>Hey user, pick a game that we can play
Hey user, pick a game that we can play
>putting your games in a sleeve case
poor faggot living in rand McNally detected. i bet you buy your soda in litre bottles too rather than 12 packs of cans.
>he likes his soda tasting of tin
>he likes his soda full of plastic particles
glass bottle > can > carton > plastic bottle
Easy, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
>single player game at a friends house
Oh, you were THAT kid
Pretty sure it had coop splitscreen
I have my games in a CD book and the art/manuals in a binder all in laminated sleeves. Got rid of the physical cases (except for limited/collector's/rare games or games in which those cannot easily be replaced i.e. GBA boxes).
Saves space and keeps all of the actual valuable shit intact.
>two players on one system, doing anything but Co op
it's not 2006 anymore user
Like a cardboard milk carton or an orange juice carton? Where the fuck do you get soda in a carton.
Haven't seen any sodas in cartons, I admit.
I still think the ranking is valid for most forms of drinks. Just ignore cartin if it does not apply.
>Kid, i think 10 at the time
>Bring friend over
>we play a game . pic related
>I loved this game but it was and i think still is pretty much unheard of
>i dominate him almost every match
>starts screaming how i am not teaming with him. i keep telling him we aren't in a team mode
>i get in trouble for "not being nice"
>get grounded off ps2 for rest of day
At least 3 years later i had seen the kid had a penis to the size of a small tac
Do these things scratch up discs or not?
I want to save space but I've heard conflicting things
"Aw shit man this is the movie sleeve case"
I played quite a bit of that. Fun game, but somewhat repetitious.
>See cover, know what game it is but the text looks odd
>Click image, "driven to destruction"
I didn't know Test Drive had an entirely different name in Europe. Kind of a strange change
pick some shitty game like small soldiers that had a fun multiplayer
That ain't no soda, that be juice or milk or something
They can. Depends on a lot of factors but using the original game cases is always best. Look at it this way...in a game case they hover. Any dust, dirt or debris that could scratch things will never scrape. In these cases the disc surface is touching shit at all times. Also the weight of the discs being on top of the ones on bottom isn't good either.
i like you user, i'd buy you a drink
In a glass bottle
Man i used to have all kinds of PC games in a black bag like this. I don't even know where we got them all from the first place.
Good to know people agree. You could even seperate plastic bottles in the hard/thick ones and the flimsier more flexible ones. Coca Cola uses the harder ones. Most discount brands in supermarkets use thinner ones. The thin ones are just the worst.