Will it be good?

Will it be good?

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The core combat, from what we've been able to play, is just okay, so probably not.

You tell me.

I think it will be alright. I'm not getting my hopes up.

>The core combat, from what we've been able to play, is just okay
Do you mean it's better than all other FF games, yet still "just OK" compared to good JRPGs, or is it "just OK" compared to FF games and absolute garbage overall?

dead on arrival

It's just okay and worse than some FFs.

But the combat in all mainline FFs has been at best "just okay".

Honestly though, I've always liked the FFs for the comfy vibe you get from them, and this looks to have cranked the comfy level up to maximum. That Alice in wonderland carbuncle stuff, chilling with your bros at campfires, running around wildernesses on chocobos.

looks like Japanese boyband + Kingdom hearts, minus 20fps

It'll at least look nice

The former, for the most part. But bad gameplay becomes more noticeable in action RPGs because you expect turn based games to be garbage. Not because they have to be, but because developers want them to be.

>complaining about the car

Did these retards not play VII or VIII?

>and this looks to have cranked the comfy level up to maximum
It hasn't though. It's a fucking open world third person action game, that's nothing like the simple top-down games with a focus on exploration of the past.

There aren't even humorous characters in the party, or females.

It's the opposite of comfy unless you think being surrounded by a weaboo gay club is comfy.

>action game
If only. If it were a full action game, at least in terms of how combat functions, then it might have actually had some weight.

>It'll at least look nice
About that.

It's god a shitty combat system but it's still an action game. It's kind of like Kingdom Hearts but worse.

I'm surprised XVfag hasn't shown up yet.

Looks like it will be the weeb version of Skyrim.

This combat system would be perfect for a power rangers game
>silly kung fu and impossible acrobatics
>weapons being pulled out of various metaphorical orifices
>the power of teamwork
>particle effects just everywhere

I hope so, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll be MGSV 2.0.

Other than that, other people complain about the combat being shit, but I think it's kind of, I dunno...comfy? In a good way. It's kind of like it hits similar notes as Devil May Cry, but also the kind of game where I sit down and enjoy a nice shandy as I play.


Bruh, I don't know how to break this to you, but almost all FFs have been open world. Do you not remember over world maps? Same shit except 1:1 scaling. Also, why are you implying there's not going to be treasure chests and shit to dig up every-fucking-where? FFs always have shitloads of treasures, even the shitty corridor ones.

I don't understand the point here

>but I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll be MGSV 2.0.
This sounds about right except the hype for this game is much much lower and there's no multiplayer.

Probably not. Square hasn't made a good game in a long time. It looks promising and impressive at first glance, but when you actually play it, it's hard to get excited about what's to come.

but silly kung fu nonsense has been in every game

There's already more character interaction and characterization in the demo than in the entirety of MGSV

It's the only game where I get to do sick aerial spear combos and dragoon jumps in real time instead of picking the attack from a menu, so I hope to God it's good because that's why I'm getting it.

Fucking sick of vidya pandering to sword faggots.

"Open world" and "JRPG" are two different genres. FF has never had a world inspired by Skyrim and other shitty games.

Overworlds are not open world. In many ways they are the antithesis.

>I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll be MGSV 2.0.
Atleast MGSV had fun gameplay and ran smoothly. XV won't even have that.

It's literally the most generic and uninspired looking open world I've ever seen my life and I don't understand why no one ever criticises it on casual forums like NeoGAF or Leddit.

>FF has never had a world inspired by Skyrim and other shitty games.

XII was literally inspired by MMOs, and MMOs have been open world before open world was a thing.

He actually believe that outdated graphics Witcher 3 stands a chance to FF15 graphics.

I know! They've mastered the art of it!

MGSV's disappointments were in the story and the fact that it was unfinished. What was actually there was mostly excellent, if unconventional for the series. The problem is what wasn't there.

Nobody had any expectations for FFXV's story, so it can't be like MGSV there, and I doubt it will feel unfinished.

First image is from Versus XIII, at a standstill, which was much smaller in scope and only 20% developed in 2011, second image is a screenshot of a youtube video mid-movement and mid-fight.

