific one

He only does it to one, I believe.

Then by that logic every fucking game with Easter eggs is a meme fest

its only the authentic doomguy toy i think

>how does he do the fisting?
download hdoom


Shit on Bethesda all you want, but get some new material, you lazy fuck.

Dumb phoneposter.

Dude relax, just look.

new/v/ will praise any game named after something they remember their older brother playing. Had they played Doom they wouldn't think of this as a successor, but they're going off memories of their older siblings and their friends older siblings.

It's a AAA shooter, of course neo/v/ is gonna like it.

Are 3d realms meme spewing hacks?

I've played the original Doom many times, and probably will again sometime soon. I love the original, I like this game.

>internet happens to take an innocent line of dialog from a game and meme it up for a month or two
>Sup Forums still getting absurdly mad about it 5 years later

Save the McCarthyism for twitter threads

just google fisting, I'm sure it'll be the first result.

it's pretty good for a doom game, I was expecting much much worse. I'll still be playing regular doom instead though, that's much more fun. BTSX e3 when?

Typical response from neo/V/ newfags.

>month or two

>5 years later they still bring it up

who is the one who can't let go?

Nice meme boi


No accounting for taste. Game was short, bland and felt like a modern shooter. Doom is lost.
You were looking for, "No True Scotsman".

I didn't know that enjoying things made me a newfag.

Fucking faggot, I've been apart of the Doom community since 96 (fuck I still remember the shit storm and the awe I felt when I played batman doom more than 15 years ago) and Doom 16 is a modern classic.

How did Dragonborn go Hollow?

No sir, YOU kill YOURSELF you meme loving faggot.

>one is friendly banter
>other is just a bad meme


are you a robot?

skyrim's one of the most popular RPGs of all time. the game has sold 22+ million copies and still manages to gain a few million in sales every year.

do you expect other games/gamers to NOT talk about it? to not reference it?

Explain exactly how one is a meme and the other is "friendly banter"

I'm the guy you replied to and my response is:
I haven't played E2 yet. I am ashamed.

I made it past the captcha jackass what do you think?

No, literally any reference to any game that isn't perfectly in sync with the Sup Forums hivemind means the game is trash and you deserve to die

If the game is full of Easter eggs are just stupid ass memes like "le arrow to let knee". You're so retarded that I'm just going to stop writing my argument.

I don't care honestly.
You guys need to stop being so snarky about everything.

Oblivion 2 would still be better than the dogshit that is Skyrim

>I've been apart of the Doom community
Yeah you have.

Girls can be gamers too, sexist shit

I'm the eldest child and was playing Doom around when it was released. I still own Doom 2 and was playing it for a few hours earlier today. Get fucked.

>No accounting for taste.
You're a hypocrite and as much as a hack as you claim the developer is.

>If the game is full of Easter eggs are just stupid ass memes like "le arrow to let knee".
It's referenced ONCE. A single time.

Something tells me that this thread will turn into tesg waifu faggotry

>You guys need to stop being so snarky about everything.
3) Sup Forums is the only place on the internet you can still bitch about the mundane and insignificant for hours, like you've wasted your whole life on that particular thing

But Skyrim was Oblivion 2. It shares the same game philosophy and sought to accomplish all of the same things. Skyrim is Oblivion with less level scaling and more generic quests.

>than the dogshit that is Skyrim
Skyrim and Oblivion are extremely similar games. If one is "dogshit" then they're both dogshit, if one is good then they're both good.. They're the most similar out of any two TES games.

>It's ok officer I only killed another person ONCE! A single time!

Please Sup Forums make this happen

>game philosophy

Anyone else feel like this doom is just quake? Like it doesn't feel like doom it feels like quake.

A lying robot.

I didn't even notice it because I'm too busy going fast and killing shit to look at every little fucking thing

you don't MAKE a waifu
you make a girlfriend. waifu is more serious than just some pretty skank you crush on

quake is slower

Reminder that Morrowind was handmade by loving developers

Oblivion was a randomly generated potato face

Skyrim was an ugly cunt-faced game that was, albeit not with love, well handcrafted.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums is educated enough to know who that is

Why on earth would you consider a meme to be a serious crime.

