Why was he so based?

Why was he so based?

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He's the man with the plan. He has his fingers everywhere in Dark Souls 3.

Oh shit I totally did not notice this before.

But what was his plan do you think? Bring back the Old Chaos; become a Lord of Cinder himself?

>tfw no pontiff set

to wipe all lords from the face of this earth.

Guck off with this old news. Make way for Overwatch, the new Sup Forums hotness.

>Alternate reality where the Pontiff was a Lord of Cinder

I don't think that was his plan at all. First off, what difference does it make for him whether the lords are alive or not, and secondly what does he gain by killing them unless he wanted to become one?

whats he wearing? looks like lothrics robes

with this game's shitty "time is convoluted the lands drift closer" bullshit I wouldn't doubt the possibility

>But what was his plan do you think?
Crashing Lothric
With no survivors.

He's a big guy

He duel wields greatswords, has an assassin monster in yoga pants, has a bunch of crocodile pets, he's also a pope. He also fed a god to his pet slug

Political power seems to be what he started off wanting.

>Start as a shitty sorcerer, probably from the Grand Archives
>Discover the Profaned Flame and make a badass sword out of it
>Visit Lothric Castle and gets popular/powerful enough to get statues. They love the sword.
>Go to Irithyll and work your way up the Church of the Darkmoon using that power he got from Lothric
>Either takes advantage of Gwyndolin's illness or outright poisons him, and usurps him
>Locks up Yorshka, makes himself Pontiff, and makes a cool Darkmoon Blade to show it off
>Builds a relationship with the Cathedral of the Deep, giving them access to fire spells, and in return getting access to deep magic
>As proof of his power, he makes a distant member of the royal family into a Dancer, for shits and giggles, and when that got boring he made her into an outrider knight, because no one was going to say no to him.
>Lothric fucks off linking fire, and Aldritch rises from his coffin. Sulyvahn sees an opportunity for more power and he pours Aldritch all over Gwyndolin


>gee sully, two swords?

Speaking of deep, what do we know about the deep. At first I thought it was like darkness so dark that it becomes material, like a uber abyss or something but it seems to have some connection with water.

deep is flooding the world to help defend it from the abyss

like the new londo water park

All we know is that a bunch of weird biting insects live inside of it. I personally believe that the curse spider dogs come from there

My first thought of the insects is that it reminds me of how Irina describes the darkness nipping and biting her. As a firekeeper, the darkness for her would be the infinite humanity gnawing on her. I felt the insects may be connected to humanity in that way.

The spider dogs that drop Aldritch's Ruby and Sapphire? The fact that they drop rings makes me think they used be human.

Definitely looks like them.
>His swaddling, clothes were made of aged, coarse cloth used in ancient prayer
Sulyvahn probably found them in the Profane Capital, and regifted them when he didn't need them anymore

On a related note. His pontiff set looks reminiscent of the Scholar Set. They aren't the same, but they look really similar.

You may be onto something, human dregs are supposedly humanities.

Well like said, he probably has his origins in the archives

>no pontiff armor set

this makes me sad

>You can never purge the land of heretics and infidels
>You can never protect the bigger version of you
>You can never enlighten the poor souls about the Deep
>You can never abuse the Dancer
Feels bad, man

They look really similar. Also their description also seems to tie into how they seem really weak to water, linking back to New Londo
>Dregs are the heaviest things within the human body, and will sink to the lowest depths imaginable
They sink like stones. Metaphorically, and probably literally.

Were they friends?

>Sully and Aldritch?
They weren't a part of the same era. Aldritch lived and died before Sully came to power, unless you believe that Sully made Irithyll. But by the time the game started Aldritch is just goo that gets people thrown into him from time to time.
>Sully and Gwyndolin?
Maybe? Sully would have to have been a pretty powerful dude just to be in charge of taking care of the ill Gwyndolin, and you can't have that much power if the head of the church hates your guts. They must have been close at one point.

>>The spider dogs that drop Aldritch's Ruby and Sapphire? The fact that they drop rings makes me think they used be human.
they are the outrider knights final form apparently


I think he meant the creatures that deal dark damage that come down from the roofs.

Not Sulyvahn's Beasts, but the Deep Accursed.

Actually, the fact that there are two types of enemies that come from ring corruption can't be coincidence. Maybe Sully got the croco-dog idea from the spiders

Is demons souls still active online? I really wanna do another playthrough again. And finish the trophies off.

I wonder if he's connected to the Corvians and the painted world in any way.

>Grows wings when damaged
>Something clearly happened to the painted world between DaS1 and DaS3
>Sully seems to have it out for the old gods and everything connected to them

>people still believe Aldrich is the real deal when really he's just eating femdudes and giving no fucks

I love how horrific this enemy is in game. Probably some of my favorite soul enemy design.

Okay, so hear me out!
What if Sulyvahn...

No that's dumb
But for whatever reason, Aldrich's soul can make the Lifehunt Scythe, and he only has that ability from eating Gwyndolin. But the painting, and Painted World, are nowhere to be found.

Since the Painted World was a dumping ground for anything that threatened the Gods, maybe Gwyndolin decided to destroy it once and for all out of fear. I dunno where Sully comes into the mix, but I intend to get to the bottom of it!

What's dumb is that not only is the painting gone, but the entire fucking building. Everything in Anor Londo is exactly like it was in DS1 except this part.

I hope this is cleared up by DLC, I mean if Miyazaki wants this to be the final entry he better not leave me with any questions.