XV looks like shit, but fuck you for cherry picking, mongo.

XII wasn't an open world game though. It had loading screens everywhere and all of the areas were corridors.

I'd like to see your citation for that though, it sounds like pure bullshit.



I am SO glad they didn't stick to just swords for Noctis.

I'm hoping that they're saving the really interesting dungeons and areas for the game, and not showing them in trailers.

How many areas have we actually seen? Duscae, that desert, and one other mountainous region? We also haven't seen any big time bosses yet either, which might spice up otherwise boring areas.

Don't play the semantics game. Both FF7 and FFX13 are JRPGs, but one has a world to explore and the other has railroad to follow.

This honestly looks worse than GTAV and Xenoblade X.

Bro, loldrg fag as well. Please, please let there be high jumps and other crazy shit, square.

how? just curious.

FF7 has a world map that simulates world exploration, but it isn't open world.

Xenoblade X's world at 1080 looks so much better than this and so much more inspired, it's not even funny.

No idea what SE is doing for 10 years.

>MGSV's disappointments were in the story and the fact that it was unfinished.
No it was from the fact it was garbage in almost every single way..

And I think it will feel unfinished, it still looks and feels(in the demos) like a tech demonstration. And today SquareEnix said some very worrying things about their team.

What the hell are you talking about? FF7 has an overworld and while I haven't played 13 it seems linear. Neither are open world games inspired by Skyrim.

>high jumps and other crazy shit
Well the basic Jump is already confirmed, and there's a big dashing thrust too. Hopefully each weapon type will have at least 5 skills.

Agreed, but it's the open world aspect that bothers me.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll be a lot of places to run around in, plenty of flora and fauna to look at, food to eat, minigames to play, but story content will be sparse in comparison to older games and the gameplay will get repetitive after awhile.

>Atleast MGSV had fun gameplay
>What was actually there was mostly excellent, if unconventional for the series.

Nah, it had STELLAR mechanics, but hilariously bad execution. The mechanics lend well to a Peace Walker/Ground Zeroes style game, but what we got was a huge open world with not much to do and very little reason to care about exploring it or accomplishing missions. It's a game where you HAVE to manufacture your own fun (and even that got old,) and if playing normally isn't fulfilling, then the game isn't worth playing.

It should have been a usual linear-style MGS game like 1 or 3, or a mission based game with optional side missions put in well-thought out areas like Camp Omega. What we got just simply didn't hit any of the right notes outside of movement and shooting feeling good, which Ground Zeroes did + executing the gameplay in the right environment that took advantage of it.


Why Sup Forums?
Why do you like the shitty Game of Thrones design?

You could have had the coolest dad, a yakuza boss that doesn't give a fuck about a motherfucking gun pointing at his head.

But you chose the old cripple guy that is about to shit himself and needs a fucking cane and a leg brace to keep himself standing.

Why didn't you stop it Sup Forums?

>No it was from the fact it was garbage in almost every single way..
You are delusional. It had some very well designed areas, levels, and mechanics. Everything flowed very well and the game controlled wonderfully. It was the most fun I had with a AAA game in years.

It was also disappointing, because it wasn't finished and the story sucked.

I'm not defending the blandness, but I think they're going for a "FF look", like it looks like the classic fields of previous entries, if that makes any sense.

I agree that Ground Zeroes was better and was the way to go, but MGSV was still a very good, unfinished game. Unfortunately it has no replay value. It's a one time thing.

i am so sad Sup Forums hold me


Will she save the game, bros?

I don't like this. It's easy to create beautiful giant pieces that you can see. But creating an amazing world that is actually traversable nearby and through is another thing and an actual real accomplishment.


Stop, this isn't a thread for your dead game, if you want to spam Xenoblade shit make a thread for it.

No, she'll likely be a minor recurring character with little characterization.

>actually traversable nearby and through is another thing and an actual real accomplishment.
Not sure how this doesn't apply to Xeno.

>whines about FF having too many teen characters
>says he loved FFVIII, the first game in the series to feature an all teen cast

This is Sonic fandom levels of autism right there. He's literally just shitting on the game because it's not what he grew up with. Then again all the faggots whining about "modern fantasy" are just as bad.

