I don't get it

I don't get it.

Why do we hate this game again?

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It's probably the best action adventure of its generation. Really, it's rivals are controller shooter shit l ike Tomb Raider or Uncahrted in that genre, and Darksiders.

The problem with it is that it's too linear, has no overworld, no day and night cycle, no atmospheric world. All NPCs aren't moving at all whereas in MM 20 years ago characters were wandering through the town, you had an overworld, you had an organic world, day and night cycle etc.

This belongs to 3D Zelda like its dungeons.

No idea what they were thinking. Glad Zelda U will go full overworld ADVENTURRAH again.

>tfw no big lips Link bf


Shooters aren't adventure games. A proper comparison would be something like Okami or Darksiders.

Handholding throughout the whole story, Fi bugs you about the most minute of problems, the sky barely has anything interesting in it, travelling through the same 3 locations 3 times and fighting the same boss 3 times.

Because it focuses on a story that isn't very good.

Because it only has 3 areas in a series known for its many different settings.

Because it has the worst exploration of the entire franchise.

Because Fi is fucking annoying and the worst companion yet.

Because the motion controls almost work, but aren't really fun. All they do is slow down the combat (which has never been the focus of Zelda in the first place).

Because they used gyro instead of the pointer. (Seriously, why? The pointer is better)


Because no warping, no interconnected world, no day/night cycle, and only one goddamn town.

Skyward Sword isn't the worst game in the history of the world. It's not even the worst Nintendo game on the Wii (that belongs to Other M). Zelda is held to a standard because it's one of the most celebrated franchises in gaming. It's lasted 30 years for a good reason, after all: Great games. The fact SS is hated shows not that it's a terrible game, but how much the other games outshine it.

If another company other than Nintendo made it, it'd be considered decent or okay. But it's a Zelda game, and it's the worst of the bunch.

>Why do we hate this game again?

if you actually played the good 3D zelda's, you wouldn't be asking such a dumb question

>Why do we hate this game again?

Because we're faggots with shit taste.

This guy nitpicks way too hard.


there's that word again, are you sure you know what it means?

>(which has never been the focus of Zelda in the first place).
First two games, especially 2.

I would never say combat is the focus of Zelda 1, I'll give you 2 though. After all, it's the black sheep of the franchise.

The eldin volcano item-retrieval thing was pretty great...untill they got lazy and handed all your shit at once

everything you said, also fighting Demise like five times over the course of the game with nothing to make it more interesting,

Positioning yourself and striking when you can is a key component of Zelda 1. It's as big a focus as the exploration.

>I'll give you 2 though. After all, it's the black sheep of the franchise.
Fuck off with this bullshit, 2 contributed several of the "staples" of the series now. Also, it's a great game, sold well, and was popular.

The cast and some of the boss fights were top tier. Everything else was boring as hell.

Because it's the "hip" thing to do and Sup Forums is a hivemind.

skyward Sword's pretty great, and gave us best zelda that'll transform from hometown girl-next-door to plump-bodied MILF.

Calm down m8, black sheep doesn't mean bad. It just means it's different.

It's a good game but plays nothing like any other Zelda.

It's the absolute worst 3D Zelda in terms of replaying. Twilight Princess' molasses-like intro and Wind Waker's monotonous sailing can't outdo being reminded what a butterfly was every time you booted up the game and having Fi point out that the chest you just saw in a cutscene is important.

As far as the ground world and dungeon design go I fucking loved it, revisiting an area later on always unlocked a new path and they reused the old stuff in interesting ways thanks to the trials. If there had been something more interesting than turd-sized pellets floating around in the sky world, and the previously mentioned handholding/Captain Obviousness was removed, it'd be a 9/10.

Wait, they'd also have to rework the fuzzy muppet battle, because that shit was overdone by the second fight.

the graphics look awful in that picture
is the whole game like that?

delicious 480p

The game looks decent. It's a bad screenshot.

I hated her. Give back Midna please.

I don't think 720p is gonna make those awful faces look any better

so in what way is it a bad screenshot?
is that the way it looks ingame or not?

>It's a good game but plays nothing like any other Zelda.
That's where you're wrong. People that call it a black sheep only ever look at Zelda 2 superficially.

The focus is on exploring an overworld and dungeons, gathering items to help you progress and making you stronger. In addition, you go to towns and speak to NPCs that give you quests. You learn magic spells.

Zelda 2 effectively built the template that future Zeldas followed. Saying it plays nothing like any other Zelda does it a disservice.

The only real difference is the experience point system, which really isn't that out of place in-game and gives you freedom in how to improve your character. The superficial presentation is different, the underlying game is pure Zelda.

