No one actually believes the Hunting Horn is good, right? It's just a shittier version of the hammer and the only reason you need buffs in a hunt is if you're a scrub.
No one actually believes the Hunting Horn is good, right...
Some people like to play support
If you want to do a proper support then get a Light Bowgun and pump status effects onto a monster.
Hunting horn is goat.
Fast hammering and tooting is all you need.
this too
I like some of the sounds it makes and hitting monsters mid-song. The KO is usually the bonus.
>that glorious Taiko HH in 4U
Attack Up boosts do wonders for the whole group. And free HGE or Negate Stamina depending on the monster and party? That's also nice.
Corner horn users are the fucking worst though
You are not a support weapon
Why would bring musical instrument to battlefield? It's dumber than sharpening a hammer.
No, we can't. HH is awesome.
>Not wanting to play the song of your people all over a monster's face
Basically this, sums up why hunting horn is great (it also has decent enough solo damage, but the group-wide damage amplification is the key thing since it's actually a flat percentage)
If we're talking about having shitweapons as absolute favorites then I gotta mention gunlance, my absolute fucking favorite despite being mediocre at best every game
>FU song recital
Nigga do you know how powerful its attack up large is? Its 20 god damn percent
That means just by having it on they are speeding up the hunt by a fuckton
>playing anything but Switchaxe
You idiots crack me up sometimes.
>monster takes 40 minutes of "HIT IT UNTIL IT DIES" to kill
>with buff it takes 39 minutes instead
wow such a good buff
>Getting to hunt with someone who was a master of recital mode
>Playing songs an inch in front of the monster not giving a single fuck
>And then getting a KO by swapping notes
I like SA, but man in 3U and X/Gen it's boring
Nice hyperbole you shitter
I enjoy the HH moveset.
I also don't like using the hammer at all.
I haven't actually used anything but gunlance throughout mhx
I just like shooting things
>implying attack+2 and high grade earplug on one hammer isn't the most broken thing in the game
also if you have a decent DS player, you can give him sharpness and he can stay in demon mode
Infinite stamina is the best gift of all
Really anyone shitting on horns hasnt played the game
>You will never go back to the glory days of 3U hunting horn
>Capcom will continue to nerf damage and reduce momentum to push their support shit
>Double note was meant to save it and yet Capcom takes away its function as a weapon
I want to go back
100% of a Hammer's damage
>Hunting Horn
90% of a Hammer's damage + never bounce + entire team has buffed attack and infinite stamina
How accurate is this
who /bow/ here?
How am I even supposed to read this?
mi amigo
new MH on consoles when
I enjoy it but the 3ds screen is ass
>play faggot hammer who knocks allies away
>HH with negate stamina use buff
Wow such a hard choice.
Don't worry you shitter, i know HH sounds like a complicated weapon to use. Luckily, IG exists for cockmongling faggots like you.
Swap IG and CB
There's nothing lawful about je suis monte and the absurd amount of kinscect spam hoping to get the right colored buff
At least good CB players carry their weight
I play DS and like I should I focus on DPS from second one, having someone giving me infinite stamina, HGE, attack up, sharpness buffs and occasional healing is beyond useful, with a good HH player I basically never have to stop attacking for any reason
mis amigos
underappreciated as always
>Friend tells me to watch someone streaming 3U
>Guy says he's soooooo good at MH
>Uses the Kelbi bow
>Proceeds to triple cart
>And again
>And again
At some point you'd think they would realize something's wrong and they should change.
But they don't.
the thing about autoguard for gunlance is outdated as of years ago
Bow is like one of the best weapons in MHX/Gen
why does Swaxw want infinite stamina?
Hunting Horn's my favorite, the speed, reach, power, angles of attack, and buffs are fucking amazing. You can smash things more often than hammer can afford to, even from the strangest angles possible.
muh infinite combo
Stamina combo, son
Upswing to Hack 'n Slash
Also you have to keep up with the monster via Evade Extender
oh right. I don't play it often, but when I do, I'm one of those faggots that stays almost exclusively in sword mode, so I kinda forgot about hack n slash combo.
Guess what? In MHX/Gen you can use Hunter Arts to practically benefit from staying in sword mode and stay in it constantly
Unfortunately that means axe mode is much more useless
I mostly played 4 with a friend who had less experience with the games. He went IG and I ended up loving CB and we worked well off eachother.
I definitely did feel as though I was putting in more effort to get my paychecks worth, but I'll admit it was cute watching him flail, buff and mount randomly and have fun while I went with a more technical approach. Eventually I had to help him knock off the mount spam since it does more harm than good after awhile, but we ended up being able to time eachothers moves for optimal damage output with mounting and attacking and it felt great.
He was the only IG player I played with, but he always felt more Chaotic Good than anything. Wouldn't be surprised if he was a rare player though.
>He was the only IG player I played with
I don't believe you.
what if I'm fleethammer support glaive?
>tfw 4-man Super Ukan runs as a HH main
It's so much fun to be aggressive with the horn. Keeping up songs perfectly while constantly attacking gets you so much praise from fellow hunters, too. No other game can ever give me a feeling this good.
