What happened to Cuphead? It seems like there was a fair amount of excitement for it when it was announced and then nobody talked about it ever again.
Do you guys think it'll be a good game?
What happened to Cuphead? It seems like there was a fair amount of excitement for it when it was announced and then nobody talked about it ever again.
Do you guys think it'll be a good game?
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Needs more info seeing as how it's supposedly close to release.
They kept delaying it and haven't released any decent or concrete info.
People still think it's a boss rush only game despite devs saying their adding traditional levels now, but they sure as fuck haven't made it clear to everyone since I think they only mentioned it in one interview and never again.
People have grown tired of waiting and moved on to other games.
You have to remember that it's literally only 2 people working on this, so itll take time.
With that said, I heard it'll be before 2016.
As much as this looks like my dream 2D platform shooter (all about bosses), I think this game is mainly going to sell to western animationfags purely because if the aesthetics alone. Game looks fun, but I rarely see any 2D shooter players getting excited for it.
I strongly believe aesthetics can make or break a game and Cuphead doesn't appeal to the main 2D crowd even if it's impressive on a technical level. Game will probably get more love on Sup Forums or some cartoon forum than Sup Forums and steam even if the former groups aren't into the gameplay.
>30 fps for a 2D action game
people will say it's the best thing ever, play it, and completley forget about it the day afterwards like every other completely shallow game with a cool aesthetic
>before 2016
I've got bad news for you, user...
The end of 2016 is what I meant.
good thing it's 60fps then
>boss rush
>Xbone exclusive
all the hype died
Did they change that? Source?
>and then nobody talked about it ever again.
Everyone is still hyped about it, they're just tired of waiting for it.
They keep delaying it to add more stuff.
Its going to be on PC, and they're adding actual levels since people didn't want boss rush, thats why its taking so long, they keep adding more and more to the game.
Also, regular animation only runs at 12-24 FPS, 30 will be fine, especially if its stable.
Contrary to popular opinion, 60fps isn't required, but a stable framerate is, even if its only 30.
It got such good buzz when first announced Microsoft threw a bunch of money at them so they're making the game bigger.
>Gameplay ofCupheadfeatures 60FPS, in contrast with 1930s 24FPS.[7]
>regular animation only runs at 12-24 FPS
You don't play regular animations, they don't need to process your inputs unlike video games. Not to mention that the animations would still be a low framerate regardless of what the game ran at. 60 is necessary for a game to not feel like total shit to control, and it's not like the game's pushing its hardware.
No, 60fps is ALWAYS better for interactive media (ie games). 60fps makes games feel more responsive, because they are (unless the game has a ton of input lag, no fps can fix that.
Anyways, is the PC version coming to Steam or is it going to be exclusive to Microsoft's app store like Quantum Break?
>influenced by cartoons of the 30s and 40s that contained racist elements
>and, you know, listen, I'm a white woman
It's coming to Steam
>animation in 60 fps
>super excited about a 2D platformer that looks like it could run on a GameGear
gaming sure has hit a low point
The inspiration for the main characters came from 1936 Japanese propaganda. And they just assume all animation from that time and therefore all the influences for game are from racist white cartoon makers.
Name a game that is based off of the 30s, plays good, and looks visualy stunning.
Oh wait. You cant.
Mafia 1
>contrary to popular opinion, 60fps isn't required
>popular opinion
It's a fucking fact that any Framrate lower than 60 hinders gameplay. Input lag and all.
The associations they make are hilarious
>in these scene we can see people fighting in a theatre with music on the background
>just like this cartoon where mickey plays MUSIC with RACIALLY CODED BLACK PEOPLE
>here we have a kid that's clearly an anthro monkey
>he reminds me too much of a black kid
It's like they dig their own grave
They might give some info at E3. I doubt they can afford to delay it again, at least without some specifics.
I really like how the game looks but they really need to cut back on that chromatic aberration. It was horrible in that one vid they put out last year.
style is nice, but it lacks any level design, it's just bosses. ill wait till it's $5 on steam an probably never play it
if you are being absolutist, 60 is also a hindrance retard. there's nothing magical about that number
It looked great in the first footage. The later ones had very excessive Chromatic Aberration, which bothered me. Yes, it fits the setting and look, no question about that. But it was extreme enough to be distracting. If it's toned down, I can deal with it.
They delayed it to improve the game, which I'm sure everyone will agree was a good decision IF the game is actually better and longer. Plenty of games have been delayed or scrapped and restarted all together and still been received well.
They added platforming apparently, so it's not just bosses. Hopefully this game is good and a success so that it gets a sequel with even more content.
>the whole game is animation style
nice try retarded troll
You can still run a game at 60 FPS even if the animation is only 24-30 FPS.
60FPS helps shorten the response time of your inputs to register which is the most important thing.
>Contrary to popular opinion, 60fps isn't required, but a stable framerate is, even if its only 30.
For a fast paced game like this, 60fps is absolutely required.
Don't be retarded.
Not disagreeing. When it was said to be just boss rush i lost interest. Then they said they were actually adding more traditional platforming and i was back in.
I'm just afraid Microsoft will force the game out the door, even if incomplete or with serious bugs.
She doesn't even sound white.
Only if they give the option to remove the horrid chromatic aberration or just scrap it completely, the effect resembles old animation but it looks like it will be a huge eye strain when playing more than 20 minutes.
it's on pc, wouldn't surprise me if they're actively doing a ps4 version and that's why they've been quiet lately
>The inspiration for the main characters came from 1936 Japanese propaganda.
Also they weren't even bitching about the main characters. They were bitching about background characters, enemies, and props. I know no one should even listen to this shit, but at least get your facts straight.
