Star Citizen
$114 million for this fucking dumpster-fire of a game.
Jesus fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:

damn this only needs another two years to be ready can't wait for 2018.

>still bashing star citizen.

nothing you can do will stop me enjoying this game when it releases.

LMAO what the fuck is this

>nothing you can do will stop me enjoying this game when it releases

No one escapes old age, user.

>I don't understand game development
Gee I remember when I was 13 too

Dont have to do shit, just sit back and watch the suffering unfold.

wow, so a pre-alpha game has bugs?

someone call CNN.

I keep hoping that he will add something meaningful like mining or salvage, but the fucker is just horrible and his develpment cycle sucks. I'm hoping Hellion can surpass this dumpster fire and become a worthy game. Who knows though.

Go away Derek

I thought this was a spaceship game

>Thinking that the game will get done faster with more money being thrown at it
>Thinking that an unreleased game won't have bugs

Derek Smart ruined the game.
>hi derek

I don't know how Derk could ruin it more then he ruined his own game(s).

>pic related

You can go check the archives but most SC threads just 404 anyway.

With or without both types of fish.

Wait so 'Star Citizen is bad' is a real thing and not just a meme by an irrelevant dead developer and the irrelevant dead forum he posts in?

It supposedly is, but none of the mechanics are in place and the graphics are already becoming outdated. He needs to start burning some rubber on the development times. I doubt he will or cares. He lives in the Palisades, he's achieved what he hoped this game would achieve for him. Whether or not it actually gets finished doesn't seem to bother him.

The real argument is about Star Citizen being a cash in for Chris Roberts and his pals, instead of being an actual effort to make a good game. Nothing to do with whoever the faithful flock props up as a boogie man to distract from that topic.

havn't been keeping up with the game after the whole GAMEPLAY REVEAL, which was just like walking around a hangar
from what little glimpses i did see everything was kind of Meh to Cool
but atleast having a functioning shooter module with the ability to go outside the ship is pretty cool
i know its glitchy as fuck but hell, i played arma so its not that unfamilliar
and obviously this shits still in alpha

The problem is that it's still in alpha after 4 1/2 years.

yeah thats pretty shitty
i would say "blah blah such a big project blah blah expect it to take time" but really, this is pretty fucking incompetent
I mean are they making everything from scratch? like building an engine and junk too? if so i can understand somewhat, but still
I mean look at overgrowth
shits never getting released but even now, theres a fully functional arena, a great combat system with real top tier limb damage and animation detail. A map editor nearly identical to what the devs are using
iirc you can also develop things for yourself to put in the game

Im sure if the star citizen devs opened it up a bit there would be heaps of bored space loving nerds with programming/dev experience that would pounce on the chance to have a go at working on potentially one of the most monumental games of the decade.
If not only to say "I worked on this in alpha" for e-peen points

It's way too late at night for my sides to be on the roof.

Well, my theory is that Chris Roberts probably didn't even really start doing any dev work until 2 years ago. He probably was so overwhelmed that he hid under his desk until he had enough money to just start throwing at people to make something happen, and as something looked like it was finally coming together he fucked it up by moving to the palisades with the rest of the cash and realized he was low on cash and nothing was getting done. Unfortunately all of his talent has since moved on and he's having employee retention problems. So on top of all the blow that he likes to do, the issues with the employees and underdevelopment he's probably out of money which is why he does ship sales. There is hope on the Horizon, but that hope isn't star citizen, it's Hellion. If competition doesn't encourage him to shake the lead out, nothing will and then you'll know that he never intended to deliver.

Woah nigga
>do you expect me
To read
>all that shit
By you?

My question with this (and most kickstarters really) is who is going to buy this who hasn't already, to bring him into the black?

>Have money
>Spend money to make game
>Earn money+1 via selling game, more than you spent
>Profit, success, reputation and kudos with which to continue career

But this seems to be

>Earn money via kickstarter
>Spend money+1 (or +10 if some of these stories I've heard are true)
>Give game to people you ALREADY PROMISED IT TO

So what happens at release when it turns out guess what the audience you could have relied upon 100% to buy it even if it was a huge piece of shit ALREADY OWN IT?

Is he gonna have to go on a huge marketing campaign to rope in people not familiar with Chris Roberts, or who never previously looked at the genre? But a successful and effective ad campaign costs even more!

By what method does this story end with a profitable game?

Neither did Chris Roberts. I can't believe he expected this game to drop in like 1014 I think it was.

This game is too big and ambitious for the time table they gave us originally.

Additional content after the game is released? As I understand it's not going to be a single player game, and you don't keep an online product alive by dumping it and immediately dropping all support.

Reminder not to agree to the new ToS on 5/31.

Reminder that kickstarters, early access, and preorders are for suckers.

>don't agree to ToS
>not allowed to access game I paid for

Everyone always new that just based on his past games.

All I wanted was the campaign part, and that was all that was really being promised when I backed it. As long as that's decent I'll be happy.

>>not allowed to access licence I paid for


Why? What's in the new ToS?

Just like every single piece of software since forever.


This is the typical shitty game that has nothing to offer other than "WOW LOOK AT DEM GRAPHICS CONSOLE BTFO"
And now we are in 2016 and graphics look like outdated.

Obviously, user. It's called buyer's fallacy.

I'm a qualified carpenter and part-time garden hose, that's my thoughts about the game:
>It will look outdated
>It won't deliver much of the promises, such as a real open world like Elite:D, (it's already stated about 100 worlds will be delivered)
>Most backers won't bail out because they have very high hopes for the game and Chris Roberts seems to have enough credit until like 2020.

post carpenty