What are you expecting?
Civilization 6
I will still be disappointed.
From what I've heard almost all of it sounds awful. I prefer IV to V but this game might make me appreciate V (with expansions of course) a bit more.
1UPT is just awful, I wish they would allow the ability to mod it out.
Nobody can top III. or IV with expansions with the way the series is going, hopeful but skeptical.
Who knows, it might end up great.
I want 1UPT to be changed. I want cottages to return. I want more leaders. Civ V just felt underwhelming to me, dumbed down even. But hey Firaxis is happy because it bought a influx of new fans to the series.
Facebook tier casualised trash.
Game has been getting progressively more casual since III.
i honestly think V has more depth than IV. didn't play III or II but i also think it had more depth than the first game.
i was hoping that 1UPT would be relaxed so that it only counted at the end of turns and allowed unlimited non-military units on the same tile, but apparently they're doing squads and formations instead. would certainly help with moving large armies
>we want a game to appeal to everyone
when has this ever said and a game has not disappointed the original fervent fanbase?
Why does it look like a cell phone game?
it'll be okay
I'm going to ignore the shitposters.
>That amazing fucking cinematic trailer (minus Adagio in D)
>That amazing fucking representation of Atlus with amazing fucking artwork
>Gameplay looks like an iPad game
Just end it. Destroy video games. We need to start again.
Never, but retard normies stilll eat up shit and buy it.
See: Anything published by EA or Bethesda.
Minus D44M and Wolfenstein
Considering the last few games by them, I expect this mobile lookalike to somehow still bring a gtx 1080 to its knees.
Better balance on wonders so multiplayer is more fun.
Better movement options for units that aren't in combat
Somehow make naval combat good
Far better balancing of civ unique units and bonuses
More varied map gen scripts
Better ai, that plays better with difficulty.
Scaling ai with difficulty instead of just starting it an era ahead
> representation of Atlus
A mobile game.
mobile or tablet ports
there's no other explanation for those graphics
>tfw can't get into V because there are too many buildings and I always lose my shit with my OCD
But at least V did combat right.
Late game being interesting instead of just knowing the game is over at a certain point, usually around the time of guns.
none of the people at firaxis seem to have any idea how to make the late game eras interesting and just resort to really shallow minigame sort of things that look like there's depth to them but end up playing out the same way every time
i think they're trying to trick reviewers who probably aren't good enough at the game or who wont put enough time into the game to realise how shallow this shit actually is
do we know what sort of stuff they'll carry over from civ v? will global happiness be there? if so then fuck that
>consistently top game played on steam
>this is not counting offline players
>makes tons of money compared to predecessors
>must have expansion packs means more money
>not expecting 6 to be just like 5
>just better optimized to be played on weaker pcs
can't wait to play on my tablet/phone :^)
Am I the only one who sees Ron Perlman as Atlas in that picture?
Well so far I expected nothing, but was still disappointed. Now I'm not sure what to do.
Naziboos crying about no hitler and no teutonic shit.
>all the features from V and all its expansions
>multi-tile cities
>better warfare
>potentially based Freddy as the america leader
I think I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now. The game so far looks more promising than Beyond Earth did, at any rate.
That artstyle can go fuck itself, though.
Orcs Goblins and Space Stations.
More than one leader to choose per civ.
In interviews they've said specialized units (like anti tank guns or catapaults) will instead be a special class of units that combine into normal ones like armies in civ rev to allerviate congestion.
That should help. If the scale of the maps is also bigger to free up more room, which I ssupect it will be since cities are going to be more then 1 tile large now and buildings/wonders will occupy hexs, then it 1upt will be fixed.
Memeing aside I hope the Mali come back.
>What are you expecting?
a great civilization game, as always
i don't really like cartoony graphics but it's not really that important
At this point I realize that even if it's shit I'll put 100 hours in before we even get expansion 1. Lord knows I did with vanilla V.
So yeah, as long as it's playable, I guess I'm fine.
I will take the most inappropriate, cartoony graphics possible if it means it's actually fucking optimized.
Fucking Civ V taking like 3 minutes to load up the start menu.
A better Civ game than 5 at least. And 5 is already good enough to get a couple hundred hours out of.
When will they add orcs to civ games? I thought they are supposed to be historically correct.
Why can't the game look like the art
>people on Sup Forums who don't even play civ games are going to shitpost about it because of the graphics even if it's a better game than V
This right here. I also kind of like the new look, so it's a win-win for me.
But my questions is, when will they add orcs to the game?