Blizzard Entertainment are marketing geniuses

Blizzard Entertainment are marketing geniuses.

WoW made them too big to fail, they made so much money that it didn't even matter if any of their games flopped afterwards.

So what was the next step? Isolate all the retards like pic related and the "fanboys" loyal to anything with the Blizzard logo. Consolidate your consumer base, weed out all of the people who don't want to pay for over-priced and underdeveloped garbage by being greedy as fuck. Selling max level characters in WoW, expanding the in-game cash shop to F2P levels while also keeping the monthly subscription, the Hearthstone paywall, etc so that everyone but the retards and the shit eaters with loose wallets has fucked off.

Now you're right where you want to be. All of the people who buy and play your games are ready and willing to get nickle and dimed and won't dare complain about the abysmal quality of your products and blatant greed. In fact, they will cherish it. They will have nothing but positive feedback. No complainers, just good PR and hype being spouted all around.

Overwatch is basically their celebratory IP. They have accomplished their goal and the goys are all lubed up. A full priced game that will feature an F2P Moba style micro-transaction system.


Blizzard shill

Welcome to the future.

>The truth is too hard

here come dat shill

why can't autists draw but at the same time need bad mspaint comics to illustrate their "points?"

holy shit this fanboy is already breaking down

Nobody said "fuck you Blizzard" to Diablo 3, it sold 12 million copies without the expansion.

You don't know much about videogames OP, you'll fit in well here.

Serious question here

Are there any good developers left?

Not sure, autists tend to have trouble communicating so they turn to other forms, such as art. However, they can't do it very well (see chris-chan)

Cause hardly anyone looks at anything written unless a pic is with it. Why draw though is a good question

>Nobody said "fuck you Blizzard" to Diablo 3
this is what shills are actually paid to believe

I want to be confrontational but you kinda nailed it

>Nobody said "fuck you Blizzard" to Diablo 3

pathetic fun-hating poorfag I feel sorry for you honestly

insomniac, but that is because they made ratchet & clank again. Id did wellish.

Sat for 5 minutes trying to think of one. Good job, I'm stumped.

Only one I can think of is Devolver, and all they do is hit-and-miss indie shit.


>paying for Suicidewatch
Game is par at best, nowhere near worth $40.
Blizzard can fuck right off with that pricetag.

But Blizzard has literally not made a bad videogame yet.
The only one of their games that I think has jumped the shark and isn't worth playing ANY MORE is Hearthstone. Overwatch is, so far, a GOTY candidate and their other games are doing more than well enough (even WoW, and Legion is looking amazingly good so far).

oh and double fine with traveler's tales, now any more mature good game developers, no.

Over 12 million people bought Diablo 3 to tell Blizzard how bad it was huh?

Basic logic isn't your forte.

jesus I don't care for the shill meme but holy shit you are one, and bait too.

hots is a fun game
i don't understand all of the shit it gets

>this whole post

They are so easy to spot and its weird because you cant even take them seriously.

I wonder, if this was the exact same game as it is now, only with either Valve or Platinum as dwevs, would Sup Forums still hate it?

>Blizzard Entertainment are marketing geniuses.

They are. They've also ruined every single genre they ever touched. I guess it's time for FPS to die as well.

Then prove me wrong you damn inflation-loving buffoon.

So what exactly are you trying to say, that blizzard have dedicate fans that eat anything they spew out? Well no shit, every company does.

i fucking played overwatch on the beta weekend events

i played for quite a bit and i found myself getting bored pretty quickly, every match becomes the same shit of rush to the checkpoint and just destroy the enemy team to fulfill the objective

the game itself can't support game modes you'd expect in any multiplayer shooter like CTF or TDM

and to top it all off there's no dedicated servers and no mods. it's just blizzard's latest trend of "we'll decide how you're supposed to have fun"

i'm actually sorry for the poor fucks who wasted $40-$60 on this pile of garbage

This is true. But I dont think I've ever seen a company actively alienate everyone BUT the shit eaters. Blizzard is unique in this way, because they can afford to do it.

You didn't give an explanation to any of your claims, fuck off.

