I'd heard that this was good...

I'd heard that this was good, but I always dismissed it as an early 3D platformer that people have too much nostalgia for. But from recently emulating it, I can safely say that I was fucking WRONG. Collecting shit in this game is the most satisfying thing I've ever done in a video game. I can't explain it, but it's amazing.

Are Spyro 2 and 3 as good as the first one? Because I never want this to end. I'm sorry for doubting you, Sup Forums.

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Welcome, friend. Welcome.

>optimism about old shitty games
Back to redd it with you

Spyro 2 and 3 are great games, but most of Sup Forums dismiss them since they added extra minigames, characters, and gimmicks. The first game was more of a "pure" platformer.

They're all definitely worth playing and completing.

Spyro 1 has pretty bad controls even though the world is fantastic. I'd say 3>2>1 so it'll only keep getting better if you're anything like me.

They're all good in their own ways though.

You go, Insomniac games age gracefully.

2 is objectivly the best spyro game to date. 3 is also pretty damn good as well.

The minigames are why I can't bring myself to complete Spyro 2, I was making all this headway and really powering through the game, 100% in every area, and then I got most of the way through the second world and hit a brick wall of a minigame that made me want to tear my eyes out.

And this was AFTER I'd gotten through having trouble with the trolley, helping the alchemist and stopping the fire lizards

>sucking this much at video games

the mini games wernt even that hard, senpai.

>Are Spyro 2 and 3 as good as the first one?
In my opinion, they're objectively better in every way.

Whether you think YtoD is better than 2 is pretty much just opinion. Mechanically speaking they're identical, and neither of them really have any actual faults.

But YotD is my favorite.

made me glad that i grew up with a playstation instead of a nintendo system. play 2 its the best of them all.

Game was impressive on the PS1 because of the clever way they handled the draw distance.


>Are Spyro 2 and 3 as good as the first one?

yep. they've got a bit more polish ontop and some new minigames

If not being able to deal with fucking Hunter and his fucking popcorn crystals makes me suck at video games, call me Hoover.

An alternate strategy can be to follow him around and steal the crystals he's trying to take, you can try that if you weren't having any luck the usual way.

Would you?

2 & 3 are both great, but they do have a different feel than 1. 1 is pure adventure/platforming, 2 introduces purchasable upgrades/skills (climbing, swimming underwater, etc) and mini-games/secrets for additional collectables, and 3 turns these up to 11 and introduces other character-exclusive levels.

2 > 1 > 3 most of the time for me, but depending on what mood I'm in I'd say 1 > 2 > 3. all worth playing though.

Fuck yes do you have more? I jerked off to a pic from the same artist and I just love this style with this character.

Are the minigames really that bad? I found the flying-through-hoops-and-collecting-10-of-each-object challenges annoying in Spyro 1 but the minigames in 2 and 3 were often far less frustrating, some of them I liked enough to go back and replay them several times.

Agreed. Anyone complaining about the ~frustrating~ minigames in Spyro 2 & 3 legitimately need to get better at video games.

Who else think that Spyro 2 had the most COMFY overworlds in gaming

Summer > Autumn > Winter

INB4 someone posts Subway eat "fresh".

Every time I try that I just bump straight into him and the camera doesn't want to play nice in that small, enclosed area.
The camera is what kills me in most of the minigames. The baby turtle thing's camera is too far away and at an angle that doesn't help, the popcorn crystal thing doesn't let you see the whole area, the hockey game has the same problem.

I'm not even one to get after earlier 3D games for having bad cameras, but when you're doing ANYTHING other than just platforming around, Spyro's camera is pretty garbage.

I don't know man, I loved YoTD overworlds too. They had more variety in design and really catchy music but there's just something magical about Spyro 2 overworlds.

I still vividly remember the feeling of wonder from exploring the Spyro 2 overworld, especially the Autumn one.

