Overwatch microtransactions

>Overwatch microtransactions
>"B-But they are cosmetics"
>Months later they release weapon loot boxes
>"B-But they are cheap you p-poorfag"
>Blizzard releases 40$ DLCs
>"B-But they care about us, thats why they made a DLC"
>Game goes F2P
>"So what? atleast others get to play the game"

Whatever, i wont stop you from eating shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Use the catalog

>game has lootcrates
You can fuck right off then. Lootcrates are a fucking faggy method of making money.

But there are no weapon loadouts, just characters

for now

the solution is not another thread

Just like TF2.


Not a slippery slope if it uses historical evidence. Is it slippery slope to say HIV becomes AIDS too?

> Guy walks into burger King
> "Get me a Watcher"
> "Sorry sir, but we don't serve the Watcher anymofe, but we do have the new Overwatcher, it's like the Watcher but spicier"
> "No, I want the vanilla Watcher!"
> "I really think you might like this new game"
> "I'm calling the police"

Are people even surprised that Blizzard is being jewish? Did they pay attention to WoW at all?

Blizzard does not follow the conventional methods of "full price = full content" or "f2p = microtransactions", they have their cake and eat it too.

what valve did is not historical precedence for something Blizzard has explicitly said they will not do.

alright this shit is often misused. the slippery slope is a fallacy in the way that it implies it will happen which isnt necessarily true. HOWEVER, if one sets the stones, the next step is easier to achieve. and you are talking about blizzard of all companies. dont pretend you arent going to get jewed. you are|
and you will most likely still buy it like the little bitch you are if you are still a blizzfanboy at this point

>Food Analogies



>trusting blizz

>Blizzard says they won't therefore they must be believed

Appeal to authority

They told us in February that they were going to sell loot boxes. Sorry you're retarded!

>>Months later they release weapon loot boxes
yea that's not going to happen m8. Everything else yea probably.

oh blizz said it huh?

boy, I sure loved that last d2 content patch that they promised to celebrate d3 release. Holy shit the new uber bosses so cool, thanks blizz you clearly delivered

pretty nice how they deleted and even banned people mentioning this back in the day in the b.net forums

Thats not appeal to authority.
Appeal to authority is when you say something is impossible because a person with a high social status says its impossible. Blizzard, the content creator, says they aren't doing this with their content

Blizzard said they are releasing free content updates, so yes, your post is slippery slope

That post is completely wrong. The game was never f2p, it was always buy to play for the same reasons CS:GO is. The ONLY promise they've made is that heroes and maps will always be free. If they break that promise then we can talk.

>Blizzard said
and here he goes again

pretty sure that refers to the fact that they were undecided on the pay model earlier. you can say that it was never f2p because it was never released but they did consider it at a point

You are claiming Blizzard is telling the truth for no other reason than they made the game. Appeal to authority, that position is exclusive to Blizzard.

Look m8, when talking about what some entity is or isn't going to do, and they have released a public, official statement multiple times saying "No, we're never going to do this." the conversation is pretty much over. You're just calling them a liar with no evidence.

>content creator makes a game they run
>they say they're going to do something
Thats not appeal to athority, thats common sense

If you run a store and people say they're going to give you money for an item, chances are they're going to give you money for the fucking item.

>they're going to add content microtransactions
>but they said they're putting in free content
The game is successful, Sup Forums lost again
Deal with it

suck blizzballs harder. hope you at least are getting paid for this hard shilling. Pretty much everybody but the fattest tauren/pandarian wow player knows blizz has been shit for years.

now go make another OW thread. cmon, you know you want to

>all this salt
Wew lad
TORtanic really did fuck this boards shit up


2nd time i hear this today, what's it refering to?

That depends on the reputation of the store and what they're selling. If a McDonald's promises me all their food is healthy I shouldn't believe them simply because the cook or the franchise owner said so.

soooo... unpaid? now that's just sad

The MMO The Old Republic (star wars) was a huge topic of discussion on Sup Forums the year(s) leading to its release, specifically how god awful it was going to be, and it turned out to be true. Now a lot of people on Sup Forums do the same shit for every game that gets some hype.

Except TF2 had a loadout menu at launch. It was obvious from the start it was coming

doesnt seem like a good comparison since we actually had a beta for overwatch and it was lacking.
seriously, very disappointed in this game, so much potential wasted

Literally TF2 2.0

>food analogy
Erry time


They've gone on record saying that maps and characters will be free. If there's paid DLC, it'll likely be new modes, like a proper single player, or coop story.

I actually remembered the name and thought it had something to do with star wars. so asked for clarification since its been a while and I believe I wasnt very active at the time

But thats McDonalds trying to cover up facts and logics with their own.
This is Blizzard setting up a promise and delivering on it

Its more like McDonalds taking my money and then promising me food

just stop
you are embarrassing yourself

So why is McDonald's capable of lying but Blizzard should always be trusted? They are in the exact same position.

>mcds says food is healthy, it isn't
>Bluzzard says features will be free, they arent

>Game has weapon lootcrates
I realize you're shitposting, but I have a feeling a lot of people will drop the game immediately overnight if Blizzard gets too jewish. Remember the mass exodus from Tribes Ascend's bullshit?