Everything about the corvians implies that the painted world is lost.
>this transparent attempt to intimidate foes reveals much about its owner's fears
>The storytellers, too, are wretched beings with no place to go
They can't go back to the painted world, but they remember it and its inhabitants
>shares tales of the Painted World to forlorn souls.
>The Mistress of the Painted World is said to wield a great scythe herself.
Interestingly, a single Corvian guards a large tombstone behind the Church of Yorshka. It appears to be praying to it. I wonder who the Corvians could possibly pray to. It would have to be someone who was once in Anor Londo. Maybe even important to Yorshka, considering it's the only gigantic gravestone in that cemetery

Also, and this is pretty flimsy evidence, but I find it strange that a small doll is the means of entering Irithyll. I assume a lot of players immediately thought of the Peculiar Doll as well, and the team probably realized this. The Small Doll seems to depict a Darkmoon Knight or something (a guy holding a sword backed by a broken crescent moon), but maybe the barrier was some kind of tribute to how people entered the Painted World.

I've heard of the idea that the Painted World exploded, overwriting a section of Andor Londo with the snowscape from the World of Ariamas. The architecture doesn't resemble Irithyll, but the doll thing seems to similar to be a coincidence.

I'm almost 100% convinced that tombstone will have something to do with the DLC.

this is completely out of my ass, but what if it was praying to velka?

This game overall has disgusting enemy design.

>Deep Accursed
>Hand Ogres
>Sewer centipedes

Never had as many nopes in previous Souls.

Could be. But we don't see more corvians at the statue of Velka in the Undead Settlement. That could always be for player convenience (killing a praying crow every time you want to forgiveness is a little hypocritical), or maybe the crows just don't like rats/water/skellies.
Also the crows, despite being related to Velka's crow people, don't actually reference Velka in their item descriptions. They reference Priscilla, so I think the grave could belong to her, but there's not a lot pointing to her either, so there's no solid proof of it. I really want it expanded on in a DLC, like mentions, but knowing Miyazaki, he could consider what there now enough to get the point across. Whatever it is.

Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and a bunch of shitty derivatives of both out-grotesqued Soulsborne games almost two decades ago.

Sewer Centipedes are the ones that really fuck with me. Those and Basilisks are the Souls enemies that unnerve me the most.

Nah, Aldrich actually only knows about the Lifehunt Scythe and crafted a spell after it, because he thought it was hot shit along with the half-breed. He never encountered or met Priscilla, only knew about her from what he was eating Gwyndolin and absorbing his memories.

It's not a competition. Silent Hill has beautifully grotesque enemies, but that doesn't mean Dark Souls 3 aren't freaky just because they aren't as good.

why you scared of me, f a m?

jk, these are fucking horrific and they live in my house

>Interestingly, a single Corvian guards a large tombstone behind the Church of Yorshka. It appears to be praying to it.
Might be Priscillas grave

Outta here teenager

He's a pretty cool guy. But I can't like him for what he did to my waifu Gwyndolin

A boy cannot be your waifu, user.

How you get the ítem in the cel close to the gigant sleep in the dugeon

Based on what?

some evidence points to Suly being the first scholar of the archive

They promised that "ALL WILL BE REVILED" for DS3. Do you guys think they did? I feel adding more characters and the new areas did not help explain anything to be honest. We still have question from DS1 or DS as a whole, and am afraid not even the DLC could answer it.

I really wanted EVERYTHING explained in bits and pieces so we can call it a day will all the lore stuff, even though i enjoyed it.


So is Sulyvahn responsible for the curse afflicting the Undead Settlement?

i want irina to read hentai with me

>Fume Knights straight sword is a straight sword
>Pontiff's straight sword is a greatsword

I feel that since the main story of souls game is about endless cycles of monotony and prophecy, the games themselves are all taking place where they are for important reason. We never play as random joe sho chosen undeads.
In dark souls 1 our character was the very first to replace gwyn himself as keeper of the first flame, so he is important. He also defeated the primeval man.
In dark souls ii, the canon ending is the first chosen undead to choose not to link the fire or bring an age of dark, but to seek a new path with aldia altogether, so he is also important. He also managed to somewhat cure the curse.
Something about our character in 3 is important. We don't know what it really is yet, but I bet you it has something to do with the deep, a new age of man different from dark. As the DLC in 2 explained the important of the main character, I'm sure the DLC in 3 will have similar purpose.

What if I told you that sewer centipedes actually exist?

Sulyvahn already fed Priscilla to Aldrich before Gwyndolin was put on the platter. Aldrich's next target was Yorshka.

You have to go to the next area and find a passageway leading back. Look for some crystal lizards in a narrow hallway full of holes.

Sounds like you havent found Soegward in a while. Check the front of the Cathedral of the Deep, or a tunnel by the water in Irithyll



I feel like the game's obsession with trees is meant to be important to the ultimate fate of humanity. So many things in the game seem to be growing branches, like Pilgrims of Londor, the Priests of the Cathedral of the Deep, Sulyvahn's wings, Aldritch's Nito coat. It's like Darkness itself begets these trees. Hell, at high levels of Hollowing your chest looks like a trees growing out of it. We don't have the details, but I feel like the revelations are supposed to be connected to this.

don't you worry, that's a fossil

nothing is sacred anymore


Why has god forsaken us?

i play the game in spanish and Cathedral of the Deep is called "Catedral de la Oscuridad" which translates to "Cathedral of Darkness"

just wanted to point that out for you lorefags out there

In germany it is called "kathedrale des abgrunds"

Which means "cathedral of the abyss"

And now user?

What's the deal behind those berserk wolves on the bridge and guarding the Aldrich faithful?

Why do they beg for mercy if you hit them with a certain sword

>yfw those women aren't invisible to ambush you
>they are invisible so they can hide from Pontiff Sullivan

They are pontiffs eye user. They just went full nuts with it