I like how you only get the base game free, still have to buy every expansion + a subscription.
Even when Blizzard is desperate, they are still total jews. Yet they continue to get away with it.
I like how you only get the base game free, still have to buy every expansion + a subscription.
Even when Blizzard is desperate, they are still total jews. Yet they continue to get away with it.
Pretty sure every expansion up to Legion is free
But yeah you need the subscription
I want Warcraft to be good but it probably won't be.
friend who works at regal told me it's free month as well and it's the "base" game which is all xpacs minus Legion
Should have a huge surge of newfags into WOW around June-July just before Legion hits.
>subscription-based model
They are really trying hard.
Base game has always come with a free month.
Ever since they went token, people who have built up gold from AH PVP or just being an oldfag really do play for free anytime they want.
I probably have enough to cover 7 years easy, assuming no gold generated for the next 7 years.
Legion is part of the base game purchase now.
Fuck, I meant WoD, which isn't what you mentioned.
Disregard me, time for bed
I think it's nice they're doing that. But the movie still looks like shit.
Don't lie silly user.
The ticket bonus gives the base game (which has been updated to WOD).
The freebies, basically give a 30 day sub for everything except legion. Since its redeemable around June-July, its basically a FREE COPY of WOW up to the latest expansion and a 30 day sub.
It's going to flop anyway.
The movie or the game or both?
The movie.
I misread what I replied to and fucked up. Sorry about that.
>Movie director is a major faggot
that event was such an amazing reaction image goldmine.
My confidence in the movie is now zero. What do?
Are these guys looking at the mists of pandaria blizzcon reveal?
... Everything up to and including Pandaland is free, "base game" content.
WoD is now free too.
WoD is now 'base game' also
They recently made WoD part of the base game. You literally get everything now. They're that desperate.
They aren't playing free though. Someone bought that token for 20 bucks. You bought it with in game gold. Basically someone paid for your sub.
Blizz still makes the same, if not more from every token sold and bought in game.
>Fucking desperate.
You're an idiot. Business 101. Provide some hype and bonus freebies for upcomming product release.
Freebies get new players interested in the game, gets old players back into the game and then with legion right around the coner helps boost sales for the expansion.
Learn some fucking business basics.
blizz plans on adding rampant inflation to punish people who dont actively farm gold and to make the wow token look like a better deal to retards who dont know how easy it is to make gold
yup. gotta get those quarterly numbers up so they can fall again.
front loading your shit like that is what is making china fail atm
Well when the expansion costs 50 bucks and they front load several million, who do you think's laughing?
Remember that despite WoD falling down, it's sales and starting subs rose above MoP. Something that hadn't happened since Wrath.
the WoD spike will not happen again. i'll bet all my internets on it, specially considering they will not be reporting sub numbers any more
You can bet all you want. Did you expect WoD to outsell MoP at release?
There's no other mmorpgs comming, the movie will being some hype and previous track record says wow expansions sell big time at launch.
I don't think it will spike as high as WoD but it should kick up to somethign they'll be happy to report.
I did expect WoD to outsell Pandas, because it was being sold as TBC 2. something i personally fell for. never again!
I believe that FFXIV will butt heads with them again, as they tried to do by releasing FFXIV 1.0 the day Cataclysm came out
August 31 would be a bit wonky in the dev cycle of FFXIV though. its too long a cap between June 6 when 3.3 is scheduled for it to be 3.35, but too soon for 3.4.
maybe they'll announce XIV's next xpac?
White men in trenches. Doesn't he battlefield?
o kurwa
I know someone that has been playing since 2008 and they still do. Poor soul is beyond saving. He only plays because and I quote "I want to keep my characters alive". Just the word alive triggered me. He could have said keep them from being deleted or I've put too much time into them to walk away.
I got the sudden urge to break his pc and drop him off in the middle of a forest to fend for himself. Video games are a leisure activity. One you indulge in after fucking you wife, working your hours, paying your bills and the rest.
Filthy casual
You must be forgetting the insane amount of hype going into WoD.
You'd have to be retarded or mentally deficient to play WoW for more than a year. It eats up your time and it never ends. You can't win at it.
I'm a casual cause I play lots of games to completion while you rotate 4 buttons? Must be neo-Sup Forums at it again.
A part of me wants to see the movie out of morbid curiosity. I'm expecting lots of Blizzard jerking off to Orcs.
Movie looks fucking gay as shit. Especially the black girl.
Why didnt they just make a Warcraft game on the starcraft 2 engine?
It doesn't even have to be Warcraft 4, just a single player campaign. Do one for each race, like TFT. And then they can shill the game for $10 each time a new campaign comes out.
All the assets are there, and they don't really need to do much except make some more cutscenes.
How dare somebody have the fucking gall to not have your taste in games!
I'm not. You must be forgetting the hype being built by the movie AND legion.