>$40 being unaffordable

If you have even a shitty job and don't splurge out on stuff constantly $40 is nothing

What is so special about Overwatch? It's a slow, boring FPS.

legion is looking amazingly shit so far you fucking shill, they're watering down class mechanics and trying to "redo" garrisons

wow as a whole is completely fucked, they've lied again and again about releasing expansions faster and it will be FOURTEEN FUCKING MONTHS of HFC by the time legion is out

You forget about their legion of shills posting 24/7 in 4chin, some of them even did it for free

Diablo 3 ended after they took away the real money thing which is what kept it going after such a short game,

hearthstone is just a card game,

heroes of the storm is just a casual LoL

and overwatch is literally a few modes of tf2 now days but with that moba shit thrown in and costs $60.

the only 2 good things I can say is starcraft 2 and that nova expansion

Blizzard by far has the most fanboys out there. Let's not pretend otherwise. Blizzard's last good game was vanilla WoW and even that wasn't an original idea.

Blizzard has been shitting out uncreative games for over 10 years. How are they still in business?

>he doesn't like the almost totally redone talents with cool options/choices that matter
>he doesn't like the changes to make each spec play uniquely
>he doesn't like more content
>he doesn't like transmog 2.0
I bet you started in Cata.

Just because I can buy it doesn't mean I should.
I'de rather save the money.

>bitching about kids being targeted by vidya companies
And how exactly did you get into games, user?


Blizzard has cult following, a big one. Diablo was my first PC game and I've felt compelled to buy almost any Blizzard game since then, admittedly. I know it's not even the same company but I'm still stuck on the franchises. I used to play broodwar 10+ hours a day and for that reason I still enjoy HotS just to play the SC heroes. That's why OP is basically spot on.

I tried Overwatch beta and hated it and I honestly am still having to talk myself out of buying it.

YES, voting with your wallet is effective, but that doesn't mean the average blizzdrone has figured out such a concept.

Diablo 3 got a fucking BAD response. Many people now recognize it as a decent game since the expansion and some more recent patches, but I think most people still acknowledge that Blizzard has no idea what actually made Diablo 1 and 2 good (atmosphere, community, bnet experience.. not just big numbers on screen and orange pixels causing a dopamine release)

again looking at
>Nobody said "fuck you Blizzard" to Diablo 3
this literally must be your first summer

>Diablo 3 ended
Diablo 3 has only gotten bigger every patch. The general consensus is that D3 is a far greater game now than before. Stop trying to fit in with the cool kidz.

I bought a mounds bar and it tasted old, I don't think it was worth the $1. It's not that we don't have the money, it's the feeling of is it worth our money.

Isn't Blizzard just Activison with a Blizzard skin now anyway?

>Facts =trying to fit in
Where do you idiots keep coming from?

pretty much

>modern blizzard games appeal to casuals who don't mind grinding/paying real money for shit
no way

Diablo was a fraud on the PC Diablo 2 fanbase. Won't every get that free word of mouth recommendation again. D3 is dead after a mere 4 years

>no dedicated servers.

Its sad how blind Activision is to the concept of a community. They fucking bought out the biggest community game ever and took all the social parts out of it and every one of their other new games.
No surprise wow is such shit in their hands.

SC2 Launched with no fucking chat rooms and still has a shitty ass arcade custom map system.
A FPS on PC with no servers? Like what the fuck. My most played FPS games were because I found a server full of awesome people to come back to and play with again and again.

Well the official name has been Activision-Blizzard for years now. What of it?
>Activision is shit!!!!!!!! xD

The fact remains that D3 is bigger and better now, than it even had the potential to be with Jay Wilson in charge.

>tfw I love OW
>tfw I'm currently raiding heroic HFC in WoW
>tfw I quit league because hots was just straight up a funner game
>tfw I enjoyed vanilla D3 and RoS is god tier
>tfw I enjoy a casual game of HS with the bros every once in a while
>tfw I pre ordered legion
>tfw i like video games

A goy is born every minute.

out of highschool

D3 is still an absolute dud dead game no matter which Blizz dev is screwing with it.



>A FPS on PC with no servers?
I'm not saying this is a good thing but, yeah? That's literally every game these days. The games that come with dedicated servers are now the exceptions that receive an extra sticky star for the effort.

