What MMOs are you guys playing if any? I have an itch to play one pretty badly, it's just tough to find a good one.
What MMOs are you guys playing if any? I have an itch to play one pretty badly, it's just tough to find a good one
Getting my 4th character through the HW storyline because fuck doing relic.
How's the group content and pvp for that game? And the fashion? Is there some sort of wardrobe thing you can do and change the look of your armor? I've been on the fence over this game for a while, i'm about to start the free trial.
Game is dead... dropped from 800k to 600k.
Patches: quantity over quality
No good MMOs anymore. Sorry.
What are some games with cute girls?
all current MMOs are mindless theme parks
wait for legacy servers
BDO... Terra... PSO2... DQX...
How is Tree of Savior?
Did any of you guys play Darkfall? Think it came out in like '08. It was pretty rad, hardcore with unrestricted killing and corpse looting, Unreal physics engine, but it just never got enough of a player base to take off. The MMO's that get popular are boring pussy shit.
Nothing like Ragnarok Online people hoped it would be, sadly.
Group content is okay. There's lots of dungeons, raids... although only a few relevant at any time. Still, you'll have quite a few experiences in a fresh playthrough.
PvP kinda dead.
Fashion... Yeah you can change the look of your armor to an extent. I don't really like it because for having hundreds of different glamourable items, they're remarkably bland. Like I think the game is 40% black/white coats/jackets, 40% recolors of those same coats/jackets, and 20% everything else. You'll often find a lot of people wearing the same thing simply because there's a lack of variety and cohesion in using a variety of outfit pieces.
Still, this is just me saying it. Some might like the style.
Secret World is on Steam and I gotta say i'm enjoying it. You basically just cross-spec in and out of trees based on the two weapons you're carrying so you can play any class any time and the setting is pretty interesting
Darkfall was pretty much killed for the same reason Mortal Online was - utterly incompetent amateur devs. Yeah, I suppose its better now but it's also completely forgotten.
I occasionally log into ESO and dick around for a bit. Not often but it does enough to cure me of the itch.
Occupy myself with exploring/crafting and pvp, or the occasional PVE dungeon. Veteran rank system is retarded, glad they are finally dropping it in a couple weeks.
Its like a 6/10 game, but at least its free to play and somewhat non linear.
I thought it went offline years ago. It's still up?
I played this pretty heavily for like two or three months when it first came out, maxed my level, and then realized a little bit late that the game sucked.
I'm going to get shit on for this but Runescape is tried and true.
Before any faggots on this board criticize, lets see your MMO 5 years later let alone 15.
it's one of the few games that got really better after it went b2p and devs actually started developing content for it
Been playing eve the last couple weeks and its pretty good if you can get into it.
I think the pvp is good actually, MMO pvp is usually worse. (at least since warhammer died)
Other than that, its nothing too special. The crafting system is a nice gimmick for awhile, and the environments are decent.
I play TOR, its not as bad as everyone thinks it is.
The PVP fighting was pretty fun for a while but arena PVP (even in a huge "arena" like Cyrodiil was) gets stale. I wish it had open world PVP. The siege stuff was pretty nifty though, I admit.
there was a thread yesterday with the same fucking post as OP, use the archive
This senpai. I've been playing old school runescape like a damn madman lately and it reminded why this game has been around for so long. It's just fucking amazing. Tbh one of the best MMORPGs of all time.
Yeah, I have to satisfy the urge every once in awhile. WoW was my first and despite its decline, I find myself drawn to it once every few years. Always ends the same though. RIP Vanilla through WOTLK. But sometimes I do resub and check it out when there's a sale. Hmm, maybe I'll just...no, don't give in goddamnit. I hated WOD, what the fuck are am I thinking? At least wait for Legion to go on sale or for one of those free weeks Blizz loves to send out.
what would be a good MMO for a beginner?
ive got the secret world sitting in my library but its so big to install. i was thinking maybe something free, what about tree of savior?
TOR is pretty fun. i enjoyed my time with it and look forward to going back in the future.
also i made a really lewd friend there and they're in my only lewd screenshot from the game.
i can always recommend Runescape. it'll teach you a lot of the MMO basics and is a really fun old MMO on its own.
speaking of i've been playing RuneScape and its pretty fun still. a lot of grind has been made so much easier though ill still never be able to get a 99.
Go in the water they said
>190 days
that's all?
I play secret world, but it's only good if you want a story with vampires, werewolves, ancient organizations, and all that garbage. and can look past awful combat. That game is all about the journey. But it's fun nonetheless.
Tera is good but its sorta dead and dying.
BDO has zero customizability so everyone looks the same.
PSO2/DQX western releases never.
Guildwars 2
Why does Balmung have so many people ERPing on it?
STO. For when fantasy just isn't nerdy enough.
Played Tera up to 65 over the past week, buddy gave me his old account with a bunch of pricey costumes and 700,000 gold. Its pretty fun I guess.
Just bought FFXI, if you don't have friends who played it religiously then you're fucked. Plus it has a 5 hour download, almost impossible to navigate map, frustrating sign in...
Nostalgia for a week
Autism for the rest of your life
ive always found the concept of playing an MMO thats dead to be uncomfortable. not dead as in typical /vg/ shitposting dead, but dead as in it's not getting updates anymore (along with a low player base) like FFXI has. its just unsettling.
Tree of savior
None. Gave a shot at Tree of Savior, turned out to be turd for many reasons, a shame 'cause combat and class system is pretty fun as well as art aesthetic and music.
Waiting for new league to start in Path of Exile and planning on delving into Shroud of the Avatar (Ultima 2.0 made by Garriot himself) once I have more free time. I've played SOTA for 1 evening and am definitely looking forward to playing more, RL just gets in the way too much right now
Been playing Blade&Soul for months now, combat is way too fun, but as always NCSoft doesnt care about customers and just tries to milk as much before its going to die. Why theres always a fantastic games with hugeass potential but stupid devs gotta kill it? Fucking always man..
Tree of Savior.
Okay Sup Forums, any good non-themepark MMOs out there? I'd take either a sandbox or a sandpark but please no handholding and forced questing everywhere.
It's the unofficial roleplay server, and most roleplayers ERP. In fact I'd say a good chunk of people who call themselves 'roleplayers' do nothing BUT ERP, or at least only have an interest in roleplay if they can pretend to have a relationship with someone/ERP.
I think the only MMO that was ever a sandbox would be everquest next or maybe Mortal Online. Don't think there's many other sandboxes out there. Hell, even those are pretty limited to the system itself.
Eve and only eve.
Dungeon Fighter Online. The combat and gameplay are the best of any MMO game I've ever played, but the overall content is severely lacking and the grind is ludicrous. It's fun to play but it can take 3+ months to get a decent set of endgame gear, and that's if the RNG plays nice.
What ever happened to Guild Wars 2?