Too bad my circle pad has been broken for months.
Play online with randoms and you'll know why everybody else hates the majority of IG users.
>infinite stamina for a DB room in one night
I'm going to miss the shenanigans
How is this for a set for use with Maqam Sedition?
why earplugs
Looks solid. As long as you have Horn Maestro, you can pretty much pile on any utility or offensive skills you want and you'll be alright. HGE is crucial as usual, so it's good you have it there.
Well there's always this as well.
>HH is a shittier Hammer
>if you use buffs you're bad
>but if you use the stronger weapon you're good.
Hammerfags, everyone.
>Maqam Sedition
more ko damage.
the point is that you are DPSing WHILE buffing (or buffing while DPSing, glass half full or empty sort of thing)
you position yourself so that you can combo your attacks precisely as you need them for the buffs
scrubs stand on the sideline and buff. the pros are under the monster's dick giving their bros some sweet benefits in addition to damage
>Using meme hammer
>Being unable to cut tails
Fuck off
Is Glaive still stupidly strong in X? I enjoyed it starting out in 4U, 99% of the complaints I saw were about mount-obsessed frenchmen, I stopped for a few months after getting to G3 and came back to everybody saying it was practically the strongest weapon in the game and shitting on anyone and everyone who used it regardless of how french they were.
Here, use this one.
It got nerfed in X along with CB
Speed nectar is still best, aerial style is not as retarded as you think it would be
Striker SnS and Bushido/Adept Bow/DB are king with Aerial Swaxe being popular with Jap shitters
Steve ver
Bowman here, other than that bow, what others are worth investing in? Any suggested gear sets? I'm only wearing full kush X with some decors
Not now, we're having a nice discussion about the best weapon.
A friend and I made that set for shits and giggles. We used it to farm fast for a little while but got bored at how cheap it was.
will i get shit for using it? I love polearms and bugs
Lance is the only thing that's overpowered in MHX
You best not be French. I've been scarred permanently because of je suis monte. I can't speak for everyone, but I will silently curse anyone that's using a meme glaive. As long as they're not French and mount happy, I'll be fine playing with them.
HH users are okay in my book as long as they're not just sitting in the back casting magic spells that were just cast 15 seconds ago.
My friend used to play HH super passively until we kept aggroing shit to him so he would learn.
Fair enough, I'll just keep it to /trash/ then.
Probably not as much. Mounting isn't as retarded and no faggot can knock you off.
I'm not french, I am canadian though not from quebec. I've hated the french since before I even knew what monster hunter was.
>HG earplugs
>Honed Blade
>Razor Sharp
>Speed Sharpening
>tfw farming 65 billions velocidromes for that fucking OOO hammer paid off
>Hammer attacking SnS
Now I have not played Generations, but is it true that SnS has become the new KO king thanks to the coatings?
The ammount of times I've been asked "Speak French?" from would-be IG triple carters is insane.
It's like the French learned of the stereotype and required all who purchased the game to do the same out of national pride. Why were they always French? Why did they always suck ass? It's things like these that are the true mysteries of the world.
We'd get along ok then. But the fact that you're using the IG still puts me off.
I've been searching for this image for quite a while. Thanks for posting it user. Is it still just as bad as launch?
That's an old pic so it's not referencing generations if that's what you're wondering. As
for SnS replacing Hammer in terms of KO I haven't played generations yet so I can't say.
It's not just the coatings. It also has a hunter art that extremely potent in the KO department. You can trigger the first KO instantly just by having all the hits connect.
With the new get-up mechanics, will we ever see another quest as unfair as Land of Tremors?
There was a video up where some guy just kept smacking a Shogun Ceanataur's face over and over with the exhaust coating and then following it up with a Shoryuken to knock it out a second time, but it's removed for some reason.
Dude barely had to dodge. Monster exhaustion overrides being enraged.
I use Gunlance, SwitchAxe, and Bow as well, no problem.
What are the new get up mechanics?
>tfw only beat the Master's Test by the skin of my teeth
Before I started playing online, I thought it was just some stupid meme.
But lo and behold, every time I hosted a room, I'd get an endless stream of "hi/salut! francais?"
>Monster exhaustion overrides being enraged.
Monster stamina was a mistake.
Stupid shit you did in your first MH.
>I just have to find the weak point!
As a SnS main this news pleases me greatly.
>That tail flip at the end
It's also a lot rarer. As a competent hunter I've never seen exhaustion occur more than once per hunt.
>getting blunt skill in MHG makes weapons with base green even better
>viable akantor and ukanalos weapons
oh boy am i looking forward to winter releases
You're literally me. I like you user. Mainly a GL user though. Feels good to be an explosive wall.
> not using bombs and other items, only using my weapon
At the time I thought using those things would be crutches and for babies.
>killing same monster 100 times for a drop
>cut 1 minute from each time
>suddenly you've saved yourself an hour and a half
>implying Akantor-anything wasn't the most OP shit ever in MHF2
>implying Akantor CB wasn't godly