>tfw shilling for Blizzard on a """"""""""videogames"""""""""" board on some shitty website owned by a gook
>for free

Alright, am i a blizzdrones?

I bought Diablo 3, disappointed as shit.
I bought SC2, disappointed as shit as well.
I tried hearthstone on beta, liked it, and played it for quite awhile.
Stopped playing it on PC, but love to play it on mobiles since other mobile games are shit.
Played overwatch during open beta, it's fun as shit so i bought it and am enjoying it so much.

my favourite blizzard game is Warcraft 3.
Thanks WC3 for all the moments from all those mini games.

am i a good goy?

>pre ordered legion
>when it's going to be garrisons 2.0
shame on you

The biggest problem is any game that is multiplayer only is inherently worth 0usd. It simply lacks to much and what is left is highly subjective and reliant on other players both to make it good and to not fuck it up. One person that wants to be an ass will fuck it all up for you no matter how good the base game is.

So already the game gets bad marks before you even can play it. From there micro transactions automatically make a game bad so you start on a rocky foundation and only go downhill.

Were not even to the game itself yet and its ruined. One of the worst launches I've ever seen. I didn't even get to the game before I had to black list it.

Pretty much same position as you, except I don't raid in WoW.

People who disagree literally lost the ability to enjoy videogames. Their standards have been set impossibly high for seemingly no reason. They keep expecting thingsin games that just don't happen anymore; Welcome to modern videogames!

>Check the thread out of interest
>Think this shilling bullshit is just a retarded meme
>See posts like
Holy shit.

>Where do you idiots keep coming from?

Straight from Blizzard Entertainment Headquarters

on the topic of shills, how much was he paid to do this?

But multiplayer is the main game most of the time. Solo campaigns are good for one playthrough, maybe another one in the future if you thought it was really fun. That's how it's always been.

>all these salty stillborners

What's wrong? You can actually try talk about your shitty game now that everyone's pre-occupied actually having fun.

>Paying for free game


Nigger. Are you really this new? the RMAH and the always online created some of t he biggest shitstorms I've seen on Sup Forums.

Theres a diffrence between the game selling well and "Nobody said "fuck you Blizzard" to Diablo 3" LOTS of people fucked off.

oh shit fakoff

I got in the alpha and loved it. Class halls do have the garrison missions from WoD but don't allow you to do everything in the game like they did in WoD, which was the main reason it was bad.

>Warcraft and Starcraft are fucking blatant Warhammer rip offs
>Overwatch is a blatant TF2 rip off

Has Blizzard ever produced an original game?

Well CD Projekt Red i think are some good guys. They really put love and soul into Witcher 3 and al the awards they got were earned fair and square in my opinion. Also the guys that made Dying Light seemed to be pretty radical dudes? I think they were from kurwa as well.

Too fat, try harder next time.

Please fellow shitposter, explain to me how OW is a TF2 clone.

Probably only Eidos Montreal?
I dunno, on the top of them is fucking Square-Shit-Enix, so that makes them mediocre.


if you weren't a complete retard you'd notice that specs like unholy DK and subtlety rogue, which are actually quite complicated to play optimally on live, are being watered down so they can be played by LFR shitters

i started playing in BC and the only thing that keeps me playing this shitty game is the raid content which, thankfully, actually imrpoves with each expansion. and that's literally the only thing that improves with each expansion

and transmog 2.0. lol. what a fucknig joke. it took them 5 years to realize the transmog system was outdated to begin with? please

Hi battleborn guy

Thats not me I just got here

I love both Blizzard and Valve but what makes you think that EITHER of these companies produce original content? Because they don't, and if they did it would probably actually be worse off.

It pretty much is, although that's a good thing. I welcome a game to play aside TF2.

come back three months later after legion launch when 7.1 is revealed to be some bullshit content patch blizzard is too ashamed to even give a title to and see if you still like it

Blizzard has been trying to establish a monopoly in every popular videogame genre.
>MOBAs are starting to rise and become eSports
>They release HotS
>Games like Clash of Clans are the perfect travel games
>Blizzard literally make a "Magic The Gathering for retards" game
>Battleborn, Doom, etc make people giddy about shooters
>Blizzard makes a waifubait "everyone will be pandered" game

It's the same old story. What it pains me the most is that people keep buying their games like the retards who buy shitty clothes or expensive cars only because they have a brand.
How sad to see vidya become a jew industry.

