So far I have played 6 games of Overwatch, and witnessed like a dozen arguments

So far I have played 6 games of Overwatch, and witnessed like a dozen arguments.

people are calling each other "niggers", "noobs" (on a game thats been out for only a few hours), whining about balance and generally being dickheads both on ingame chat and voip.

Is this normal for a game launch, or is it just Overwatch? I haven't experienced this much toxicity for a while. Not that I mind it too much, just that its surprising.

People are fucking faggots.
You obviously haven't been on this website for long if you haven't figured this out.

shitty games attract shitty people

It doesn't happen on BB

How about you thicken your skin and learn that words don't mean shit.

Thats because no one plays battleborn

Well that's normal, small communities are usually nicer for some reason.

so can u not read or r u just plain ol' retarded

I played 6 hours and the havent ran into insults. You must be on PS4

If OP really didn't mind, he wouldn't be complaining about it.

You need to realise kids nowadays think they are tough shit by shitalking to others.
You won't be safe from anywhere online.

If you want a bully free zone, lock yourself in your room, pull off the internet cable, play only offline games.
Or, be an hero.

Been on the decline an hour before overwatch launchd

Maybe this guy

Holy shit, learn to spell correctly you underage shit.

Have you never been around for a game launch before?
This can't be your first game launch.

>the internet is srs business
yah ok
go jerk off to beethoven u wrinkly old fuck

welcome to the internet. i really think you are going to like it here.

>I haven't experienced this much toxicity for a while.
Only reddit&co uses this word you fucking retarded piece of shit.

>the internet is srs business
I agree, that's why things like "nigger" shouldn't be a thing to waste time making a thread about.

what are you even talking about

its a completely normal english word

you're just fuckin delusional, pham

Have yet to see any of that in the ~5 hours I played today. People seem pretty quiet in general.

I had one guy get mad at my team because we had two pharahs and won and then another one in a much later game got pissy for losing but everyone else on both teams told him to shut up since its day 1

>name is cutelolibutt
>already getting threats
Does no one have a spine anymore? How could a name that doesn't even contain a swear word or bad gesture towards you trigger you?

Its been on decline because everyone went to sleep its fucking monday

Triggering doesn't exist in the way these people say it does.

For fuck's sake, you're not allowed to like a fucking art style because the characters are short and short = child.

I wish these people would kill themselves live on YouTube.

In the context of a team based videogame it's tolerable. Not all uses of the word occur in the mean meme arena of twitter.

It's a team based FPS, they have the absolute worst communities next to MOBAs and F2P MMOs.

This is definitely going to wind up an article this week, jek.

>B-being P2P will keep out the horrible people, h-honest!
Yeah, I never fell for that shit.