What kind of flop line up is this? Who the hell even approved of this trash?
What kind of flop line up is this? Who the hell even approved of this trash?
Middle row is all that's really bad with the lineup.
>no KOF
Fuck EVO
Melee makes this evo salvageable. They need to get rid of dead games that are paid to be their like KI and Smash 4 though.
I don't really have a problem with any but two. Please, elaborate more.
XIV's not out till August.
Your taste a shit.
MvC 3
T7: FR
next year, and you hipsters better play it consistently instead of just trying to get e-cred for liking the series
MKX, Smash and Pokken don't belong there at all. But Wizard is a whore.
Please stop taking the FGC so seriously, for your own mental health
>Melee makes this evo salvageable
How does it feel to be objectively incorrect?
If they can have Melee, they can have XIII
b-b-but muh ESPORTS
kek, literally EVERYTHING ELSE is more esports than any fighting game. overwatch is going to have a bigger comp scene, and even rocket league is more popular.
KI's good.
Main problem with KI is that unless you play it it's hard to appreciate a lot of its systems, especially in regards to combo breaking/counter breaking/shadow counters.
I doubt SNK wants to remind anyone of XIII so close to the release of XIV, it was a pretty divisive game.
Animevo is running 2002 though.
>SFV is a trainwreck that's years away from reaching its potential
>Mahvel meta is dead as fuck
>Pokken is already dying, no new content ever
>Mortal Kombat got new stuff, but its gameplay is still boring
Where did it all go wrong
And which game will be replaced by KOFXIV come 2017
>SFV is a trainwreck that's years away from reaching its potential
What's it like solely getting your opinions from Sup Forums?
This. Everything else is fine (although Mahvel really shouldn't keep going past this year. It's on its last legs).
Remove smash, pokken and mahvel and it's excellent.
I'm just gonna watch Guilty Gear and then catch the SF finals.
I'd guess Pokken if it doesnt get a STELLAR turnout.
Otherwise it might be time for Marvel to finally keel over, it's had a good, wacky run but its on its last legs now.
I dont wanna watch the marvel illuminati in top 8 for another 5 years
Is that black furry guy still dominating MK?
Gonna watch SFV, Revelator, and Melee finals
don't really play/care about the other games
Why the fuck do they keep putting super smash bros
SFIV was pretty fucking awful in its early life too, user.
Spoilers its gonna be infiltration doing a lot of unreactable dashins and forcing proximity block with jabs into overhead.
Its kind of annoying to not have your planned roster in time for Evo for those that have DLC or monthly releases
KI will be missing July's character, maybe even June's due to the grace period needed for newly released character to be allowed
SFV will be missing 3 of its DLC characters, maybe even 4 if Ibuki was postponed to next month
Pokken is at 1k entrants now.
Highest non SF entrants, with minimum overlap. And big stream view numbers.
Depends on which one you mean. If you mean Sm4sh, probably because Nintendo money. If you mean Melee, those dudes literally organize and fund their own events. I hate Melee as much as the next guy, but I think they've earned their spot through sheer effort.
They're the only ones that actually show up to tournaments.
Views from nonfightan fans. They tend to stick around and then vanish after.
Whether the SF stream is over, I take a glance over at a Melee stream
It's always the same shit, marth vs fox, trying to dunk each other with the two attacks and grapple. I just wonder how they're entertained like that
SSBM most hype in the lineup. Tekken might be fun to watch too.
>no Bloody Roar
Not like SFV's any better right now.
>Mika memeing people to death
>Infiltration shitting on people with unreactable shit
>Ryu doing st.mp, st.mp xx hadoken
Nobody anti airing anywhere
I'm sure when they see SF, they just see a bunch of dudes throwing fireballs. I'm sure SF has some "boring stuff" to outsiders too.
The only bad ones are KI and MKX. Pokken is there for obvious sponsor reasons (Had fun with the demo lol).
Put in SC5, KoF and VF5FS and it would be great
Why do people shit on KI? Fundamentally it's perfectly fine. Is it because of its platforms?
Or worse, just because it's western?
The difference is that a lot of people will show up to play Melee. XIII doesn't have the pull anymore like it had in its first year there
KI even has waifus
because its not the legendary black cartridge.
Fuck the remake. Im old school...
>shitting on Pokken
Nintendo obviously bought the spot but the game's actually good and is plenty competitive and unlike smash is actually a fighting game.
I wish user. We'll be lucky if konami even releases a pachinko machine for it.
I'd guess platform. No one on Sup Forums cares to have an Xbone. I know it came out on PC but apparently it's dead and I have no clue if the port is any good or not
Because its shit obvoiusly
>no EFZ
It's as dead as SFV due to crossplay, so not dead. The port is pretty good but I know there's still some issues like characters not being available despite buying them so you have to restart the game, also its tied to W10 service, no executable.
Any actual points besides shitposting?
The original was a solid & Competent fighter on the Snes... it got worse with the 64 and utterly died when the XBoner version came out...