>on Sup Forums
There's the problem. No dev listens to Sup Forums hardly any even look at Sup Forums

why bother

skinner box rip offs make far more money

For me honestly I thought their 16 bit era games were shit, every single one. Blackthorne was the least offensive though (inb4 cinematic).

Warcraft 1 controlled like ass, didn't like it, but to be fair I didn't dedicate a lot of time learning it.

Guy my mom was fucking at the time was like "ayy u gotta play real nigga shit" and bought me Diablo 2 which I really enjoyed and still pop in to this day.

Warcraft 2/Starcraft are great.

Lot of great Memories with Warcraft 3 in all modes; campaign, multiplayer, custom.

I still think Starcraft 2 is an amazing refinement of the RTS formula.

Diablo 3 wasn't great but it wasn't horrible, its better now especially without auction house.

The thing that gets me about the modern blizzard games is the writing. I mean its never been great but its always be acceptable background flavoring for the game. Now its so shitty you can't ignore it and it actively detracts from the mechanics you were able to keep separate from the story before. People call a lot of stuff anime fandom deviant art tier writing but I haven't seen it more apparent than here.

>complicated meme
Oh please. WoW was NEVER a difficult game in any sense.

The inherent cost of a game is dependent on the amount of enjoyment you get from it. Just because a game is priced at 59.99 does not mean its worth that much. This roughly correlates to 1usd per hour of real enjoyment. This is because of the extreme cheapness of entertainment and the multitudes of alternatives. People are in no way stuck with the product. There are so many other options that 1usd per hour of fun is being generous.

Because multiplayer is so lacking in content and then what is left is subject to uncontrollable factors such as 10 year olds and drunks it defaults to 0usd.

That doesn't mean it will be worth 0usd to everybody it means that from a non partial standpoint its worth nothing. It can not be judged properly.

Games with single player can be pretty accurately judged and thus have a strong neutral inherent value.

>play hearthstone for like 2 hours cause my normie friends play it and they dumped up to $100 on it for virtual cards that could be gotten for free
>only 10 hours of total playtime
>open pack
>golden legendary
haven't touched the game since.

They want you to be focused on the fight at hand rather than your rotation. Some of the boss mechanics in legion are getting ridiculous. Even then some specs still have a lot of depth.

For the same reason they use food analogies, it's quite hard for socially awkard people to communicate by just using their own words.

Either that or they're Italian and need to translate their gesticulations somehow.

>i started playing in BC

then fuck off

>Bitter enough to make this comic
>Lazy enough to not bother rotating the Blizzard logo properly

masterful b8

>only because they have a brand
No, because the company is famous for making awesome videogames that rarely (RMAH) disappoints.

>Valve doesn't produce original content
these falseflag shills are going all out

you got yourself the medic, the soldier, the demo class, engineer, snipers, and your stealth people but spread out over multiple different people to choose, all have different power instead of different gun to choose. With same game modes as capture the flag, control points, and minecart.

>One of the most beloved ARPG series; Often regarded as one of the greatest PC titles in gaming history
>Sequel is announced after eleven years
>Blizzard hyper-markets it
>Brought over to console in addition to PC release
>Review embargo "because the servers can't go up :^)"
>Modern gaming industry where every person pre-orders and gaming journalism has less impact than Youtubers
Wow, color me surprised it sold so well.

>Error 37
>Always-Online DRM
>The cash market
>The cash market bugs and abuse
>Boring skinnerbox gameplay; nothing new in the genre
>The tidal wave of Youtube rage videos towards Blizzard
>WoW artstyle (like all other Blizzard games now)
Don't even get me started on SC2.

>Now its so shitty you can't ignore it
Starcraft 2 suffers the most from this. I'm still mad they ruined Raynor.

Mom needs to eat a cheeseburger. skinny cunt