"Cleanse the bastard's curse!"
What did she mean by this?
"Cleanse the bastard's curse!"
What did she mean by this?
She meant: "Uwhahahaiahaiaha".
fat officials were better
She means "erase Dark Souls 2 forever"
She meant that..
Pretty much.
Why did the undead farmers accept these fucks into their community, but get butthurt when the Ashen One arrives?
Running past the one in the Cleansing Chapel made me so fucking frustrated. 50% of the time I would get hit. Hardest part of the game for me.
The evangelists can talk. The ashen one is a mute murder hobo.
This character is great but there really should have only been one. Like as a mini boss type thing. Having a bunch of them scattered throughout the first part of the game is stupid.
>The Deacons should have only sent one evangelist out
Why? Why would there be any reason to only send one and keep the rest at home?
Who the hell said they're related to the Deacons? Also, of they are, why are there exactly ZERO in the Cathedral of the Deep? The first one in the Undead Settlement should have been a boss (With changes, obviously). That specific area around the bonfire was prime for a mob style boss battle.
Not true, my character can say HEY
OK, two things.
One, the evangelists are sent from the cathedral to 'teach' the undead of the settlement and send them to the road of sacrifices.
Two, there are two evangelists in the Cathedral.
They are evangelist of the church sent to spread the word of our Lord and Savior Aldrich.
Also there are 3 of them in the cathedral.
You forgot the third thing: This is all related head canon and there's no evidence to back any of it up.
Also, as far as I know, there's only one in the that area. And it's also totally optional. I don't remember any inside the actual Cathedral itself.
Their clothes LITERALLY say that they are evangelists sent to the settlement
>This is all related head canon and there's no evidence to back any of it up.
"Hat of an evangelist sent from the cathedral.
These teachers, all women, came to enlighten the inhabitants of the Undead Settlement and sent carriers on the path of sacrifice."
One on the roof
One downstairs before the giant inside the cathedral
One after the giant, still in the cathedral
And also one on the road to get to the cathedral before the first bonfire
Read the fucking descriptions
By whom though?
There are two in the cathedral.
One is on a high balcony up a ladder from the room after the mimic.
The other is down a staircase in a sort of alcove looking out at the scenery.
"Robe of an evangelist sent from the cathedral.
These teachers, all women, came to enlighten inhabitants of the Undead Settlement and sent carriers on the path of sacrifice."
It's in the description of their set. Stop being a fucking retard.
They weren't exactly subtle with that particular Berserk reference were they. With the book and everything in an area with breaking wheels all over the place. They just went full fucking Berserk with that area.
There's two in the attic after the firedemon battle, plus others
Nigga I only ever saw one, and that was the optional area where the little dudes try and a!bush you just past the rooftop type area. I remember a lot of knights, priests, and a giant spider in the Cathedral, but never the fat fucking American type women.
That's in the Undead Settlement.
Go look for them then.
One is before the first bonfire of the area, after the C. Sage.
Onr is on the roof, with some hollows and a corpse where you loot lloyds.
One is on the right of the area before the giant, up the lift shorcut, downstairs.
One is on the elevated area after the giant, you have to climb a ladder to get there.
Just makes me wish I was fighting some cheeky fat officials 2bh
Are you getting this shit from a fucking guide?
You must be retarded.
Cathedral of the deep didnt have any secret areas. Just walk around and explore everything. Cant help but wondering if you are one of the guys that says: "playing dark souls for the lore is retarded".
No. I re played the area few hours ago and actually explored. Go and see if you don't believe me.
So you're basically taking all your info from Fextralife then?
>here is where the enemies are
>u use a guide
>no, I play the game
>so u use a guide
You did pull that shit straight off Fextralife though.
unused bloodborne enemies.
No? I told you twice for fuck sake
>Cathedral of the deep didnt have any secret areas
Rosaria's place was pretty fucking hidden to me.
One before the first bonfire.