On a Wii it's pretty close to how it looks, minus compression.

Because it's not Wind Waker, and GCbabbies hate anything that doesn't have Toon Link.

>shooters aren't adventure games

what is Metroid Prime


The fact you can jump manually makes it fundamentally different from other Zeldas.

>Zelda 2 effectively built the template that future Zeldas followed.
But none of them are sidescrollers.

>You learn magic spells.
Not seen in other Zeldas, though the magic meter was retained.

> The superficial presentation is different
Dude, the game is a side-scrolling action game based on reactions and strategy. Most Zeldas are top-down action games or third-person adventure games. They don't play similarly. Stop trying to move the goalposts.

Are you trying to compare Metroid Prime to Uncharted?

>shitty kid graphics
>gimmicky wagglan shit
>ugliest Zelda to date

Game looks like chalk.

>The fact you can jump manually makes it fundamentally different from other Zeldas.
You can jump manually in Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, and Oracle of Ages. Are you saying those aren't Zeldas?

>But none of them are sidescrollers.
Again, superficial presentation.

>Not seen in other Zeldas, though the magic meter was retained.
What are Ether, Quake, and Bombos from Link to the Past? What are Din's Fire, Nayru's Love, and Farore's Wind from Ocarina of Time?

>the game is a side-scrolling action game based on reactions and strategy.
And Ocarina of Time was a 3D action game based on reactions and strategy. Ocarina of Time is the blueprint from which later 3D Zelda games were based.

Zelda 2 is not a black sheep.

I love seeing people's oddball reasons when it comes to why somebody might not like a certain Zelda game. This is so far out of left field it has to be bait.

>Are you saying those aren't Zeldas?
Oh sorry I forgot there's a button dedicated to jumping in those games.

>superficial presentation.
Do you even know what that means?

Like, do you not understand that LttP and Zelda 2 don't play alike? Do you not comprehend that sidescrolling is a genre of game? That presentation, as you're calling it, greatly influences the gameplay.

What the fuck user, it's not that big of a deal. You're literally throwing a shitfit over nothing.

Zelda 2 plays differently. Get over it.

Hey question for the thread, since those two faggots won't shut up about Zelda 2 being whatever.

Which game would you rather replay and why? Wind Waker or Twilight Princess?

After replaying both, I think I'd actually go for TP since it has better pacing and way better dungeons. Not to mention the triforce quest is brutally unfun.

Whichever one I haven't played in the longest time.

Assuming that there's not a big enough difference in that regard, probably Twilight Princess because it's very well paced, (aside from the awful 3 hour tutorial of course,) and I enjoy that game's second half more than Wind Waker's. I like the Trifoce hunt myself. It insentivizes exploration and actually gives you something to spend your rupee hoard on. I just don't think I'd want to replay it too soon after.

>Oh sorry I forgot there's a button dedicated to jumping in those games.
Now you're the one moving goalposts.

>Do you even know what that means?
Do you? Zelda 2 and Link to the Past present remarkably similar experiences in slightly different ways. Zelda 2 presents the experience with a top-down overworld and side-scrolling sections. Link to the Past presents the experience with a top-down overworld. Both games focus on overworld and dungeon exploration; character progression through items, magic, and health; and survival against hostile monsters and bosses. Both have somewhat light NPC interaction.

The differences between the two games are superficial. Just because you don't understand Zelda 2's design properly doesn't mean you should call it a black sheep when it isn't.

Fi being annoying at times.
The controls.

I get what they were going for with the subdued mood and colorful weirdos on the surface. But the mood whiplash doesn't really work because the game only takes itself seriously when Ghirahim is around and the Imprisoned is impossible to take seriously as an ancient evil.

TP erryday. No ocean, less fetch shit, better dungeons, more dungeons. It's no contest.

I don't agree with you user, but clearly we're at an impasse. So whatever, I'm going to bed.

>It truly was The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Are you sure you played the game?
Because while some of those things are valid, the rest are either purely subjective at best, or not true at all.


There's only one of those, mate.


pastels, actually. wet pastels. in a pointillistic style.

There are four.

it's the only zelda i couldn't bring myself to finish
it doesn't get interesting until later in the game (or at least i assume so)

Uncharted, TLOU and especially neo Tomb Raider are considered action adventures, though.

Because it isn't challenging. I used to be a big fan of zelda games then I grew up.

What is everyone's problem with the Tad tones? I hear this as a big complaint all the time, but it's one section and it's easy as all hell to beat in like 5 minutes or so.

I don't hate Groose's game because it has Groose.

