Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the senator

Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the senator

I take it he was agreeable.

No you didn't.

Is Invisible War worth playing? Based on the first two levels I played on PS2 it's actually pretty alright.



Old men are the future.

I have opened the mayor

My mistake, I mean Deus Ex The Conspiracy.

What a shame.

Fuck you OP now I have to go reinstall

Take the common opinion for dark souls 2 then multiply that by 1000, then you'll come close to how much people hate invisible war.

I'm more concerned about Savage.

Get the hell out of here, Denton.

yeah but have they actually played it


Why contain it?





When the power drops, go in, and go in, and go in, and go in like the US Marshal and his three daughters and we lose the vaccine.

I never asked for this.


The underclasses are starting to get desperate. Your turn.

What's the meme potential for Mankind Divided?
What will be the next "I never asked for this"/"Yeah RIP"?

that one doesnt really work

It's cool.

Haha epic thread +1

I played it when it came out, I enjoyed it enough. It wasn't as good as the original, but I had fun with it.

It really was missing a lot of cool stuff from the first game, and had some curious decisions, like a universal ammunition which made things kind of silly as you never had to worry about inventory for certain ammunition.

I played it for the first time a month ago. It's worth running through at least once.