You must be 18+ to post here
One up a ladder after the first giant.
i thought that was the bonfire you progressed normally to.
after getting to floor level CotD, i just ran straight through to the church shortcut, went up the lift, and then to rosarias from the rafters. then i used the bridge to lower myself so that i could run to Deacons.
out of my three runs, i've only found patches in there once.
>using ashen estus
One down some stairs before that same giant.
patches doesn't spawn if you go onto the rafters before meeting him by the bridge
RLaP and Lightning Blade both cost quite a bit of FP.
Why shouldn't I use ashen estus, is this another one of those 'using anything at all is a meme and makes u bad' memes?
God, fuck off you God damn moron.
>using estus at all
If you meet Patches at the Firelink Shrine tower before opening the shortcut door that triggers his spawn at Cathedral, he won't spawn at Cathedral.
Nigger I beat the game with half of a sega dreamcast controller with v sync on.
I would be more proud if I didn't take the easy way out by not doing my daily autolynching that day.
sorry, didn't mean to imply i don't know how to get patches, just meant to say that i had to go out of my way to get the patches encounter during my third playthrough.
Oh and the one of the roof.
I bet you look at the screen to casul.
>implying I'm not using a braille chinese monitor
Nah, I much prefer the Evangelists.
boy, look, another faggot spamming buzzword of the day and looking like a dipshit.
Quit jumping on the bangwagon, faggot.
Turns out the Ashen One has STD's and she's just doing her job to prevent it from spreading.
hey can you read this for me?
>Children that have cancer are meant to die
What did she mean by this?
Don't corrupt Irina. Ash, you massive faggot
Aaahh... The little creatures...
you should stop baiting.
What's with the crying one in Irithyll? And why is it fog gated when online when there's just a spell there?
Dorhys went insaner than the other Evangelists.
>it's canon that comes from a hat
What are those phantoms in Irithyll supposed to be? Just those mini Vordts?
>mfw I was concentrating so hard on dodging the homing magic I didn't see (or hear) the big ass spiked mace of pure death
>mfw that fucking swing speed
>mfw it dropped twice for my dex character
no face because it was erased from existence when the mace connected
>calling a moron a moron is somehow 'jumping on the bandwagon'
Fuck off moron.
Some of them have Dancer armor and the same body too
The ghosts? They're the spirits of the outrider knights. There's one of the Dancer.
I'm not sure if their numbers match up with the number of outriders, I never bothered to check.
So are they all noodly from being corrupted by the Pontiff? The other Irythillian hollows seem normal proportioned.
I think they're meant to represent Vordt, Dancer and the 3 Outrider Knights (The mini Vordt's). I think there's 5 ghosts in total but I know there's at least 3 for sure.
so you didnt actually play das3, did you?
>skipping any area
>skipping any enemy
>skipping any armor set
She's tsundere and wants a hug
>The other Irythillian hollows seem normal proportioned.
All the Irythillians are tall and have god proportions. Almost all the residents of Irithyll are descended from the old gods, which is why they're so tall.
>Three hammers
Every time
This made me laugh kinda hard and I'm not sure why, I think it's the no pants
So they're all lanky and flat as a stick? Other gods are more normal human proportioned,just big.
Sorry, it's late for me, my comprehension skills are dulled.
The recession hit Anor Londo pretty hard, huh?
The hammer did it for me.
>tfw no cursed twin princes to spitroast you
why even live
Nah, it was totally "Fuck me, I'm in DaS3!"
so what's the deal with the evangelist at irithyll? she drops a miracle and then her dead body continues to remain there even after reloading the bonfire. ive never seen that happen to any other mob or npc after slaying them, other than yoel of londor.
I always figured the gods were fairly lanky, really. Artorias is a stickman, Ornstein's armor fits weird when worn by the player, and Smough could only fit into that armor if his limbs were unusually long.
The only one with definitely human proportions was Ciaran, since she was literally just a player-type model.
Where in Irithyll?
Was it rape?
What about Gwyn, he was Normal proportioned, so we're his children.
invisible wall. google "how to find great gnaw miracle" or something. its not called great gnaw but its like a stronger version of it.