Sup Forums in 2004

Sup Forums in 2004.

Other urls found in this thread:

4 more years till the 20's boys.

>that banner

Vtech kicked in in 2007.

Such innocent times. We had no idea what would come.

Why is it always that ds screencap? Is there nothing else?

Precious little has been saved from the early years.

>all those trip/namefags

old Sup Forums was fucking shit

Wow, I was only a little girl back then.

We were all little girls back then

I'm sure you'll like old Sup Forums then.

Fuck you moot
Fuck you
Faggot bitch, youre supposed to pull through and not joining google.
Stop deluding yourself and listening to bad advices from your false friends.
Is it really worth it? Do you feel happy now?
You know whats right and wrong, cmon.

But that doesn't look anything like Cho.
Speaking of which, does he still hold the high score? I stopped keeping up with mass shootings.

>W.T. Snacks

Oh god no. Noooooo.

Ever wonder if any of those in the screenshot have passed away? Maybe some sort of accident? Maybe a disease?

I envy them

It's oddly reminiscent of modern Sup Forums.

2004... so I'd say there is a 25% chance that at least one of them is dead.

be happy for him

we're all gonna make it

What makes you say that?

>list of boards

Make it to what?

So many bad things have happened and are going to happen.

Nothing will be good again.

None of us are gonna make it. This whole world is falling apart, and there's nothing we can do about it. I can't stand living in this cold uncaring universe anymore.


I'd rather be anthony burch than moot. Burch is less cucky

>on the one hand loads of tripfags
>on the other hand not much shitposting and irony laden 'meme culture'
>actual discussion


Well, 12 years is a long time it'd probably be more fair to say 50%. Multiple fatalities is probable maybe say 15%.

>we used to have a /loli/ board

Anonymity is a blessing and a curse.

It was a simpler time

The internet was a better place


Holy shit

That's a given.... wonder how long until the thread is deleted but that just might depend who's on call right now.

Be glad you got to experience the wild west of the internet.


in a decade you will think the same about now

Some things never change.

Probably no one here remembers Frank Stallone

>experiencing 2 decades of Sup Forums
I don't think so. Nor do I want to

Ever wonder why the internet turned to shit?
I remember when i'm playing ragnarok online and everybody were very very helpful.
On forums, people respect each other or at least arguing with senses.

Nowadays, it's just the trolling and shitposting attitudes.
Can we have a reset button for internet?


>get freinds, thats if you have any
wow what a fucking asshole

>no greentext
>no reaction images
>no dank memes
>no arguing over having names
>no accusations of marketing
>no flamewar
>no crying about sjws or Sup Forums

What a shit time in our history.

you're here forever family just accept it

You type as if you're Asian.

>Ever wonder why the internet turned to shit?

I'm pretty sure it was social media that fucked it up

Not to sound like a NORMIES REEEEEE tard but facebook and twitter brought a lot of people who weren't 'computer geeks' online

many were inspired by the attitudes they observed from Sup Forums from a distance, never knowing it wasn't genuine for the most part

Do it for Sup Forums
People change and so do we.
Remember, it was conservatives who wanted to ban vidya not liberals.

support funding for mental health and institutionalization, and this shit cleans up super-quick.

>Closer to 2030 than we are to 2000

If you think about it, Sup Forums is analogous to a human life.

I have this, not from Sup Forums though.

I am

Normie ruining everything, it's not the first time though

I agree, mostly are just copy pasta or very similar quotes that get posted repeatedly that it's not even funny anymore.

that doesn't excuse any side.
Banning vidya and censoring vidya is both as bad.

Check your mentally healthy privileges, bigots


do you guys think you'll still be posting here in 12 years? i wonder if Sup Forums will have some sort of vr world full of furries, shemales, and nazis

Do you think Sup Forums will be remembered in decades to come as the very core of the internet? The eternal engine that never stops? Will we all be forgotten?

Every day brings us closer to death.

Liberals used to argue for vidya, now it is the reverse.
Liberals wanting censorship and having extremist retarded views, and the conservative against it.


