Mods are asleep

Mods are asleep

Post vidya tits

I'd rather not. This is a blue board. Go post tits on an appropriate board where objectifying women is acceptable. k bye!

even better ass!

Samus is a cutie


why not both?

No way...




Go fuck yourself.

Why the fuck does she have pubes all over her if shes only pretending to be giving a blowjob?

Wow. Post a reasonable response to a thread and this is the reaction. Fuck me right?

no T&A allowed on blue boards, take your filth elsewhere


>replying to bait

'Cause she already sucked a cock dry and is goading for more! Sucked it clean too, not a spot of cum or slobber on her!

Just downvote him, bro. This subreddit goes to hell after dark.

So why are you still here?


oh cool a tits thr-

Everyone here is a disgusting misogynist. There's no use in trying to argue with them. Thankfully no self respecting woman browses this filthy website.

I left the tab open. SORRY.

>acting like a faggot
>reasonable response

I didn't say you couldn't be a misogynist. There's spaces for that on the nsfw boards. This space wasn't made for THAT kind of content and it causes problems for people.


How was I "acting like a faggot"?

Cmon, you don't like breaking the rules nowadays? Dweeb!

>I didn't say you couldn't be a misogynist
Then you're part of the problem you disgusting sexist. Fucking scum.

fuck off

fuck you

Should I buy Warhammer Total War?

This is loss isnt it

You're a fucking faggot, aren't you?

Considering their track record of shitty launches, just wait until you know it's alright.

xenoverse 2 announced m8s, round 2 of kai of time and majin art comign soon


But I don't wanna pay for the Chaos warriors separately...

Shit, I can kind of see it.


Then you're fucked m8

touhou is vidya


I am so confused right now.

I bet you Sup Forumsirgins are too scared to post nsfw material.


>more Supreme QT

This pleases boner.

Why must video games hate me as much as I do

backseat moderating

Yuyuko is not fat!

i still see it

why do i still see it?

NSFW material is against the rules.

Fanart isn't.


Is her mana stored in her tits

funky rotty pixeltits


armor-grappling slut

Yeah well that concept art is for Xenoverse 1, mate. Don't mislead other people.

There's a Skyrim mod where your tits shrink as you use your mana and swell back up as it regenerates. Only thing that game is good for.


here without them

Where else would she store it, under her hat?
That's silly. You're silly.

pfft not even close
keep grasping at straws and being a whiny little manchild though

Look at the speech bubbles

It's Loss

Much better.

The pubes ruin the picture

Didn't mean to, sorry, just grabbed a random image from my kai of time folder

post the name friend

it doesn't look anything like loss god damn it

Shit taste confirmed

Pubic taste confirmed.

It should be 2 ! on the 3rd panel to be loss actually

Why don't you go start another bailey jay thread, you faggot homo?


I'm afraid I don't remember the name. I never actually downloaded it.


Do not patronize the (you) mongers.


Das a good Sorceress.



What the fuck is Loss

I'm 24 and too fucking old to still be browsing this board, I don't know these hip new memes



yeah I'm 23 user and I still know what fucking loss is

I bet you dont know what 8.8 was either

well something here is certainly new and it ain't buckley's masterpiece


I'm quite partial to 4.0 myself.

>not knowing loss
>admitting to not knowing loss

you brought this on yourself

I've been here since 06 niggalips, don't try and give me shit because some fetish has went under the radar

One of you nigroes explain it

The only thing new here is you, newfag

Goddamn it hurt entering her room in ds3...

>I've been here since 06

You can't be this fucking new. Loss is posted every fucking day.


You're 8 years late to the joke them if that's the actual case.


>One of you nigroes explain it

Why don't you google it, you fuckin' cod kid newfag piece of shit

jesus the fuck is that

Should I get this game?

>I've been here since 06 niggalips
>doesn't know loss

Have you been asleep for 8 of those years?

Sleight of hand.


no, its ok gameplay with a shit story, hell it even pulls a fucking bravely default. Unless you like tits then get it