Remake a successful/loved game for the new generation

>Remake a successful/loved game for the new generation
>Remake ended up being hated and failed to meet the success the original had


name one time this didn't happen



>remake a successful game for the new generation
>is just as loved by the new generation as the old one loved the old and is even more successful
>the old generation thinks it's shit

Final Fantasy VII

>""""""old generation"""""
>is actually Sup Forums

Resident Evil Remake

all wrong

Not remakes.

Was that remake of Shadow of the Beast for ps4 any good?
It looked fun

>the FF7 remake could be the biggest pile of garbage but compilation babbies would still eat it up since it's graphically better

Sadly this might happen.

OoT 3D

laughably wrong


Ducktales Remastered is half and half.
No one really hated it but it pretty much flopped.


both versions were terrible

so a failure

t. buttmad kike

>both versions were terrible
Even if you think so, SA2B is loved and probably more successful than the DC version.

>Even if you think so
no. objectively

Reboots are not remakes, you stupid idiots.
Hasn't been released yet.
Now THIS is someone who gets to the point.