Sum up Sup Forums in one image

sum up Sup Forums in one image











this desu






Sorry, don't know. wish I did though



Man, i think i will sum up Sup Forums in words.

One thing this board does compared to the rest of Sup Forums, and to an extend the internet is to act like your opinions matter, THEY DON'T.
Who the fuck cares if you prefer western vidya to eastern vidya to mexican vidya or whatever vidya, etcetera etcetera etcetera?
Who the fuck cares if you are better than someone or that if you will never be as good as someone else or if you will never have a sexy vidya waifu?
Who the fuck cares if this board is so shit that we have the right to shit on it harder than the average indian slum streets?
Who the mother fucking fuck cares if you are either depressed, angry, sad, suicidal or whatever negative emotion is torturing your life? [I am looking at you, tired gamer threads, you bunch of sissy faggots]
Who the fuck cares about what companies do with videogames?

By the end of the fucking day, this is just videogames, they never ruined your life or made you the person you are right now, it was you all the god damn time. If you can't have fun with literally anything, start considering having some kind of mental training so you can't hear your consience or subconsience and you can live like a machine doing its part for society.


>Merely pretending

Yeah, sure.


Jokes on you faggot i've been here for eight years.

>he actually believes Sup Forums is being serious

That color palette looks familiar



99999 get

No people on Sup Forums are sincere as fuck though. How else would you explain the Overwatch shilling? People just pretending to enjoy shit games?




How is it always the first post that is the best post?

I remember that episode of Beristain bears.

>One thing this board does compared to the rest of Sup Forums, and to an extend the internet is to act like your opinions matter, THEY DON'T.
>compared to the rest of Sup Forums
Have you even visited other boards?
You'll get called out on your shit taste on any other board as well, you faggot.

If you can't handle banter, or criticism of games you like, get the fuck out.

Burnstaines Boars*
