Who is this man?

Who is this man?

Other urls found in this thread:


Joe Vargas

His name is Lazy Bob or something

Mad Angelo

Grumpy guacamole

My friend

Holy fucking shit you guys are retarded. He's Angry Joe and he's a badass youtuber. Pleause use your fucking brains before you say dumb shit like that that isn't even close.


NO you fucking idiot
its clearly the angry video game nerd

Rick Santorum.

angry videojuego beaner

im not gona even waste my time with your dumb ass -_-

$7 joe


AVGN ripoff

i believe it was Cantankerous Carlito

Pissed Pendejo

Raging Raoul


Four Hour Fernandez

slightly annoyed Juan

Happy Angryman

He is el nerd enojado de los videojuegos

Dumpy Trashman.

Calm Jack

/vc/ - Video Game celebrities when?

Perturbed Joseph

Irate Erick

Yep, the two or three eceleb threads in the catalog at any given time are absolutely clogging up the board and making it much harder to make thinly veiled off topic threads and shitpost about Overwatch.





>mfw watching him play uncharted 4

He played it on normal with auto aim turned on and he still got his ass handed to him multiple times.

5$ Pedro

I got Overwatch for 20% on Amazon, and by signing up for the amazing Amazon credit card I got a gift card which made the game practically free!

user, surely other anons are just making posts about a game they like and there are no marketers on Sup Forums. It is impossible to market on Sup Forums. Sup Forums has a special Teflon coating which repels them.

>troll response to troll response to troll post
We need to go deeper

Skinny guy fiery

Furioso Rodriguez

Viral marketing is still shitposting.


Jealous Juan

wrong thread fugg

Yeah, but how would you fight it? This happens with most big releases now, although it's been especially bad with Overwatch.

Seriously, talking about discounts and Amazon gift cards on Sup Forums is such bullshit I don't know why people deny that there's marketing on this site. Amazon has always offered those gift cards but suddenly for this one game they become super relevant to "regular Sup Forums anons like myself".

when they do a standing charge, you can parry then visceral if you shoot them with an arrow

felt and looked very bloodborne

Seven Dollar Burrito

7 Peso Pedro

my peanus weanus! haha! :D

>Four Fingers Fabio Fernandez