Guilty Gear thread? Who's hyped for Dizzy here?
Who are you maining?
Thoughts on newcomers?
PS3 or PS4 version?
Dizzy's voice sounds cute. Personally I'm gonna go with day 1 digital on the ps3.
Guilty Gear thread? Who's hyped for Dizzy here?
Who are you maining?
Thoughts on newcomers?
PS3 or PS4 version?
Dizzy's voice sounds cute. Personally I'm gonna go with day 1 digital on the ps3.
anyone want to at least shitpost or post lewds?
>yfw dizzy gets a mai outfit/palette
Dizzy all time favourite. Elphelt honorable mention.
Can't beat AI computer but i'll watch them play and cheer them on.
I was thinking of waiting for the European release of the game so I checked amazon last night. Why is the PS3 version so much cheaper?
I want to cum in Kum
PS4 version is always more expensive for whatever reason, plus you have to pay to play online.
>Who are you maining?
None of the characters I played in +R are in Xrd yet. I played around with a bunch of the ones available in Sign, but I never really found one that clicked with me. I'm hoping one of the Revelator newcomers will.
>Thoughts on newcomers?
I don't like Jack-O' and Jam was never a character I enjoyed. Johnny might be fun though. I've seen too little of Raven and Haehyun, but I'll definitely try them out.
>PS3 or PS4 version?
PS3, because I don't have a PS4. Hopefully it won't take as long for them to release a PC version this time around.
>I don't like Jack-O'
nigga you crazy
Yeah, but a £20 price difference right from the start is more than I've ever seen for a PS3/PS4 game. On US amazon the price difference between the versions is only $10. I'm not complaining as I had planned on getting the PS3 version either way.
>Who are you maining?
>Thoughts on newcomers?
Jack-O is very fun to play and very unique character overall. Really like her. Raven looks interesting. Kum looks... ok I guess.
>PS3 or PS4 version?
Gotta go with PS3 because free online.
Post your webms
Slayer returned to his former AC glory when?
Wait, are they actually revealing Dizzy soon?
Can NOT wait for Dizzy. And JackO
>get this gifted through steam
>im bad at it and in fighting games in general
>im too much of a casual to understand the mechanics
>dont want to not play so I dont look like a total asshole
>just keep getting my shit kicked in
>one day decide to retry it
>its a ramlethal
>15 frame delay
>set my region shit or whatever to nearby or someshit
>try another person
>its an axel
>24 frame delay
>just kept spamming shit
>go to his profile
>he lives in cali
>24 frame delay
This is probably the most unfun thing I've ever played
Dont get me wrong fighting games are fun but holy fuck man...
JackO webms are welcome and encouraged.
Have fun friends. I'll keep praying for an eventual PC release.
The countdown on the site linked in the OP is to the Japanese release of console Revelator. On the official site they have uploaded a new countdown message from the different character voice actors every day. Today was Dizzy's turn and yesterday was Kum. I don't think they have actually said anything about Dizzy's actual reveal yet. Though this week's issue of Famitsu is supposed to be an Xrd special so maybe they'll show her off there.
>15 frame delay
>24 frame delay
Sasuga master race. For me anything above 4f is unplayable.
Try playing someone without a 0 bar connection. I rarely get more than 3 frames of delay when playing 3 and 4 bars. If you're new to fighting games you'll probably get the most fun out of playing with people around your level. Sup Forums had a bunch of rooms for beginners around the time Sign had its Steam release, but I guess that died off. You can always try playing with your friend. If he's better than you at the game he can always teach you. The tutorial is good if you actually want to learn how to play properly.
>implying they'll just put Dizzy there to make character select screen asymmetrical
Come on, guys. There will be one more character for sure.
Well, they showed that Zappa will appear in the story mode, so perhaps he'll be added as DLC later. Arcsys usually release their DLC close to the release of the actual game, so later DLC would be different from what they usually do, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Personally I'm hoping Testament will return.
Thats a big truck
>Who are you maining?
Jam. I was planning on Revelator being my main game once it was released because of her being in the game, but she was butchered so hard.
