Can we get a collection thread going?

Can we get a collection thread going?

R8,H8, and masterb8.


Other urls found in this thread: Kazuma Kiryu.html

But it's a bunch of shitty games and bad versions of pc games

>Actually caring about how people play games.


Would respect your opinion if you could spell correctly faggot.

Kek the more I look at collectiion I realize that you are legitamely retarded.

Get ready for sideways images.






And amiibos.

Why do you have two copies of vice city?

Nice collection user.

Why not?

Used to have about 3x this many games, but sold a lot of it off and have become a lot more picky with my purchases.

You're missing Sneak King.
Collections not complete till you have it...

the rest of it

Don't have much. Add Catherine for PS3 I got recently.

Yeah I suppose why not.

Thinking about getting a nice shelf to put it all, but honestly I don't want natural light touching a lot of the older carts, so I'll probably keep them in drawers like I do now.

Glad I'm not the only one who had to pull their games out to do this.

They made it for original xbox?

NBA Street Vol. 2 is still the best basketball game of all time.

I've got one of these case's for my n64 games

Where'd you find this user, this would be perfect for my n64 collection.

A yard sale when I was young.

This is all I really have left, I had a bad flood and lost a lot of stuff. After that, I just kind of gave up on collecting and sell a lot of my games.

>Uncharted 4 I'm selling, it's listed on eBay right now.

In Washington?

Everything is all mixed together

Wouldn't be selling Crash Bash, have the first game, and by chance selling godfather would you?

>a bad flood

This is your fault for being a basement dweller.

New York

My camera sucks.

I discard the boxes, they take up a lot of space. Keep the discs in binders and store the cover art / manual somewhere out of sight. Who does the same?

>not plasticbook H2

Nah sorry, two childhood/teenager year games I'm keeping.

>those games in the disgusting looking cases

Alright. 1/4


Aww maen I just need a couple of ps1 games and I'm done collecting for it until something else pops up.

>has AC:04 and 05 but not Zero


>I discard the boxes

>Style Savvy: Trendsetters

It has cute girls for sure but hhmmm



I just bought a replacement for my copy that stopped working and I don't give a shit.


Yeah, some of these were bought from pawn shops. Not much control over what case they come in. But the one in the red case is new super smash bros for the wii. Look at the case for rogue leader though. Fucking GameStop, amirite?

>"I purposely fuck over the value of my games and don't even try to sell the boxes for money"


I might start doing the same. I had my vidya stolen last year. I haven't gotten any new physical games since then. I'm just going to buy a few games that have replay value as disc-only.

I made that mistake with my PS2 games. I can tell you, no matter what the price is listed as for each individual game, mine are worth 1/16th of that.



If you have people breaking into your house in real life. A bank account, and savings for a new fucking city should be your main goal.

>Fucking GameStop

Don't worry I've experienced horror from them as well

>Getting greatest hits disc when the case is a normal one

Fuck sake do your shitty job right.

it's not his fault its mother natures fault. that bitch.

Style Savvy is addictive as fuck. Seriously.

kinda strange how you have stacked them though.
the ones at the bottom are gonna be crushed.

>a new fucking city
Are you fucking retarded? Niggers are not exclusive to one city.

They don't fit the other way. They don't have much weight to them, I am not worried about them being crushed.



thanks user

>all that Tales of worship

How? The series hasn't been good since arguably Tales of Destiny II, peaking at Tales of Destiny

You guys have a real talent for making your shelves not look like shit. Teach me your ways.

Ger vidya, put it on the shelf

I've got to get shelves period, right now I just put them in drawers.

A question: Why do I always see so many boxless 3ds/ds games for sale? Who the fuck trashes the boxes for those?

I thoroughly enjoy the series even though I'm well aware it's been nothing, but a downhill dive since Vesperia. However, the collection looks nice with my Legendia collection so I can't complain too much.

Here's the stuff I've got out in my living room

Ikr man I unfortunately buy from gamestop and they have these black cases that are pure shit.

What are the PS1 games?

FFIX and Tales of Destiny

Tales of Destiny is such a good game. Mind telling me how much you bought yours for?

I got really lucky and scored one for 40 once. Just gotta stay checking ebay

Nice man. I found ToD and ToD II for about $100 altogether. Considering the price both of them are at now I like to believe I lucked out.

Fear Factor?

Ah God it's so out of date

I've still got all my games in a box from when I moved but hopefully I'll get a display sorted out soon

I picked it up at a thrift store a few months back. Im planning to watch it one of these days to relive some of the old commercials

Nice bait, user.

My stepmom does this with DVDs

It's probably the closest I've ever been to being genuinely triggered.

I imagine it would be easier to steal your games if they're all conveniently compiled into a small series of binders rather than bookshelves full of cases.


oh yeah, that was a good one.


Best movie tie-in/movie liscensed game ever imo.

The civilian interactions are funny as fuck.

>Yakuza 1 - 4

My nigga

but wait, there's more! I've also got dead souls. Kazuma Kiryu figma should be here next month. I might be a bit of a Yakuza fan idk

neat, where did you get that figma by chance.

Also is ishin smooth on the ps4? Im playing the ps3 version cause I aint getting a ps4 till zero's released. Kazuma Kiryu.html
The Ps4 version runs at a silky smooth 60fps 1080p.