I agree with this. At it's core it's a pretty good game, they just made some really stupid decisions that bogged it down A LOT.

>It truly was The Legend of Groose

SS Zelda a fucking BEST
The game is also really good. "Muh linearity" Fuck off m8, appreciate good games.

Because it's a linear, cutscene riddled, hand-holding slogfest bogged down by backtracking, boring combat, retarded story, and bad enemy designs.

I had never been so disappointed with a Zelda game. It started off so promising.

According to my calculations, OP if an idiot.

Awful controls, non-existent overworld, extremely linear dungeons, endless repeated bosses and content

It has its good parts, but as someone who expected to be able to explore the skies and find cool shit and got linear-ass "mini-dungeons" everywhere I was really disappointed

When the game director already admitted they fucked up and made it too linear you can't hand-wave it away as not being a flaw.

citation needed

“The recent Zelda games have been rather linear, as I thought players didn’t like getting lost, wondering what to do, or where to go. However, I’ve come to question this ‘traditional’ approach as I felt that we couldn’t gain the sense of wonder that existed in the original Legend of Zelda, in which you made unexpected encounters and where what used to be impossible would suddenly become possible.”

“We will, of course, continue to question and reconsider the approaches we have taken in the past without any reservations.”

How could they fuck up so badly?

The same year he felt the bosses in Majora's Mask weren't obvious enough so he added eyeball balloons to every single one of them.

Eh, baby steps. Maybe in time he'll change his approach to bosses too.

Its flawed but its only only Zelda game where I get constant feels when playing it

I hope the main villain is a giant eyeball. But then I remembered they already did that with Vaati.

How come Sup Forums don't want me man?

Because it's such a blatantly obvious 'collectathon' moment that it ruins any immersion that there might have been. That, and it forces you to backtrack through the same boring areas again

>constant interruptions from fi that ruin any sense of 'adventure' you might have
>borderline simon says combat
>high school drama level characters
>nintendo still haven't figured out that they don't know how to make actual puzzles
>backtracking across the ground overworld
>empty sky overworld
>motion controls are hard to get working, and were so unreliable that nintendo gave us a dedicated button on the controller to fix them on the fly

>>motion controls are hard to get working, and were so unreliable that nintendo gave us a dedicated button on the controller to fix them on the fly
To be fair, that's a problem with all motion control games, Nintendo has to put a "recalibrate" button in all of them.


Yeah it's not really their fault since it was impossible to get working perfectly with that tech, but it's still a problem tons of people had with the game

For me it's about 50/50 totally awesome and then completely disappointing.

Gameplay - Very satisfying and probably the best use of the Wii's motion controls
Characters - Probably some of the most charming and memorable characters in any Zelda game. Ghirahim is a standout character in my opinion and probably the best villain in the franchise
Dungeon crawling - Personally, I enjoyed the "endless dungeon" path they took with the gameplay. Some of the levels were probably among the most complex and engaging dungeons in the series (Mining Facility, Ancient Cistern, Fire Sanctuary). It was great for a one off Zelda game, glad they're going back to open world for Zelda NX though
Artstyle - A small point but SS definitely looks great. Again, this decision was good for a one off, and I'm glad they're going back to a more realistic style

Bosses - For the most part, the bosses are boring as hell and look terrible. There are some obvious exceptions but it belongs on the con list to me for the most part
Padding - This shit has got to stop Nintendo. Just don't include it, and have a shorter game. Ever since TP they've had this insane notion that longer = better. Tadtones, Silent Realm bullshit, fighting the boss at the Sealed Grounds like 5 times... This stuff makes the game impossible to replay for me
The overworld - I don't think you can even call it an overworld, but the sky was just a mistake. It is so boring and lame they may as well have scrapped it

>I'm glad they're going back to a more realistic style
Huh? But Zelda U is as cartoony and cel-shaded as ever

I guess so but it definitely looks more realistic than SS is what I meant.

Eh, I dunno, SS was basically a merger of TP and WW, but Zelda U is a merger of WW and SS, so it seems even more cartoonier than SS to me. Looks great, but newLink looks cartoonier than SS Link in my opinion.

>Ancient Cistern, Fire Sanctuary

SS dungeons are alright but they're probably the most simplistic shit since Wind Waker. Fire Sanctuary is just the lava room puzzle from Dragon Roost Cavern repeated for every puzzle.

But I kind of agree with Mining Facility. Not only is that level longer than all the other dungeons in the game it's also a lot more complex. It really shouldn't be at the point it's at in the game (Fuck Sentrobes)

I found the inventory controls annoying