What do you think when a game starts with this
What do you think when a game starts with this
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I don't care because it doesn't affect the gameplay.
Kek I wouldn't give a fuck but is this from an actual game? Which one, if so?
Instant drop. Same deal with movie trailers that spout some variation of "based on the incredible true story"
I think they a bunch of hypocrites trying too hard to look political correct.
What happened to just giving important warnings like "This game contains explicit scenes of violence and gore"?
I think they are pandering to political agendas and being special snowflakes.
So into the trash it goes.
What shitty games does this?
Ass creed
SJW memes
They're kind of the same board tbqhwy.
Exactly this.
>I'm glad I pirated this.
I figure Im probably in for a another Ubi-shit.
>inspired by real events
okay cool so you added your own spin to it
>developed by a multicultural team
why do you think i care about the ethnicity of your team?
Makes me wonder at the quality of the game if they're leading off with unimportant information.
These people don't want to be called racist by retards who'll assume it's just whitey making fun of minorities. Nothing really wrong with it.
>advocating trigger warnings
die in a fire
literally why the fuck i would care about that shit info? I just wanna play a fuckin videogame, not twitt about it or make an article about how "politically correct" they trying to look like some shitty journalist.
I cringed so hard when i saw this. Never played this games again, they are shit anyway
I avoid folks who do this, but it's not just a game thing. Same deal with music and films.
I think
>why the fuck am I playing AssCreed again?
I think they're trying to preempt the charge or racism, so I brace myself for something somewhat offensive
If nothing like that happens, I assume they were bragging about their diversity, and they lose my respect
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
don't you fucking dare compare us to them
In today's increasingly PC environment I'd call it virtue signaling without a second thought, but this message showed up all the way back in the very first game. At that time, I thought it was a "we have Muslims/Arabs/Catholics/etc working on this game who all thought this was ok so please don't bomb our offices or try to sue us" thing to cover their asses.
Originally it made sense, because they were pretty much insinuating that Christians were bonkers.
Later it was stupid, because who cares about all this SJW shit, but it was a basic cover=all on the odd chance any trans person was legit offended.
It's kind of clever, desu. Because noone can get mad about their portrayal without them saying 'well we told ya so'.
>violence and gore warnings are "triggers" now
Not everyone was born a fuckin no empathy degenerate that wanked to gore since he was 15, now fuck off.
Pretty much these. The first game was a literal mixing pot of Muslim/Christian religious overtones, featuring literal assassination. It's kind of fair enough they would want to cover their own asses.
The 'gender identities' thing still makes no sense to me, but it's the same concept.
I think that I should keep mashing Start until I can get to the fucking video game.
then why are you okay with warning for blood and gore if it's nothing? cause you're a tumblr baby who wants trigger warnings.
It makes me wonder why
makes me think they're either covering their asses for some interesting offensive shit that's about to go down or they're a bunch mild, boring people
Gore and violence is not a "trigger" you fuckin retard milenial piece of shit, "trigger" is something SJW and special snowflakes came in for every word that triggers his feelings, violence and gore can disturb a person regarlesss of any past experience and thats a fuckin fact. Degenerates like you think it's ok because they were mentally fucked up freaks that were born without any propper guidance and think is ok for everyone to watch gore and violence even at younger ages.
You disgust me, fuckin repulsive degenerate i hope you kill yourself and not even god will care about you fuckin faggot ass.
I think I'm definitely going to wrap up Syndicate's story this time and not just run around and beat the shit out of any woman I can find.
Please. Enlighten us. How does it affect the gameplay?
This started in Assassin's Creed 1 as Ubisoft's attempt to cover their ass considering that religion was a big part of the setting. Then they added sex and gender for some reason.
If I somehow didn't already realize somehow, it points out that the game is absolute garbage.
I like it.
>Not loving these everytime you boot up any survival horror PSX era game
You don't belong here.
It would irritate me because of their political bullshit. I probably would have really enjoyed the game without them putting that in the beginning.
>"gender identities"
are you fucking kidding me?? great to know that Ted the pansexual mtf leprechaun worked on this title, I was scared he may have missed this entry.
>"I'm sure glad I stopped playing this series after the second one."
>i think the game gets very slow around the middle
>fuck you racist, sexist pig kill yourself
>s-s-sorry its a 10/10 game pls dont hurt me
Sorry /trash/
>turns out the "true story" was either entirely falsified or hugely exaggerated
Just by that screen, it made the game even more creepy
Also, ps lowpoly models looks odd and spoopy for some reason
You are talking about trigger warnings but wanting to call them something else.
They really did, those and the old capcom intro always meant for me i was up for some spoopy stuff.
>RE 2
Mah nigga!
Indifferent but I know that the game is shit since it's modern Assassin's Creed.
I pray they show the last stand of the RPD and SWAT against the horde of zombies like in the RE 3 intro movie.
Shit would be SO cash.
I have never seen a game start with that.
"Trigger warning" is a fuckin buzzword the SJW and PURPLE haired tumblrites started using for everything that they label as "this offends me." You actually comparing blood and gore to getting triggered because the game has not enough niggers or a landwhale female protagonist?
Stop #cuntfusing already.
>wow he played this game too!
I think "start-to-tranny is the new start-to-crate."
>Seeing someone reference a game that was and still is one of my favorite games of all time.
>Seeing trigger warnings about what what was the "hot topic" in America at the time; violence and gore.
These days it's all about being PC and using the proper nomenclature instead of worrying about violence.
Step off, nigger.
Are you mad because you began with 4?
idgaf about story most of the time.
lol triggered
Uninstall followed by refund request.
No thought provoking ideas and the same boring "safe" gameplay as most mainstream games
It made sense in the first couple asscreeds to keep the muslims and catholics from becoming angry but now its devolved to "look we're so special and tumblr just like you!"
when i played the first game i thought it was a sign that i was in for an experience that might push the envelope a little and cause some controversy.
"WTF with my resolution?"
Also I think it's screen is a good thing. SJW-warriors (pun intended) start this game, see screen and go away happy. And we have a somewhat decent story.
It's definitely better then bioware.
And if you annoyed by LGBT then go and say thanks to Obama. He's a proLGBT-fucker and USA's culture is a whole world's culture.
It's gonna be some racist sexist homophobic violent shit and they are trying to justify themselves?
Does this game have black, muslim or transgender characters?
Are they bad characters like "boo-hoo my hasubando" Cortez from ME3?
you know that deep sigh and awful feeling that you get when you see "Inspired by true events" in a movie trailer? It's like that, but I know I'll be more bored
REmake 2 better have that shit