Fuck, I didn't take my PS1 library with me when I moved out because the cases are fragile as fuck and most of them were already broken. I guess I'm going back for a visit and transporting these three games by hand.

all of 2s are great with fitting music but the only homeworld that really stands out in 3 is midnight mountain.

What the fuck am I doing with my life

thread just got awfully quiet all of a sudden
I wonder why

The only difficult minigames in 2 are the trolley one and the alchemist one, the rest are simple. 3, however, has those fucking skateboard segments. Maybe I'm terrible at those because I didn't own that one as a kid...

Wew lad. I didn't know I wanted this so much.

Threads are getting buried by overwatch threads. I hope they die down soon.


The trolley isn't hard, it's just figuring out the route is all.
I'd nearly have gotten it in one go when I played it recently, but I ran into something before collecting the final gear.

The alchemist shit can fuck right off though, I died to one of the stupid rock guys right as the success cutscene started to play one time.
Those fucking enemies can still hurt you even when they're in their animation for getting bumped.

Spyro 2 is definitely better, Spyro 3 sits somewhere between 2 and 1.

1 still has a certain charm that's somewhat eroded in the later ones but it's replaced by better gameplay.

I do actually remember the trolley one being much easier when I played the game last year, as an adult, rather than when I was a kid. Was too afraid to go back to the alchemist one, but I didn't struggle with any other minigames like the sea turtle one, which everyone seems to have problems with.



I didn't find this difficult at all although I did lose once as a kid

this nigga right here.

I remember going into summer forest for the first time. Fuck did it feel comfy.

Most are pretty easy now when you are older and good at games. The memories of insane difficulty come from being dumb kids.

That being said, the Hover Tank in the Egypt level and the Yeti Race in the Secret Bonus World are both horrible and downright unfair.

Yeah, they're great. Thanks for sharing by the way, I always love to hear stuff like this.

Why can't you get past minigames meant for children?I'm not even trolling.I don't understand.

I can't do lots of things meant for children.

Magic Crafters>Artisans>Peace Keepers>Dream Weavers>Beast Makers>Gnorc Gnexus

Autumn Plains>Summer Forest>Winter Tundra

Evening Lake>Midnight Mountain>Sunrise Spring>Midday Garden

Autumn Plains is my favorite of all of them. Whether you are swimming in that pool or standing on top of that castle, there is a magical feeling that no other home world in that trilogy ever quite reached the same level of.

What is she, some kind of goat or something?

Spyro 2 and 3 generally have better gameplay, but the atmosphere and music both suffer. Nothing really hits Magic Crafters and Dream Weavers ever again in the series.

That's not to say Spyro 2 or 3 are bad, they're not - they're objectively better games. Simply they have different strengths.

It's a fucking bandicoot you idiot

Fun fact: after beating this mini-game once in your playthrough, if you plug in a second controller you'll be able to have a friend fight against you using the enemy yeti.

She's a blue hedgehog or something you limpdick.

I still have problems with the shitty first person Agent 9 bullshit.

Though me being terrible at FPS doesn't help at all.

Man, I've never realized Elora was such a qt.

Must be because of how her mouth was rendered in the second game and her model never getting updated.

Bianca still best girl.


i did beat him in the end but shit, it took some time.

wtf? The controls are kind of tight but that's how it's supposed to be how are they bad

she almost made me a furry. almost.

fuck off plebbit

>the spark stages in spyro 3

>If not being able to deal with fucking Hunter and his fucking popcorn crystals makes me suck at video games, call me Hoover.

I had trouble with this minigame too. When I was 7.

The cracks emit steam to telegraph the crystals, just stand over them when you see it. Impossible to fail.


What? Nigga, those were fun as hell. A little top-down shooter is always great, especially with strafing.

no. i hated them and they felt unnecessary. i could handle many things from 3. but not that one.

this part was at one point, my worst fucking nightmare.

