What blows my mind about PC users is they actually think multiplats are worth more than $300

What blows my mind about PC users is they actually think multiplats are worth more than $300.

So many poor souls get brainwashing into investing thousands of dollars to play the most shit tier games, multiplats aren't supposed to be the focal point of your gaming experience and they certainly aren't worth spending more than $300 on.

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No shit PC users are retarded
>meant for gaming

>meant for photo editing and other stupid facebook shit


Kill yourselves

Everyone needs a pc, even for just surfing on the internet. It is only convenient to have device where you both play games and use for other purposes.

graphics are one of the reasons in an entire list why i prefer PC over console

took the bait 9/10

My £300 PC can run this game at 60fps


ps4 is a pc for gaming only
pc is for general use
figure out for yourself which one will play the games for a lower price

You already own a computer. You probably payed like, $1000 for a shitty laptop to browse Facebook on.