>Melee fags
Not even once
Stop talking like a total faggot, man...
>T7: FR
What is wrong with you?
Pokken has a competitive scene?
I do miss SC5, hope they bring it back if SC6 gets announced.
I'm pretty sure he's taking the "I don't understand it so it must be shit" route.
>if SC6 gets announced
I'm slowly losing hope
god I hate Bamco
>If you mean Melee, those dudes literally organize and fund their own events.
Plenty of games' playerbases do that. Even Darkstalkers does that.
My only problem is Marvel 3 because it's an unbalanced piece of shit, and we don't really need TWO smash bros on the lineup.
Put in KOF 13 and Soul Calibur V or somehing.
>cabinet only yet again
>japan wins yet again due to FR not being in the states
Its just markman jewing it up
Not him, but same here. I swear to god it better be at E3. SCV was fucking incredible as competitive 3D fightan.
Besides Viola, fuck Viola
This is photoshopped, right?
Is it true that Greninja isn't in Pokken?
>No Arcana Heart
>No Mark of the wolf
>No Klayfighters (featuring Gooberman)
1V1 me. Golden Orchid, Sky Palace Stage.
which reminds me, TMNT Tournament Fighters should have been chosen... I miss that Sky Palace stage or whatever it was called even tho it was just a rooftop with signs in the background...
Post EVO 2017 predictions
So nothing to do with the game itself, noice. And markman only recently joined the Tekken team, do you know he's not THAT important. You coulda said Harada or Murray
Everyone's got their fingers crossed for something at E3, me too.
Viola isnt even that bad, if anything the Greeks fuck over the meta even more
Tekken characters don't change dramatically enough from game to game that you couldn't pick up a returning character and do well.
>No Klayfighters
But Street Fighter V is there
Oddly absent, yeah.
I had to deal with being eliminated TWICE by the Viola infinite. I will never not be mad
I do hope UMvC3 isn't in the lineup, but my expectations from Wizard is very low. Honestly I would be glad if Pokken somehow magically replaced it.
If you mean moves then you are kinda right since they keep all their moves and then have some added to them game to game but properties of those moves change a lot and that changes everything when playing.
If certain moves or strings are not as safe as anymore or more safe then people have to start re learning everything.
If nothing else take consolation that your loss to Tokido helped get the backthrow infinite banned
>mahvel still there
KI is fine. there's some new blood in it and lst year was hype. MKX is pure cancer though. Tekken needs to be in there for the 1 3D game
>Tekken needs to be in there for the 1 3D game
I assumed Pokken was a 3D game too
why mkx bad? i only play kof so i don't understand, i thought it's the best selling fg nowadays, can you elaborate?
Can we agree that the only "truly" bad game on that lineup is Sm4sh?
>fighting games
Tekken 4 needs to make a comeback.
And T3.
Pokken shouldnt be there but i can agree to that.
Platform, it's western and a lack of understanding.
It's a shame, I'd go so far as to say that KI and Skullgirls are the only competent western fighters ever made and KI is fucking good and is original, unlike SG.
One of the main things I think people dont get about it is the breaker system, it's a lot more indepth than it seems and isn't just some attempt at making a ghetto burst system.
It's a damn shame, the game should get way more love than it does, unlike MK.
no. Mahvel should be removed but fucking americans are so proud of their game they keep on putting that adhd shit
>3 Nintencuck "games"
Not that guy and i can't speak for gameplay but one of the problems for that game is that it gets patched way too much and that becomes a problem when you try to learn a character for him or her to be changed and have no idea what's going on.
It could be a big nerd or a big buff but more often then not it seems like a nerf. That's the impression i get anyway.
Did T7 change that much in FR?
>Their game
>Last Evo winner wasnt even an American
Self terminate
Pretty much.
At least melee has a decent skill ceiling to it, despite it rendering its players completely unable to play other genres of fightan.
Pretty much, yeah. The only "hype" parts about it is watching scarflard get wrecked, like how m2k recently 3-0'd him. Other than that, it lacks any real momentum or hype, and all "high level" games usually play out in the exact same fucking way regardless of character choice.
>He says while Marvel is still their, even though its a zombie right now
>as he also says when Tekken 7 is on the list when the only time it's been playable outside of Japan has been very specific invintationals and tournys.
I don't agree with Pokken, but at least Pokken has been out worldwide for a few months by the time EVO rolls around, while the console version of Tekken 7 wont even be out until after EVO, and that's only for Japan.
MKX is basically safe 50/50 into 40% combo: the game.
It's also patched WAY too often and usually in super reactionary ways, the metagame never really settles.
Watch LTG come in 4th place for SFV. Being eliminated by tokido.
He can't even made it through the pools
why do you niggers keep mentioning that nigger? that nigger is a shitter he can't even win in his pools
Too many patches.
Shitty shitter nigger
Sup Forums and their disgusting love for e-celebs. Guy is completely fucking unnoteworthy otherwise.
>Ultimate Vergil vs. Morridoom 3: We must badmouth low-tier players edition