Has anybody else been playing Fallout 4 again with the survival patch...

Has anybody else been playing Fallout 4 again with the survival patch? The vanilla game was pretty disappointing in terms of casualisation and the update doesn't do anything to fix the lackluster story, or the horrendous dialog options, but I'm really enjoying the way it's changed the way you have to play the game.

>can't carry more than a few guns and limited equipment until you spec into STrong back
>everything dies quicker, including you, so gunfights are more do-or-die
>actually have to think before most fights because you can't just save any time
>no fast travel, actually gives a reason to use vertibirds

But holy fuck does using a vertibird make you realise just how embarassing the draw distance is. They give you a minigun on the side but you can't even hit anything on the ground because they despawn.

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>have to think before most fights
Yeah, I have to think before pulling out ass ravaging missile launcher or using ultra jet and combat shotgun.
Don't act like game is not piss easy even without fast travel.

Im mad at survival mode. It's everything I wanted but they had to go ahead and not let me save whenever I want to. It's way too easy to lose a lot of progress, it doesn't actually make the game more challenging it turns it into a chore.

Especially since there are still game breaking bugs.

The save only at beds, getting parched after everysingle stimpack, and radiation bugs me otherwise I've been slowly playing and enjoying it

Missiles alone are heavy as fuck, you can't cart around a shitload of ammo like you could in vanilla unless you give up some other inventory space or you've put points into the right perks/have power armor (fusion cores are also pretty heavy).

Why should i play Fallout 4, when the survival patch is hardcore Project Nevada with default options with the fast traveling disabled option.

I'd play a better game, instead.

This. I lost my progress twice due to bugs, but also my character was as tired as you can get because i was just flying between my settlements collecting materials. I think limited saving definitely adds to the game, especially with the adrenaline bonus, but I feel like they were aiming for players to rest in their own beds and then go out for the day and build adrenaline, then sleeping again when their character is actually tired. But instead, it just means whenever you're in any sort of danger zone you just constantly have your eyes peeled for a bed so you don't lose your progress.

It's because you're too fragile so it becomes way to punishing with no checkpoint system in place. If the game autosaved every 15 minutes or so it would be much much better. You still can't save scum and if you die you don't need to lose 1hr+ of progress.

At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself. Does casualizing things make them better or worse? Modders should fix the game by improving realism, even at the cost of gameplay because ultimately a more realistic, non-casual game is FAR more rewarding and important to the future of gaming.

yeah the game is pretty easy to break

this is on the original "survival" mode

drugs are abusable considering how easy it is to remove addiction

The dehydration system is way too harsh. You're pretty much always dehydrated if you're out fighting.

I'm playing the Far Harbor DLC currently.

It's a hundred time better than the base game.

>wow it's pretty dangerous ahead
>let me just sleep on this dirty mattress nearby to be safe

Nah, it's dumb. But not as dumb as molotovs being instakill weapons that raiders throw around like mardi gras beads.

it just makes me miss the metro games

I also recently started playing on survival mode with a bit of tweaks and mods. For anyone looking for some good visual mods, here is a list.

I haven't started Far Harbor yet. Is it better than the base game?

>Is it better than the base game?

And also, it's feels like a real DLC with content, not the cheap shit we got called Automatron.

Like all Bethesda games, unplayable without mods

I got like 20 running and now it's ok

I'm playing vanilla Far Harbor for the achievements.
It's fine.

There is a mod that lets you play with mods and still get achievements

~cant wear leather pads over outfits
>Can't have dog all the time
>Terrible ui
>Terrible texture compression
>Terrible water effects


the hell is that

A land dreugh

UI is the only real problem.
I couldn't give a shit about the rest.
Dog is shit
Ballistic weave make up for no armor pads.

Mirelurk version of deathclaws.

thanks man

>Missiles alone are heavy as fuck, you can't cart around a shitload of ammo like you could in vanilla unless you give up some other inventory space or you've put points into the right perks/have power armor (fusion cores are also pretty heavy).

I put everything into Strength (carrying everything), Endurance (shit ton of health) and Charisma (buying cheap shit). It works just fine since other stats are gimmicks.

Every time I installed Vivid Fallout or texture overhauls my load times would go through the roof. Did I fuck up somewhere or is this to be expected?

Far Harbor suffers from "Radiant Quest" syndrome. Too many radiant quests, not enough scripted story quests. Makes the whole thing feel super short if you rush through it. The new monsters are a neat, and you get to Megaton the Children of the Atom if you want.

>Far Harbor suffers from "Radiant Quest" syndrome.

Yeah texture mods increase load times. They are loaded after the vanilla textures. SSD helps alot.

I find the Children of Atom pretty cool in Far Harbor, shame we can't have their facial tattoos.

I blew up their base as soon as I got the chance. Do they ever explain how they're immune to radiation?

What? The strongest point so far is that I havent run into todd's infinite quests so far and I'm probably half way through. What radiants do you mean?

Praise Atom

Not all of them are immune.
Some are born mutated like that, some aren't.

They do take a lot of radaway/ RadX and it's not frowned upon.

Far harbor folks are assholes unlike Children of atom but still went for the peace ending.

Atomites poison peoples drinking water with radiation while the folks at far harbor warm up to you if you get to know them.

>start survival mode beta
>immediately crashes
>waste two hours fixing it
>get to the actual surviving part
>make it to the museum to save the minutemen
>walk in, head is blown off before I can react
>last saved: not applicable

It'd be great if this game wasn't using an in-house shovelware engine that's prone to crashing for no goddamn reason. If they actually had markers to assist you with finding beds, or as another user suggested- time based saving this entire experience would be more tolerable.

Fallout 4 is the most stable game they ever made though.
Still poorly optimized.

There's a mod where you can have dogmeat and a companion.

It's buggier than New Vegas.

I never saw any game 'breaking bugs' like crashing to desktop and losing saves, just lots of annoy glitches like characters spawn and conversations not loading.

Wow, for modern Fallout that ain't half bad.