I've only played 2 and 3 and i really like them, especially 3. It had so many cool things, the stages, the character stages, the minigames, i used to spend tons of hours into it mostly on pic related before i got a PC and into PSX emulation

15 years and countless playthroughs of these games later, this is one of a handful of moments that still manage to fuck me up a little bit sometimes.

Thanks for the link user. It's always nice to see straight forward videos about this stuff without it being presented by a screaming obnoxious faggot.

>the mission after when you get to kill those things with hunter.

sweet revenge

Does anyone know what technique Insomniac used to make the sky boxes?

I always thought they were the prettiest thing as a kid and I remember going to the very top of autumn plains and listening to the wind while admiring the view.

>those satyr girls

I remember the satyr thing girls from
level where hot as fuck.

>I'm sorry for doubting you, Sup Forums.

Now play pic related, and Syphon Filter 1 and 2 for maximum fun.


>not including SF3
I'll pretend you forgot to mention it.


jeez man i completed that game when i was five

>tfw no developer bro-rivalries like Insomniac and Naughty Dog

Seeing demos for Spyro in Crash games and vice-versa was the coolest shit. We'll never have stuff like that anymore.


>ffviii demo comes out and is about an hour or so long and free
>ffxv demo comes out and lasts 5 minutes at best
What ever happened to demos?


You should play 1, it doesn't have any NPCs or minigame/quests like 2 or 3 and it's graphically worse but the atmosphere is still top tier, it has a dream like quality to it that nothing else has ever matched in my experience.

From what i've seen, 1 is the more primitive looking yes, i might try it out, eventually.

Elora and the Fracture Hills fauns were my first video game crush.

Demos ended up being unpopular because it meant a lost sale for many devs. Demos now are usually for network tests or getting suggestions from the audience.

Honestly this is one of the few franchises that objectively kept getting better with each game.
Until the original dev sold the IP to Actijews that is.

Yes, the collecting aspect in 2&3 is just as satisfying and the level design tight as fuck. After you're done with 1, absolutely go for it.

3 is one of my favourite games of all time.

Sparx stages were short and easy and there were only like 5 in the whole game. Git gud anytime

>there were only like 5 in the whole game

DKC games usually only had 2-3 mine cart levels per game and people still bitch endlessly about them. I can see people who suck whining about Sparx.

>it has a dream like quality to it that nothing else has ever matched in my experience.
That's a good way of putting it.

it's a dream i wish i didn't have to wake up from

I'll just drop this here


I HATED the Sparx stages when I was young but replaying them in recent years has made me grow to like them. It had a simple but tight control scheme and I wish there'd been more of them. I wish 3 had the same number of homeworlds as 1 to be honest, that would be perfect.

THat's neat. I wonder if he'll include a way to render it to a standard six-sided cube projection.

How far into Spyro 1 are you OP?

The Spyro games get worse after every one, but they're all good. I wish more games had exploration like them, though. I think the first Turok game comes close.

Favorite track?


I just adore that piano segment @ 0:47

Did you know the guy who did the music for Spyro also did Highlander 2: The Quickening?

You posted it. Also, fun fact; the music in the first three Spyro games was composed by Stewart Copeland, the drummer from The Police.

Spyro ost's are just so fucking great. This is not necessarily my favourite track, but the overall ambiance, dark setting and music make it like the vidya manifestation of comfy.


I mean listen to the drums @ 0:37

>dream like quality to it that nothing else has ever matched in my experience
The stage Charmed Ridge in 3 is a great throwback to Spyro's 1, both in atmosphere and in music.


Always super hectic.

Nice. I also heard the credits music from one of the Spyro games was used in The Amanda Show.

That level had a weird aesthetic to it that I always associated with Spyro 1. Never quite reached the same heights of weirdness but it was fun nonetheless. Fuck the Seargent Byrd challenge in that level though.

the Yeti boxing match was awful too

That challenge would be absolutely impossible if not for the windows' skill point.