What does Sup Forums think about Sonic's redesign?
What does Sup Forums think about Sonic's redesign?
Is it really a redesign? I thought it was the boom series spinoff design.
It's decently put together. You can tell a marketing team clearly put some thought and serious discussion into this design. The seemingly only misstep, however, is that they failed to remember that Sonic's arms were never that shade of color in his traditional design. For what reason the team decided to make his arms blue, I will never know.
I like the addition of a scarf, but brown doesn't seem like a lively enough color. The bandages and extra quills are pointless details that really don't add anything other than making him look vaguely like some dirty street rat. Sonic really needs to stop getting taller.
It's a spinoff that's a separate continuity but it's still a redesign. It's just not really a canon one.
I think that you can polish a turd but it's still a turd but in terms of turds Sonic would rank 1.5 turds
I fucking hate the game.
But the animated cartoon is OK.
The bandages are fucking stupid, but other than that it's so-so at best.
Do you have to ask?
Has he done anything recently?
You know what Boom's biggest sin is? No catchy music.
I think he recently put out a list of demands of what he would want from Sega in exchange for giving them the ability to make official Sonichu media.
He looks like hes dressed up for halloween. The only thing that was needed was the scarf and maybe some tape around the shoes. And of course the arm color is fucked.
>at one point in time, liking Sonic was normal
How did we stray so far...
Drop the bandages and change the scarf to red and it wouldn't be half bad.
I don't care for the blue arms, but Amy's new look makes up for it and all of Boom's issues.
Sweet CHRIST does it make up for it.
By placing hate in the wrong things and ignoring the good. The only objectively bad games are labyrinth, 06, and boom. And lets not forget Sonics absence from 1994-1998/Saturn era, a myriad of garbage spin offs on the game gear and saturn even.
The fact that people would even think of putting games like adventure, heroes, shadow, or unleashed at the very bottom and under 4/10 is just sad. All the while ignoring solid GBA and DS games Reviewers and autistic fans have fucked up sonics goodwill. Sonic has always been hit or miss. Idolizing the classics while shitting on everything else isn't the right way to go about things.
>The only objectively bad games are labyrinth, 06, and boom
not even trying to shitpost, but you're forgetting a LOT of titles.
>sonic R
>sonic shuffle
>sonic genesis(the GBA remaster)
>shadow the hedgehog
Chris plis go
Forgot sonic genesis and shuffle but yeah that ones true. I grouped sonic r under the garbage spin offs from the mid 90s/saturn era. I dont think shadow is bad at all. Underwhelming? Sure but its an interesting take on a more story based sonic with the most backstory intensive character in the series (shadow) with interesting if underdeveloped ideas. Lots of levels, content, replay value. Id give shadow a 6.5. Above average, not excellent by any means but not outright terrible
shadow is okay if you just do the neutral missions.
shes wearing a new outfit
holy shit what a redesign indeed 10/10 masterpiece this is the power...
Agreed on neutral. I think neutral levels are fun to replay. To bad the missions are essentially the same from chaotix in heroes where you have to look through giant levels and find tiny things. I think 6.5 is a fair score for it with a neutral playthrough
yeah, with just a neutral playthrough.
to get the true ending you have to play through and get the good and evil endings too...and beat the game something like 16 times.
with no level select.
with just a single neutral playthrough, sure it's a 6.5, but add in the bullshit to get the actual ending, and you have a horrible mess.
He tried to apply for a job at Sega
I agree but i mean...the core gameplay is honestly kind of good. Sure its a terrible grind, the worst in the series just for a real ending, and...I cant really defend it. I like how starting with unleashed, they streamlined that shit. No more tons of playthroughs to get a real ending. You play the game, go through the story and levels. You get to the climax. You beat the final boss. You get your credits, sent back to the menu, and have free play now. They got it right with SA1 and 2 and sonic 06 where you just play through the game, but for some reason with heroes and shadows, they made you do a bunch of side shit to get the real ending. Ill never understand it
hence why shadow is not just an 'okay' game. it's a bad game that has some potential.
I'd also say the controls were kind of shitty, leading to a lot of unnecessary deaths as you're flung uncontrollably into pits and enemies.
Let's not get into what I'd considered Sonic canon. I had an autist last month give me the whole story regarding the comic books and how some things were ret conned but never not became canon or something like that. Obviously I didn't retain I well.
Yes agreed. I know this might sound bizarre but the only time i've ever had problems with control in sonic games was advance 3 and classic sonic generations. I dont think the controls for shadow were bad at all, then again I'm pretty adept at all types of platformers. If you casually play them/sonic then yeah i can see the controls posing problems