There were as many as ten individual SA-X organisms aboard the BSL

>There were as many as ten individual SA-X organisms aboard the BSL
>Samus only ever encountered one of them at a time
>Never any multi-SA-X encounters

Fusion had a lot of moments that made my skin crawl as a kid.
>Sector 2 SA-X encounter after the spider boss
>Frozen Ridley breaking apart
>Secret message between the AI and Samus' superiors
>Discovering the captive Metroid babies
>Nightmare's face
>That vague sense that something has been going horribly wrong beneath the shadows at the BSL
Seriously, I get that people dislike the game's linearity, but damn did it have some good atmosphere.

Other urls found in this thread:

Metroid Fusion is a good game.

I mentioned before how Fusion would have benefited from having an optional event where you could hunt down the addiional SA-Xs, but it's still a good game.

I remember restarting my game over and over just so I could see the devastation Nightmare caused breaking out and fight him again.

>mfw realizing that the way we feel about the SA-X is the way Space Pirates feel about Samus

>Mfw realizing that the space pirates could have easily defeated Samus with TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBES

>Fusion had a lot of moments that made my skin crawl as a kid.
Back when I had the game with the GBA I lived in an apartment building with an elevator. the sound of the elevator stopping in a floor was the same as the elevator from the game getting stuck because of low power. I marged those two ideas in my head and elevator rides became so worrysome.

>let's take the game's most memorable part, disregard what made people like it in the first place and just keep shoving it down the player's every orifice
Do you people have learning disability or something?

post gif where samus rush on fake samus

Fusion never gets the credit it deserves. One of the best Metroids, and one of the best action games period.

People bitched about it because it's not like Super Metroid. Well, if you want a game that's like Super Metroid, then play Super Metroid.

Fusion is brilliant.

I like the little things like the Caterpillars going into Chrysalids after you beat the Palm Tree thing. Later later on they become Kihunters. It just makes you feel on edge because the X constantly trying to fuck you.

There's other stuff too, like Blue X start running away from you once they realise they can't Allahu Akbar you anymore. I love that shit.

If the game had one encounter where you ran into multiple SA-X's near the end of the game, that would have made every single person shit their pants because no one would have expected it.
You don't need to have every single encounter have multiple SA-X's, but having Samus run across more than one at a time would have been nicer than the simple allusion that there was more than one. Not everyone shares your opinion, just like you don't share my opinion.

I found out that Kihunters are allies with the space pirates

They're apparently from another galaxy entirely.

Interesting, I always they were just animals like zoomers

>chased by one SA-X the whole game
>near the very end, running from one in a fairly straightforward manner
>second one pops out, player shits themselves
>make it out by the skin of your teeth
>go back to Adam to find out what in the fuck
>he tells you there are at least ten of them on the station
>player's face when

Would have been a great moment doing it just once out of nowhere.

So how advanced are the humans and space pirates, in terms of space travel? In most games and fictional realms even leaving the galaxy the story is set in is rarely touched upon, yet these minor space pirate enemies come from a different galaxy? Just makes you wonder.

Jesus Christ how horrifying

Metroid Prime Hunters took place in a different galaxy too, and EVERYONE got in on that action regardless of how minor their faction was.

Metroid has always been extremely soft as far as Sci-Fi goes, but I'm convinced most of Nintendo has no idea how science in general actually works.

Hunters takes place in another Galaxy. Travel between them seems trivial, though distance is still a factor. Phaaze was too far away to reach by traditional methods, for example.

I wish Nintendo would elaborate on what exactly the Galactic Federation is. We've only seen humans as members, outside of the manga.

Fusion was a good Metroid game, but a top tier horror action game.

Man that intro brings me back. I loved playing online for that game. Always played the rock dude

The whole concept of Nightmare is disturbing.

I love that when Nintendo of America put it on the Wii U e-shop, they made the trailer for it still seem like a horror game.

I wish there were a button to skip briefings in Metroid Fusion.

It would have being great do it right when you defeat SA-X and while you chase him in the vent a bunch of them chasing you until you get to your ship

Let's just assume a completely hypothetical situation here...
>There's a 7th sector that's locked away the entire game
>Finally Adam says that there's an upgrade you need to kill the SA-X in sector 7, unlocks the elevator bay for you so you can go there
>Go there, as soon as you enter the area a SA-X chases you
>After being chased down rooms built for running and jumping, a second SA-X pops out
>Player's face when
>Keep running from the two, manage to hide, forced to retreat to the navigation room because the SA-X's actively patrol the rooms
>Adam reveals that there's 10 SA-X's
>They're all in sector 7
>Player's face when
>When you get the upgrade you hunt them all down, one by one
>That fucking intro
Man, that's a blast from the past. I could hear the whole thing in my head.

