Can we please have an Ace Attorney thread that at least makes it past 150 posts?

Can we please have an Ace Attorney thread that at least makes it past 150 posts?

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Sure OP

What do you want to talk about?

I played through professor layton vs ace attorney recently

Holy crap darklaw is prime waifu material

>prime waifu
>burnt down the entire city and blamed her best friend for it
>to get revenge for her father's death, she tried to retraumatize Espella

Espella, is better

But those bonus episodes

>acts over-dramatic and takes her great witch role playing seriously

Hobo Nick was the best version of him in the series.

I wish they hadn't just almost completely stripped away what they made him in AJ.

Not with that attitude
Saved because you didn't earn my bump

How is espella better? She was literally a retard at the end and has mental issues with trying to kill herself and going into comas

Best song coming through

DD wouldn't sell unless Nick was advertised as playable

>mfw crawling through turnabout bigtop
The worst part is I know that I'm nowhere close to done with this shitty case. I just finished the day 1 trial.

You're free to have your opinion, but it's awful. Hobo Phoenix was shoehorned trash.


Lets talk about why it sucks. For me, the investigating is just nonsense and the characters are definitely not AA in design.

It just feels like such a slog. I have half a mind to just use a guide and take a case off.

> plays

The real question is what did 1-3 do right that makes it feel like not a complete waste that 2-3 did wrong? By all accounts any case with Oldbag should be bottom tier but it is certainly better than 2-3

I've been meaning to play these games for so long. Played through the first two chapters on emulator but just have not got around to playing them further.

Best OSTs?

JFA has best objection, T&T has best allegro, AAI2 has best pursuit

>tfw lost my DD save file AND my AAI save file
How do i motivate myself to go through the two worst games again to get back to where I was?

>Best objection
kek, no.

JFA has the best overall OST but T&T has so many good tracks.

It's the only one besides AJ that isn't just a variation of the first one

Just started playing turnabout big top.
This is supposed to be the worst one in the whole series right?


My personal favorites

It isn't that bad to be honest, imo I feel like Recipe is the worst, it's even resolved the same way as Stolen, just more dramatic

a boot to the head

Is Layton vs Wright canon?

Why does PLvsAA, a crossover with a kid's game, have lewder characters than the main series?

I want more Apollo. That is all.

I need Ms. Faraday in the main series.

People can cry all they want about Apollo but there's absolutely no doubt he has the best Objection theme ever.

>Professor Layton
>For kids

>those puzzles
>for children

Anyone have any smug faces from this game for my folder?

If you want that to happen OP, tell me what we should talk about because to be honest I've talked about it to death by now.

Unless there's something about the new game we can talk about that hasn't been discussed yet.

I like her but I can't imagine how she'd ever fit into the main series.

It's less what 1-3 does right and more what 2-3 does wrong.
Big top contains every issue throughout the series rolled into one shitty case. Awful motive, bad characters, extremely reaching logic, no cool moments, little to no character development, slogging pacing with boring investigating, it's got it all.
Theres nothing unique or interesting about 2-3, it's filler of the worst.

1-3 is one of the weaker cases but it still has some good moments like gumshoe saving Phoenix from getting ganked, and the reveal that the victim got himself killed.

>Capcom is still pushing forced rushed sequels without Shu Takumi
>People are still buying into it
>Meanwhile noone is interested in the true 19th century Ace Attorney with lolis.

I was just watching videos of Phoenix Wright in UMvC3 when I realized. They put him in a fighting game

How cool is that? They took a character thats a lawyer from a visual novel/adventure game and put him into a fighting game

He should have been in Sm4sh

I might have been interested if I could fucking read it

No you cannot

>Not forcing Capcom to release it on the west
>Noone even gives a fuck about a western release

The reason there isn't a western release is that Capcom thinks it won't sell because there isn't much of a community for it and it's showing itself.

They could easily make her a prosecutor who's like Klavier, but better, essentially. Easily have her be Edgeworth's apprentice or something and use his techniques and what not.

I just wish we could get more serial cases like Big Top done better. Trivial non-main plot cases. Maybe that would take away some of the excitement due to stakes...I dunno. They are probably smart not to do so. Imagine AA as a game where you could buy new cases indep- oh

>The police believed that the victim wrote the killers name in blood

No, they didn't localize it because it didn't have Phoenix Wright on the cover

That could be pretty cool actually. Maybe play her up as classic Kay outside of the courtroom but completely serious Edgeworth-like inside of it.

We all know she'd end up in the Apollo harem if she entered the main series though. Apprentices to homolust, practically writes itself.

Was I watching it wrong or is his fucking combos finding evidence on the ground and throwing papers around?

Why didn't anyone who are actually guilty hire Nick to represent him?

Don't worry. You're almost to the GOAT case.

>Implying AAI is bad
Fuck dude AAI is great, and AAI2 is fucking incredible. Definitely worth emulating.
Post your favorite Ace Attorney vids

and sneezing

Too bad he's bottom-tier.

Pretty much. His moves are a bit silly, like scratching his head in frustration, walking as he reads a file, slapping a folder in his opponent's face etc.

>want to play AAI series
>DS died months ago
>emulators can run the game game fine except the music is slow as fuck
>3DS can't run it without a flashcart



because Nick will know they're guilty and won't take their case

AAI 1 runs fine. Fuck with your settings, Im playing it as we speak.

I just hope Apollo gets the respect that he deserves, the advertising for AA6 makes a key point that Apollo will play a major role in the main plot, so I'm looking forward to it

I think the guess right now is the final case has you playing Apollo this time around, so we should get due justice.

Anyone else plays the multiplayer one, AO?

Oh my god I should have stopped reading. Fuck.
I gotta finish that game.

I thought Apollo was shit.

Why did they return to Phoenix after AA4 again? Was Apollo really unpopular? Was Phoenix too popular? Did the game do poorly in general and they needed to grasp at some excuse for why?

Fujoshits demanded Phoenix X Edgeworth

This is what I want for AA6.

I've been avoiding AA6 news. Does 6 look good and will it have a retail release in the west?

2-4 nigger. Besides, Nick takes normal cases likely with some guilty clients to get by, we just don't see them because by the numbers cases aren't fun to play through.

Same reason Capcom demanded Takumi rewrite 4 to star Phoenix when he wanted to do a brand new story. Phoenix is crazy popular.

It looks better than AA5, we're getting a September release which is pretty good in the current state of things.

The new characters we've seen look interesting, their statements on gameplay look good with a lot of AA5's questionable changes being backpedaled on, it looks like we'll have a more coherent overarching plot than the last two titles, also Maya's back.

>emulators can run the game game fine except the music is slow as fuck
Music in AAI2 is naturally slow as fuck. It's grating.

Maya a cute