>>Overwatch microtransactions
lootcrates can be earned for free. no need to buy them
>"B-But they are cosmetics"
>>Months later they release weapon loot boxes
weapons are characters specific so this won't happen
>>"B-But they are cheap you p-poorfag"
>>Blizzard releases 40$ DLCs
speculation so unfounded
>>"B-But they care about us, thats why they made a DLC"
again speculation
>>Game goes F2P
maybe, but I didn't mind paying $40 to play it right now because I'm having fun
>>"So what? atleast others get to play the game"
true that

quality thread lad. Now get off your soap box because you're false flagging

You're shilling the game more than the shills are.

Amazing logic.

Weapons were character specific in tf2 also.

>Le foxy grapes
Xbox360 shill, turn 360 degrees and get out

>weapons are characters specific so this won't happen

tf2 managed to do it, i'm sure blizzard will manage to do it too.

>paid DLC
>like a proper single player, or coop story.


That's gold, Jerry! Gold!

at this point it should be obvious that you are arguing with a shill.

the only question is if its paid or not. we know by d3 "5 bucks" mails that they paid (poorly) some losers to shill the fuck out of their games. but we also know they have a legion of followers (mostly wow players) who have gone too deep and can no longer back out nor understand the flaws in the company and will shill them to death. (see any blizzcon)

>because valve did it, Blizzard will do it too

lad, just stop. maybe you can save up your lunch money or earn more good boy points so you can buy this $40 game

"If you're worried about this eventually bleeding over to maps and heroes, Blizzard has stated that all post-launch heroes and maps will be free of charge."

Try harder.

>Didn't fall for the Overwatch Meme
>Didn't fall for the Stellaris Meme
>Didn't fall for the Doom Meme
>Didn't fall for the Battlefront Meme
>Won't fall for the Cuckoldfield 1 Meme

All the video games that ever mattered have already been released.

Popularization of video games was a mistake.


>b-but you can't trust them, trust me instead ;_;

Wow is still not pay to win after 6 expansions.

grasping at straws and making shit thread because you didn't bought the game : thread

The problem is the second part. Blizzard says features will be free. They're not released yet. We don't know if they'll screw us or not, but since they promised they wouldn't, you'd have to be pretty fucking paranoid to think they will.

Yeah remember when Alimir said there will be no microtransactions in payday 2?

Face it, lies are very easy to achieve.

>implying slippery slope is a fallacy when dealing with blizzard

Level 100 character boosts dude lmao

>Overwatch Microtransactions are one step away from sixty dollar DLC, real money auction houses, and Hitler!

Denial: the post
Buyers justification : the thread

Are you going to keep spamming this instead of playing Overwatch or are you going to keep doing buyer's justification?

>mcds makes unhealthy food, promises salads will be healthy, they aren't
>blizzard Jews players, genre is prone to micro transactions, promises none

Blizzard Jews just as hard as valve does, why wouldn't they? Watch how people act, not what they tell you.


Yes but it's loaded with microtransactions despite being subscription-based.

Blizzard absolutely will put in microtransactions if they can get away with it, they don't care if there's already an admission price. If people buy it, they'll sell it. They don't need f2p as an excuse.

I didn't buy it, and I've never played it.

>You had chance to get 3200$ hat and buy every game in steam with it.
Oh holy shit 16.500$ now.

hmm? excuse my ignorance, but what are those numbers referring to?

Ah, the slippery slope. As you well know as soon as we allowed fags to marry, people started marrying barnyard animals soon after.

My point is, there is absolutely no evidence to believe blizzard is lying. It's complete conjecture based on the premise that all corporations lie about everything.

>muh conjecture
At worst we will probably see dlc map packs and characters that can only be bought with the currency.

>Overwatch transactions
"Yeah, we know"
>Months later they release weapon loot boxes
"You mean weapon skins? Seems like a no brainer."
>Blizzard releases 40 dollar DLCs
"Nah, all future gameplay content (such as heroes and maps) will be free, with development paid for by loot box/weapon box purchases"
>Game goes F2P
"Inevitable, but if I can get a solid three years or so out of my purchase before that happens, then it should be fine."

Ain't even a Blizzdrone, fucking hate every game they've ever made besides Diablo II and this. Are people seriously this fucking butthurt about optional cosmetic shit that retards can spend money on? Who cares if you get skins or not? If you do, cool. If not, there's plenty of other shit to do with your time, such as playing the game and having fun.


OW is trying to be league of legends but as a shooter, you bet your ass they will monetize the fuck out of it. Tencent is behind both.

Blizzard delays content for multiple fucking patches. In that time, things are added and removed before excuses come.

No it's reasoning based on the facts that Blizzard has lied before, and that they are saying that their game will not include features that were included in tf2, the most popular game in the genre. As well as following a similar pattern where valve lied about not including those features.

sounds like you eat your food by injecting it through your veins

might wanna stop doing that because it gives brain damage


>Months later they release weapon loot boxes

>releases 40$ DLCs
>never done

>Game goes F2P
>Implying this is bad.

TF2 has never even ONCE added an item that functions as a separate weapon and HAS to be bought.