I remember back in 2012 when online for the DS/Wii was around that there were still a dedicated group of autistic japs playing hunters online. I played with one guy for like 5 hours straight hoping to beat him but it never happened...

I heard AM2R is almost done. It's on finish line or something

That is pretty cool. Wish they would do something similar again

Am I a casual because I remember Fusion being kinda hard

I don't want to be like a Sup Forumstard abusing the word A E S T H E T I C but it really did add to the oppressive atmosphere of the game

what terrible music.

There were a handful of difficulty spikes. I'd say that next to Prime 2 it's the hardest Metroid game.

That said I don't really find it hard any more. Even when doing 1% runs it's highly manageable.

Nah it's more challenging than people give it credit for.

I seem to feel like I breezed through it the first time I played it, but anytime I got back to it, I always fuck up REPEATEDLY at that goddamn spider.

But yes, the game had a great look and a great atmosphere. I used to hate how "directed" it was but now I realize that it really does add to that. At some point you get sucked into the narrative and feel like okay, I have to complete this objective, and when something goes wrong you do feel a little uneasy about how the fuck are you gonna make it back to the navigation room? It's a love-hate sort of thing.

I'd say the original on the nes is the hardest

Trace master race

You fags can go fight amongst yourselves, i'll be over here being fucking invisible and racking up headshots

Anyone else think the prime games, specifically 1 and 2, are pretty spooky? In 1 I just feel so... alone while playing.

>When you get the upgrade you hunt them all down, one by one

That's retarded and ruins their entire concept.

Yeah, I really love it.

Then again, the Chozo Ghosts are pretty spooky and I hated those.

The dark world in prime 2 felt kinda spooky

>kill SA-X for the first time
>it literally doesn't matter because you know there's 9 more out there
>look forward to killing an enemy you just fought that isn't a treat anymore 9 more times

Those fucking ghosts were just spooky, they were a bitch to kill. Died so many times to them

yeah but only because it kinda bullshit about it the way it's designed. And I don't mean because no maps or handholding

Just use the X-Ray Visor. The first one you fight on the way to getting the Ice Beam should be the only one you don't have the X-Ray Visor for.

What are your best times?

I just did Metroid Prime in 2:17 here. I think that's an OK time.

Prime 1 and 2 both had incredibly spooky introductions compared to the rest of the game.

Prime 1
>Respond to a Space Pirate distress signal
>Arrive to find everything dead or barely clinging to life
>It is immediately clear something went terribly wrong
>Every corpse you scan describes some horrific cause of death
>Some pirates are still alive, but can only weakly shoot in your general direction
>Parasites everywhere, crawling all over walls through every nook and cranny
>Scans describe experiments and mutations disfiguring everything

Prime 2
>Your ship is taken down by lightning just getting close to the planet
>Some Federation Troopers went missing
>You find them all dead
>Some are cocooned or in webbing
>There's even a room where several troopers are hanging from the ceiling
>Then suddenly, the corpses start moving
>Scans only tell you that their life signs are negative even as they attack, with small mentions of something 'parasitic'
>You see dark clouds of something unknown seeping everywhere

Seriously, the very beginning of those two games really set the mood perfectly.

Who excited for asstroid primed?

don't think it would add anything of value

10 sa-x being on the ship was a source of narrative tension going towards the climax. also raises a question why they'd need to be hunted when the only thing left to do at that point is set the station to collide with SR388 and escape

after playing through the both of them recently, the beginning of 3 made me super disappointed.

i wish they'd just start by dropping us on the planet we go to anyway.

asstroid what

Super Metroid (and therefore Zero Mission) and Fusion were the only good Metroid games. The rest was shit or mediocre (Prime series). That leads me to the assumption that Metroid as a whole is a shit franchise and the only good games were exceptions. It makes much more sense now, everything I've expected Metroid to be was incredibly delusional. They could never fulfil my expectations because the only times they did, it was a mistake.

>mediocre (Prime series)
this leads to the conclusion that your retarded

prime was ok

just ok

not that user, btw

>(and therefore Zero Mission)
But Zero Mission was a re-imagining of the original Metroid.
>Everything else
You've either got really shit tastes or this is some bad bait.

Oh. StudioFOW. Whatever man. Personally I don't like submissive/mindbroken Samus and no doubt that's the direction they'll go with.

Looks interesting, otherwise.

What's wrong with that name?