There will probably be an option to turn it off on the PC version, there's been a lot of negative reaction to the chromatic aberration so far, the devs have to have seen it by now and will probably tone it down at the very least. I'm guessing there will also be an option to play in black and white on both platforms.
>The character that became Cuphead descended from a 1936 Japanese propaganda animated film where a man with a teacup for a head morphs into a tank.
My facts are straight. They said that the primary influences for the game were all racist. I used an example of how it wasn't. I wasn't responding to any specific point about the main characters.
No one animates in 60fps anyways. It be a ridiculous waste of time
there are two guys leading the development but this game is very much a team effort
>They said that the primary influences for the game were all racist
They didn't. They pointed out everything they though was racist and it wasn't the main characters.
this, i am a bit of a fan of old animation but the team making the game has made some design choices that i find questionable for a run n gun game
It's unlikely Microsoft will rush this, the whole reason it was delayed was because they gave more funding for them to do traditional platforming stuff.
Ori turned out really well and everything is looking pretty good for cuphead too.
Also not all animations are synched up. If the animations run at 24fps, you could have one animation start at one frame and have another start a frame later.
>only appeal is the old steamboat willie look
>Do you guys think it'll be a good game?
Probably not.
Definitely not, if they refuse to let people turn down/off the chromatic aberration.
Right at 1 minute in they started saying the source material was racist.
and they list what they are talking about which doesn't include the main characters.
Get it through your thick fucking skull. I'm NOT responding to any criticism of the main characters. I AM responding to the criticism of the source material. The fact that they DID NOT say the main characters are racist only proves my point, that not all of the source material is racist like they claimed.
Animation frames and position/game update frequency are not equal
where in the fuck did they say "ALL", nigger?
How does that work? There is only a finite amount of actual drawn frames for each movement.
When people complain about FPS, they're not complaining about amount of frames in an animation.
>even though there were no racism in the trailer i still have that association, i remember seing these things as i was growing up.
she doesn't sound that old.
"1930s influence" was in the title. The whole video was about how the 1930s and 40s influence lead to "racist" designs in the game. Re-watch the video if you want to hear them say over and over again that the 1930s was racist.
>this could technically be a weeb game since it was partially influenced by early Japanese animation
>the aesthetic is very appealing
>people instantly assume that they will sacrifice gameplay because of it
What a depressing thread
Honestly considering the rate they been canning projects it's a miracle this is still happening.
I guess with a two person team it's not too big a drain on their resources despite the delays.
what does them bitching about the 1930s have to do with you claiming they were ever talking about the main characters or ALL the source material? They pointed out what they thought was specifically racist in the game and what was specifically racist in older cartoons.
Microsoft will only hold out for so long. If news comes that it'll take another year, Microsoft will either cancel it or release it no matter what.
The game looks incredible but to be honest it is boring as fuck to play, tried it at PAX last year
>Mafia 1
>plays good
You have to be a troll. I refuse to believe you're actually this dumb. All you have to do is read the title to see they're primarily talking about the source material.
This is the actual cartoon Cuphead comes from btw. The character Cuphead was directly inspired by starts at around 5:10.
You realize Cuphead was being designed way before they finalized the main characters? Are you so retarded you can't see the main focus are designs excluding the main characters? Do you really think they watched the Evil Mickey cartoon and decided to make a game about it?
Cuphead and Yooka-Laylee are honestly the only upcoming games I'm looking forward to
The Cuphead devs said they were already locked in to a 2016 date back at Pax East as they were almost finished with the game and they should have a release date at E3. It's highly unlikely MS would can this since what they did can (Fable Legends) was shit and considering what happened to Battleborn, canning Gigantic and letting some other sucker take it was incredible foresight
They're acting like the only available footage we have is a blurry angled screenshot that makes it difficult to see what they are.
They're very clearly flies. There's nothing about the visual designs that will cause you to mistake them as anything but flies. Not to mention that they're completely ignoring the context of the setting and the fight. You're fighting two giant frogs in a restaurant full of flies.
The Spider comparison is a fucking huge ass pull. It has eyes and teeth? That's enough for it to be considered to be racist?
And now characters aren't allowed to have big lips or big eyes or sharp teeth. Otherwise it's a racist.
>canning Gigantic
Can you elaborate on that in a few sentences?
>For a fast paced game like this, 60fps is absolutely required.
Why not 120FPS then? Its possible, we as sophisticated gamers of high quality should demand that all games run at the highest framerate currently possible, and if they don't, then we should all boycott them. What is this, 2014? 60FPS is no longer acceptable these days.
Sold the publishing rights for Gigantic to Perfect World. Game has been slow as shit to come out of closed beta since last year and wasn't going anywhere. Perfect World now is publishing the game.
I usually shoot for 100+ FPS for shooters and I would love a 120 FPS fighting game. 60 FPS is acceptable when it comes to 2D games is because it's been the norm for a lot of arcade titles.
Cutting it in half and running shit at 30 FPS makes everything feel sluggish since so many 2Dfags have been playing at 60 FPS for decades.
I never got to know what song they used in their trailer. Still mad as fuck
Thanks. Man, they are really late to the whole """MOBA""" party.
I hope it will be just hard enough so the animation fags buy it but never plays it like the hipster they all are
and us only will enjoy the story and the ending
I don't know which song you mean, but it's probably an original composition, right?
>and us only will enjoy the story and the ending
Seriously, who thinks like that?
Who cares about the story unless you're a JRPG pleb.
fuck this gay earth
So it's going to be on "PC" but only for Windows 10 or something, right? I didn't really get that.
>waiting 16 years for a 2D platformer that you'll beat in one sitting
Yeah, I stopped caring long ago.