Is overwatch GOTY?

Is overwatch GOTY?

That's not Total War Warhammer.

Oh look the RTS nerd has arrived

>overpriced shallow arena shooter

Blizzard marketers pls go

within the catergory of multiplayer games... probably.
overall i can imagine there being better games comming out this year.

why would you pay $60 for a shit tf2 clone when you can play tf2 for free

Because TF2 is shit.

Titanfall 2 will annihilate Overwatch
Once you realize this game is all just waifubait it's absolute garbage

TF2 is dead, infested with curries and middle schoolers, riddled with imbalance, and is sustained by a kike cosmetic system.

nice mobile post

is titanfall 2 this year? i thought it was early 2017.
either way i hope titanfall 2 will be awesome, fucking loved the first one.

How many of those do you think won't also apply to Overwatch after a couple of months

your game genre is dead mate.

massive TW fan here, dissapointed by Rome 2 launch so haven't even bothered with atilla.
I don't get the appeal with warhammer though.
This game has had fans crying out to be made for a nearly a decade idk why warhammer has such a massive fanbase

ugh this is an SJW girl game

Even Xcom 2 is better than Overwatch.

>unplayable solo
dead on arrival

Uncharted 4

why did titanfall die so quickly?

it was on the dead console.
it was origin exclusive.
it lacked content at launch.
most people didn't like the constant AI bots on the maps.
and the mechs weren't quite as fuck as they should have.
the out of mech gameplay was fucking amazing though, so much fun to run on walls and jump onto mechs and shit.

Considering theres no custom servers for furries to run and erp in, no in game voice chat for kids to spam, and all cosmetics are full skins and looking at blizzards track record, kike cosmetic system is unlikely Imbalances? maybe a few, but no loadout customization means less chance of characters getting imbalanced (and again, looking at blizzards track record with hots, its pretty balanced)

I actually loved the ai bot gamemode.

well that was every mode...
every mode had AI grunts running around.
they added the 8v8 PvP players only no bots mode way later.
but yea it's really a preference thing.

it has a huge fanbase because its been around for like 25 years and has supermassive potential for countless awesome vidya to be made

the problem is games workshop mismanages its IP like a motherfucker and 90% of all warhammer vidya fucking blows huge dicks.

but that 10% where its actually good is fucking top tier vidya, such as any dawn of war (besides soul storm)

>completely different genres

this is like saying baseball is better than basketball

or battleborn is better than overwatch

no, it's shit with vomitfest art design

>0.10 USD has been deposited into your account

Can't we just ban blizzdrones?

>Is overwatch GOTY?
It's not even game of the day