>But Zero Mission was a re-imagining of the original Metroid.
I know, that's why it was also good.
Name some other good Metroid games than Super and Fusion.

Metroid Prime

I agree, The only thing close to that is just make text speed fast and mash A until its done

It's hilarious.

Also it sounds like one of those dumb insults Sup Forums would come up with for a game they don't like.

Well we know whose ass is gonna get primed

right user?

>Secret message between the AI and Samus' superiors
What was that about?

I hear you guys like metroid II

I liked it its really not that bad, I do like the atmospheric music

>tfw no sr388 remix in smash 4

>feds are bad

So, why did SA-X help Samus in the end?


Metroids are the natural predator of X
Samus is just a pathetic human

X fucking hate Metroids

They finally have a means to kill them through the Ice Beam, might as well take out the bigger one and finish off the incapacitated later

don't be silly user

there's one very long scene where ridley does exactly that

Fusion is like five times harder than Super Metroid.

Some of the bosses are but that might be because Fusion has a fuckload of them (Counting singular Beam Core fights like the Scientist)

So which items from the series were the hardest for you to obtain?
>Zero Mission
>That one in the ruins that required multiple shine-spark saves while climbing up a room, entering a new room getting to a ledge in time before it ran out, and shooting to the right wall to blast down a corridor
>That one super-missile that required you to speed boost from the worm's boss room and the morph-ball shine-spark at a very specific height
Those two I always remembered having to redo again and again. From what I remember, Fusion was a lot of clever platforming and secret walls but not as many skill-based ones, besides a few shine-spark items.

Ice Beam before Flaahgra

Why does fusion feel so calm

Did we play the same game?

>actual video game thread on Sup Forums with no insults, fanboys or general faggotry
I fucking miss this, guys.

>A game with this fucking thing
>Feeling calm
None of the sectors were particularly calm or comfy to me. Maybe ARC was a bit calm due to that cold, freezer feeling that not much was going on, but the others always had some kind of danger, tension, or event going on to prevent any calmness. From Samus' perspective, this game is constant dread and a feeling of being hunted from start to finish.
Fuck you, you fucking faggot, Fusion is the best game ever and it's perfect and Super can suck my feminine penis because it's over-rated shit and my opinion is better than yours.
Does that meet the shitposting quota?

i used to finish fusion in one evening when I was like 9

Well it's practical to beat fusion in 1 hour and 30 minutes so that's not impressive.


>zero suit
>3dcg porn
I see nothing of value here

They have the intelligence of every human on the station at that point, maybe they realized that since Samus had triggered the self destruct, they were doomed so they gave up and tried to ensure that at least something would survive the BSL's destruction. Or maybe it was just them reacting to their natural predator, who knows.

I use to casually speed run Zero Mission and Megaman Zero all the time when I was younger, I would make/improvise my own routes and everything. They only took a few hours, I think MMZ took me around an hour 40 while Zero Mission took anywhere from an hour to three hours, just depending on item completion. I also tried running Fusion, but I didn't do enough runs to get my make-shift route memorized, and it was around the time I started to just stop with casual speed running. This was all before speed running was a popular thing, mind you.

If this movie doesn't include the line "I said we'll be remodeling your shithole" FOW can fuck off forever

it has space pirates and ridley

don't worry user

The enemy of my enemy is my friend or some shit. Basically the bigger monster that's literally their arch enemy took precedent.

One of the things I dislike about this game is that it artificially blocks off upgrades that you should be able to get by preventing wall jumps and shinesparks, and even just straight up arbitrarily locks doors to sectors when it decides it doesn't want you going back for upgrades.

And by the time you finally have enough abilities to get all the remaining upgrades, you have an extremely short window to stop doing the main mission and go search for the rest of them, and after that everything gets blocked off by doors.

Compare with Zero Mission and Super, where the last save point is before the point of no return, allowing you to come back and explore even after you beat the game.

>Rated E
>Violence for everyone

Jesus christ Nintendo

Metroid getting E is weird. There's no blood or anything but you are shooting the fuck out of Zombie humans and other shit.

Metroid has more grim implications than actual grim content and those implications would go right over the head of a child playing the game, so E for Everyone seems appropriate to me.

>Never any multi-SA-X encounters

There are two onscreen at 1:12 in the video you posted bud.

That's not from Fusion. It's some fangame.

what's wrong with the suit?

Mah nigga.

Trace was the shit.

Don't ask, you'll just derail the thread into whining about muh sexualization of samus.

what's wrong with the suit? the fact that she's hot in it?

She's wearing it.

she'll get naked though