Skyrim was the most popular game Bethesda ever made. Doom is full of fanservice so they decided to put in a reference to Skyrim as a nod to the publisher. What should they have done instead of Arrowknee?

>People are legit getting upset over a tiny hidden easter egg.

Why do I even come to this place?



What kills me is that to this day 99% retards spamming this meme do not understand that 'arrow to the knee' means marriage, not being wounded in battle.

for some reason that first sentence made me laugh

>confused as to why nerds sperg out over meaningless things
I see you don't actually like video games.

Bethesda can't make a nod towards their own game? ONE FUCKING NOD

but you're the retard. that's been disproven a million times, there's no such link between those two phrases.

if you liked video games you'd be in a thread for the games you liked, now pop a glock in your mouth and make a brain slushie

>What should they have done instead of Arrowknee?
Backwards dragons.

No I guess I was just ironically enjoying the hours I spent playing Doom.

Is that some kind of gay sex move? I don't go that way, guy.
And no, I wouldn't, it's boring to always praise things you like. Sometimes you bitch about things you don't like. It's STILL about video games whether you believe so or not

You're retarded, in the game it was just a reference to the fantasy book "the name of the wind" where the main character says he took an arrow to the knee to explain why he quit adventuring. The elder scrolls games have loads of references to other fantasy works and that was one

I agree it's not an annoying reference, but something something and I took an arrow to the knee

>well crafted

... might be bait but I'll bite.

The "Arrow in the Knee" meme started because guards in Skyrim have a chance to say "I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee". Every guard would say it, anywhere in the world, and the absurdity of such a specific ailment would affect so many different characters made it a meme.

Who cares?


Side-note: does typing those anywhere do anything in the new Doom? Don't have money for the game yet, getting fucked on utilities and other bills.

>What should they have done instead of Arrowknee?
How about a reference to something that is good about the game or really literally anything else?

Don't forget, you're here forever.

Fine, Im getting baited but whatever

>Id and Silverman are longtime friends
>even Silverman helps them with the Doom engine
>Douk comes right when ID present the Quake proyect to the world
>they just add the ID building in game and blow it to the ground
>Douk says in character "aint afraid of no quake" which is just a light jab

>Doom 4 easter egg

>Bethesda can't make a nod towards their own game? ONE FUCKING NOD

At least they could do it like the fishstick joke they used to make back in the day, something soft. Instead you have this bland empty meme who everybody got tired of it like the cake "joke"

> Something that is good about the game
Like what?
> Literally anything else
Again, like what? What reference would me more recognizable?


Try to be more creative in your shitposting. Nobody believes that someone can be as stupid as you're being.

Wow this image just brought back a flood of memories about my brother and I playing doom and my mom yelling at us to clean the landing.

We had this little corner at the bottom of the stairs, (my brothers and I lived upstairs, parents, living area and kitchen downstairs). We would throw all our toys and shit on the landing at the corner so we didn't have to stop what we were doing to carry them upstairs. The landing was like a minefield, lego, zbots, army men, transformers, gijoes, Lincoln logs you name it. Anything that would destroy a foot if you stepped on it. Anyway that place would get super messy with days of discarded playthings, and eventually my mom would lose her shit and make us clean it. Usually when she saw us playing on the computer, she hated that computer. So we'd be trading off on doom and she'd blow up and make us clean the landing and we'd yell, "but moooom".

Sorry for /blog/ but I don't really talk to my family, so I just talk at you guys.

On PC, yes. Press alt~

>you will never experiment with your older brother while Doom 64 music plays in the background again

I never found the skyrim dude, but the fallout doomguy figurine was poor taste.

The dungeon design was shit but walk into any building and you'll find exactly what should be there. Goblets, cheese, plates, stools, all that shit individually placed as objects that the players can put in their inventories.

If anything it was probably one of the many ebin campaigns for Skyrim, but it's besides the point.

sounds gay

just stop, this is embarassing. Go back to whatever LOL thread you came from

Who cares? Apparently just you. Whatever makes you feel special kid