>Thoughts on newcomers?
I'm glad Jam is back, but not all that satisfied. None of the other new characters are all that appealing, Kum in particular is boring as fuck. Jack-O seems interesting in terms of how she plays, but not my type of character.
>PS3 or PS4 version?
PS3 now, getting PS4 later though.
>but she was butchered so hard
People still use her, she's pretty popular in arcades.
Of course she's popular, it's Jam. However she doesn't play nearly as fun as she did in older games. Still better than the rest of the cast except maybe Slayer who's about as fun, but otherwise it's pretty lackluster.
I didn't even know they revealed what Dizzy looked like.
But gee whiz what a surprise she looks like she did in the story mode.
>butt jiggle
Im so excited for revelator tomorrow.
Ready to get my ass handed to me in player lobbies all day.
>Who are you maining?
Finding it hard to choose in the demo. I generally play semi grapplers but there isn't really that type in GG
>Thoughts on newcomers?
Jam seems a little weak but I kinda like her, Johnny seems decent, Jack-o is very off but I think she might be good
>PS3 or PS4 version?
PS4, no reason not to go for it
I wonder where Raven will be in tier list and how useful will be his masochist ability. He looks quite neat and it's gonna be very interesting to see him absorbing hits on purpose on pro level play.
I wish he still had his mask
I wish he had more of his XX design. It's kinda weird to see established character to change that much.
>He looks quite neat and it's gonna be very interesting to see him absorbing hits on purpose on pro level play.
This sort of the mechanic never works, the risk is too much, and in most cases, isn't blitzing just better?
>This sort of the mechanic never works
That's exactly why it's interesting to see if pros will figure out a way to use it or not.
The only scenario I can think of is projectiles.
main zato, and excited for dizzy and raven
also been messing around with jam a bit in the demo and she's pretty fun
pre-ordered the japanese ps4 version so it's just a little over a day away now, pretty exciting
i'm hoping dizzy gets added sooner rather than later, fish lasers look so fun
If he can yrc out of the absorption stance it should be way better than blitz.
But Kum is an old man
Dizzy made me gay so I am obligated to main her. In fact I preordered the game asap when I heard she won the poll.
Modern anime artstyles are so boring
When its like OP's image It's just so lifeless. They have to chuck so many accessories on these characters because the faces suck and are samey as fuck, the lines are weak and unexpressive
>Who are you maining?
Really liked I-no in Sign, so will probably keep playing as her.
>Thoughts on newcomers?
Jack-O is fucking awesome.
>PS3 or PS4 version?
How much is the digital JP version? Are the PS3 and PS4 versions on PSN priced the same?
Its around ~6300 yen, so somewhere in the realm of 60 USD.
Not sure about ps3 version but i would guess its around the same.
No Baiken, no sale.
Keep cramming your garbage fucking waifbait shit like Elphet, Rammy and Jack-o in, ArcSys.
You had BlazBlue for that shit, but nooooo, let's just shit directly into GG's mouth and retcon the interesting stuff, and make it all about "the Backyard", aka, BlazBlue 2.
Fucking morons. EVERYONE IS STUPID
Thanks, user. Now I have to weigh the option of going digital or to wait and buy a physical copy for cheaper.
Baiken is pretty much waifubait user. Granted she's not full moeblob like Elphelt, but still.
Thanks for the obligatory shitpost user!
If you aren't super serious and can handle waiting, id just save for the US release. Its really not that far off at all.
>Who are you maining?
Sticking with Ram, may also work my Slayer a bit more.
>Thoughts on newcomers?
Raven seems rad as fuck. Johnny and Jack-O seens to be annoying as fuck. Jam is the shit she is. Kum may be fun.
>PS3 or PS4 version?
>free online
>crossplay with Piss4
>20 bucks cheaper
>DS3 support that lacks on Piss4
No reasons to not go on PS3, except maybe a bigger resolution.
Arcsys doesn't want anything to be streamed or uploaded when it comes to story mode. I really hope you guys will upload stuff here.