I need super high jumps. I want to see Noct fly up into the sky and rocket down into an enemy like a human missile.

>there is a huge optional boss inside that thing
>you must explore and find the entrance all yourself like with everything else optional
>not a shitty symbol on the map

I won't argue with you since you're delusional.

They're clearly just being lazy like most open world developers. All of the previous games were packed full of landmarks, even the classic fields you see in the overworld. FFXV's is really really generic given the massive budget they have.

u niggas all gay, wait until the game is out to judge


>people care about this
>adult people

when has the series had anything other than "just okay" combat? it literally never has. FFT is the best in that department, and it's not a proper mainline entry.

I hope the cities are like Gran Soren in Dragon's Dogma, with lots of hidden items you can jump around and find.

Never, see here

Looks like the Hollywood Overwatch map but ugly and without the colors.

This would actually be great.

But it won't happen.


here have his twitter if you want to summon him.

not really fair since it's going for a more "grounded" aesthetic.

And that's the pre-downgrade version of FFXV.

Cities won't be as generic as the overworld so they will be 100% linear.

He's supposed to be 60, not 40.

what am I supposed to be seeing?

Guess that's the problem.

I want fantasy from a FInal Fantasy. Not an uglier GTA V without the possibilities.

*unzips dick*

I'll buy that's its grounded when the main characters stop wearing black leather that clashes with everything around them.

I 100%'d the game, and you are wrong on all counts except gameplay. The controls were phenomenal, really literally a feat deserving of some kind of award, like damn. Shame the rest of it was fucking awful. Nothing flowed, it was all divided up into mission chapters, and even within those nothing flowed. "Here, have a slow stealth mission where you talk to an old indian about some semi-mystical shit, cool right? LOL TOO BAD NEXT MISSION IMMEDIATELY AFTER, FIGHT A BUNCH OF SUPERZOMBIES IN AN AIRFIELD!"

He's currently at school due to being an underage australian.

What a fucking sperglord.

Tabata was a fucking mistake. The guy eats his own shit so much.

>"Here, have a slow stealth mission where you talk to an old indian about some semi-mystical shit, cool right? LOL TOO BAD NEXT MISSION IMMEDIATELY AFTER, FIGHT A BUNCH OF SUPERZOMBIES IN AN AIRFIELD!"
What's wrong with that? After escorting EVA you fought The Boss.

>whining about fasion

/fa/ please go.

That's a big dick.

>Going on 16 years of bad to terrible Final Fantasies
>SE has never been particularly good

I don't know, you tell me.

At least he's realistic with the fact that FF is a tarnished brand, and that this is the last chance for anyone to take them seriously again. Go look up some of his interviews and he seems pretty honest when he talks about how people actually feel about the series at this point, he recognizes that the series has been shit for years, and I do think he wants to change it, but I also think he's in over his head.

No, what you want is cartoony world of warcraft shit.

The art direction for XV is fucked. Fujoshis have SE by the balls.

Okay I lold at this.

>people on a weeaboo image board interested in a weeaboo video game
>mongo morongo is amazed by this

It's a zombie franchise, which means it will continue to sell very well even if the series is still shit 20 years from now. I doubt Square Enix is very worried.

All it takes is marketing to make anything sell.

It's not grounded in any fucking way though.

Witcher 3 is grounded, FFXV is nearly Skyrim tier of lazy and uninspired.

>we'll never have a game with the scale of FFXV, the mech idea from xenoblade X, the actually fun combat from Mechwarrior 3, and a story NOT revolving around emoting teenagers or crying or pretty guys right out of N'Sync

>and that this is the last chance for anyone to take them seriously again
It's not. ARR did fine. Bravely Default did fine. Tabata should stop hype his fujoshi bait as the make or break of the Japanese games industry. If it fails, it's because the game is shit and Tabata is an insecure director too obsesses with external criticism. Guy is running development like a fucking MMO.

>brotherhood is gay

>the scale of FFXV
Why do people keep saying this?

I feel your feels though.
>tfw cool mech games never