Where the fuck do you get PS2 games nowadays?

Where the fuck do you get PS2 games nowadays?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/#q=ps2 iso

google.com/#q=ps2 iso


thrift stores, garage sales, pawn shops, ebay, to name a few. they're dirt cheap and often times you can find the games in great condition.

end yourselves


but you can burn iso on dvd

>implying that I'm implying something

Nigga for some reason you can download them right the fuck off emu websites now

I'm old, and the future frightens me

let me just check in my time machine -.-

You're implying that I don't have a modded PS2.

Or just play it off the HDD.

who wants to go through all that shit

It's not hard at all m8.
Literally just buy a FreeMCBoot memory card, and then you can just burn games and play them.

People that aren't brain dead and realize it will save them a lot of time and money in the long run to just mod it and have access to every single game.

ebay if you want to collect

free mcboot and emuparadise if you want nippon games or can't be assed to spend like 3-7 dollars

Shit, well thanks for telling me, i've never modded a console before to be honest

My hard drive

>get PCSX2 emulator
>download gran turismo 4
>play with xbox 360 controller
>car acceleration is X button
>forget entirely about Dual Shock multi-stage face buttons
>xbox 360 face buttons don't do that shit
>play starter races, keep fucking skidding out because I'm either full throttle or nothing
>don't realize it for hours

FUCK! I guess I need a real Dual Shock controller. Or just a real PS2.


You could always just bind throttle to a fucking trigger.

Download, burn them, put them on an HDD, emulate them, buy from ebay, rip them, do the previous shit, whatever.

My puny brain won't allow for that

Jesus christ man, I can do it and I have an iq of a fucking rock. Just by yourself a copy of that one EA bond game that it launched with and look up the tutorials.

all modern controllers dropped pressure sensitive face buttons. it sucks.

>I can do it and I have an iq of a fucking rock
what iq you got man
i'm at fucking 85
i'm dumb as shit

If you live in HoustonTexas I go to games plus

DS3 has pressure sensitive buttons, and with a certain version of Lilypad and scpserver, you can get them working.

user, pls

Even though I've always used official pads. I always used the right analog stick for acceleration/brake in GT. Gives much better control and eliminates braking whilst in the gas.

Hmmm, very interesting, I'll give it a shot

>eliminates braking whilst in the gas.
This isn't a good thing, you fucking casual faggot.

whichever you prefer

>get a 120GB hard drive
(only numale betacucks have a slim ps2 it reminds them of thier inferior boiclitty)
>slap it in your ps2
>get something that can load games
>get all your isos from where ever

The retro market is a real shitshow, its best to just sidestep all that shit these days. An N64 flash cart is also an essential if you are interested in the system.