>that post time

Disgusting Asukafag abusing his powers

What an idiotic statement. That's like saying

>damn man, we're totally closer to the year 4000 than the year 0.

>5 anonymous posters in the entire image
it's better now

I've never used a trip before, maybe we can start rehabilitating them and avoid being total fags in the process

one for the padded cells it is then

nobody's out to get vidya except for profiteers who put the money ahead of game quality.

>we're closer to the year 4000 than the year 0.
holy shit

>asukafag mods
looks pretty shit to me senpai

Well, if the site continues like this it'll become an even greater normalfag site. I'm kinda surprised the site hasn't been buried completely yet.

Sup Forums seems to be more adolescent in its humor in the past, now its a lot more edgy.
He's talking about how 2000 seems so long ago, yet is farther apart to CURRENT YEAR than something that seemed so far away.
It's a reminder of how time goes so fast and how fast we age.

What about a Furrynazi shemale with a humongous neon colored horsecock?

>nobody's out to get vidya except for profiteers who put the money ahead of game quality.

Now this nigga gets it

aaand filtered

>Sup Forums is brand new
>everyone is still super used to screennames from using forums and irc


social media ruined everything, every website is connected now

We need a Genghis Khan figure to unite not only the boards, but the anonymous imageboards as well to one.

I won't be making it to that point, I'll probably be killing myself in the next 5 years. I don't want to see the next decade, it will be even worse than this one.

I wasn't born yet.

Remember the Sup Forums BBS text boards? Those used to have a shitload of old ass threads. Sometimes I'd browse /games/ just to see what people thought back in the day with no knowledge of what happened today.

>Cleopatra lived closer to the building of the first Pizza Hut than the building of the pyramids

The only way to do that would be to buy and then liquidate all boards except for one. Do you have an extra few million bucks to blow to assemble a horde of memespouting tards?

I'm very curious to see what Sup Forums's like in 15-20 years, if it's still around by then.

>Succesful shilling

well, past Sup Forums was so fucking bad. I'm glad it changed for the better

>tfw you've been here a decade

you really are here forever

i kind of miss them, barely anyone used it but for those who did it was a real loss

it wasnt even long ago but it feels like forever

Hasn't the term fuckboy existed for a while but exclusively in prisons? Then managed to wriggle its way into black Twitter and it grew from there? I think it went like that.

We just need a guy who speaks German, Japan and some other languages with reality warping tier charisma.

Damn, so innocent and care free. Now everyone is cynical as fuck.

god, i fucking hope so. I also hope that chance was actually 87.3% instead

Oh god please no, the younger kids whenever I see them their eyes are fucking empty. They will become a cancer like no other, please no. I don't want to see what the next round brings.

>I never got to see Sup Forums in its prime
If only I'd known about this place.
Then again, I was only 7 in 2004.

Yea. Fuckboy has shown up in rap music for a long time now. Just took a while for it to filter down to tumblr and suburban girls.


Vtech was a joke before Cho. That's what made the shooting morbidly hilarious.

it wont be, eventually we'll all have to exodus to some other image board that will fracture and that will be the end of the chans

It's weird. In 2006 I never thought this would be a site I would visit daily and spend hours on. Then once I realized I did I never thought I would still do it in 5 years. At one point I was sure that the site would shut down in the near future. Now I'm afraid I'll still be posting here in another 10. I just fucking wish this place would shut down.

10 years for me next year

fuckboy has been a term in the black community for a long time

how are they discussing video games with barely any shitposting?

I've only been here for 8 years and I still feel like a newfag. I only missed the first few beginning years here but it feels like everything was drastically different back then and I missed out on all of it.

>not shitposting on Sup Forums since day 1 for both you and it

Getting close to nine years myself.

Goddamn do I fucking HATE with all of my fury what the website has turned into, has become, and how I HATE how I really am stuck here in this shithole.

Thanks, I thought it was something like that.

I probably didn't really know what the internet was in '03. I was a dense little shit. Hell, I still am.