It's shit
It's shit
>$0.10 has been deposited into your account! -GearBox
I agree dude.
I think that there are too many characters. The art style is good but with so much stuff going on screen I find it hard to focus on anything. I do think that all the characters are fleshed out but i feel like they spread themselves too far wide with this one.
It's too damn easy
I really enjoyed the beta, I haven't purchased it yet. Has really that much changed in its release to cause me to dislike it?
Trash game.
Best multiplayer game ever created in history is Metal Gear Online 2 from MGS4. Nothing even comes close.
No shit, you'd have to be braindead to not realise that back when they first showed gameplay footage.
The only hope the game had was being fully open to players and letting them decide if they wanted 32 player servers on wallrun maps or not, but Blizzard fucking hates anything with the word community in it because they can't make any money off it.
So instead we're left with a shitty game with only a few maps which all last less than 5 minutes and no community because everything is server queues, which will soon be solely populated by wannabe e-sports teams trying to practice with their hacks for the retarded tourneys that Blizz will organize with retarded prize pools.
All they did was add the function to buy lootboxes for cosmetics items. You can still earn lootboxes by leveling up.
No. It's just Sup Forums being contrarian.
no, hes trolling. I disliked the beta but purchased because $40 why not... im loving it
Why not play the superior FPS that released in May
It's stuff like this that makes me realize that the advertising for games is the only positive aspect anymore
It's just the Battleborn counter-shills.
But this was expected, Overwatch shills couldn't give a shot about Battleborn so they shill without ever saying BB is bad or mentioning it in the slightest while Battleborn shills know they are fucked and try to shit on Overwatch any chance they get because it would be too obvious trying to praise BB and at least if they shot on OW some might mistake it as the average Sup Forums attitude towards new games
is this really shit? I watched gameplay, and it looks kind of fun? but at the same time it just looks like an fps. I'm tempted to buy it, because it looks like I can enjoy myself a bit. But on the otherhand, I feel like I may just be buying it for the character design over gameplay. Can I get some honest reviews from people who are playing it and not just shitposting? I can only buy it on PS4 or Xbone I don't really have a PC for games.I know I can't, it's just funny to ask.
I wouldn't call it shit but it becomes quickly repetitive after a few days. And it's overhyped as fuck.
>Sup Forums TEARS
The 10 or 15 BRs/slavs/jews/furries that still play TF2 have been in maximum damage control mode. It's literally fucking identical to the beta, but they added the microtransactions that we knew they were adding a year ago.
I really don't understand this insane excuse from the Blizzard defense force.
You know there are maybe 20 people playing BB, right? And the advertising budget was basically nothing anyway. I don't understand why shitting on OW is somehow generating support for BB. I guess you can't use the excuse of angry TF2 fans anymore, so this is the new sockpuppet you've invented to pretend that your game is anything but total shit with no content. Ah well, you'll realise in a couple of weeks what it took everyone else a couple of hours to understand.
its fun, but lacks a lot of depth in gameplay
may be worth 40 though
Please give sauce on this picture.
It's a meme game
It's only 40 In stores? I just checked the PStore website and I'm only seeing origins for 60 Is there a chance for a pricedrop within the year? I'm honestly just really starved on vidya at the moment, and this looks like a good game to pass time. Does it have couch co-op? I have a friend coming tomorrow and it may be a good excuse to buy it now.
>manufacturing a war between companies played out on a laotian daguerrotype website waged with passive aggressive shitposts
I guess it's more interesting than what usually happens on this board.
It's $40 for PC only
the barebones pc release was 40, idk about console
dont think it has any splitscreen though
It's only 40 on PC. 60 on consoles because of a no-cheaters tax
You can get the console version for 48 on amazon for some reason
I WISH amazon payed me to tell you that
You will be bored quickly is all
Of course.
But people will still buy it because they're dumb and easily influenced by hype.
I'm still searching to this day brother, sorry.
That's kind of gay, but understandable, That's my fault for owning every console of this gen, yet still not putting up the dosh for PC.
Also without splitscreen I might lose interest faster because none of my friends have a PS4 to play with me on.
I can believe you think it's shit, but why didn't you play open beta to make a decision before buying it?
why did you get an Xbone and a PS4?
Honest question
It's not support for BB, they're just trying to drag OW down for what they can
Pc broke
Because Gears is still epic af
So who is best waifu?
Obviously it's shit, otherwise people would be playing it instead of posting about it.
If people on Sup Forums keeps talking a lot more about it after the release than before following the first few days of release, drop it like an American.
I give the game 6 weeks and it'll be F2P. The reason: most games sell most of their copies in that time plus competition will sap the user base.
I'll get it then.
I got the PS4 on discount before the price drop for like $275 because I wanted most of the JRPGS that were planned for it.
I got the Xbone for the scarce amount of exclusives it was going to have, Crackdown, Halo, Gears of War. I used to play those games a lot with my Dad, so I still like to give them a play. I'm going to probably end up with Scalebound.
I use the Xbone as an entertainment center, My PS4 isn't getting much use since I finished the FFXV demo. I feel like I've gotten my moneys worth or will kind of.
No, that's the problem, epic doesn't work on gears anymore
This game is like playing early tf2 on the xbox 360.
The lack of content is super apparent. Character's roles are so rigid that you can clearly tell when you're playing with a shitter by who they pick on attack or defense. This game defintely needs mod tools or a steady stream of content from blizzard in the upcoming weeks because this won't last long outside of the esports and wannabe esports scene.
I bought it and then regretted it. Im looking foward to get a refound.
It's not worth it's price, user. Wait for it to go on sale or something. Trust me.
I also had tons of fun during the open beta, but it just doesn't last long
serious question
why is half of Sup Forums so set on hating this game
what problems do you have with it that make you go out of your way to shitpost about it?
I mean, deadpool wasn't a good video game but there wasn't that much shitposting about that game
is it just because this is popular?
How does it feel to know you're just yelling like a little baby about something you dont like because its popular
>generic yellow fever kawaiii bait
This. The game is genuinely fun for like 4 days. after this it starts to become super repetitive.
Two weeks. This is the time I give to the game before we see threads poping left and right of people getting bored and raging on Bliz.
it's blizzard
What you have to realize is that the vast, vast, vast majority of Sup Forums has sunk hundreds, if not thousands, of hours into TF2. There is a delusional minority that still cling to the belief that TF2 is alive, even though Valve has clearly forgotten about it. These people are so fucking assblasted that another game is coming in to potentially steal what little fanbase is left, that they are in full damage control mode. Additionally, we have the children/NEETs that just can't get past that massive $40 price wall and are buttmad that they won't be able to have fun, so they are also shitposting.
I saw it to be land and borin since the very first trailer where the audio sounded like shit, and the last beta where the audio still sounded like sit.
The characters are bland, there's no atmosphere because of the shitty audio production, the trailers were bland and predictable, the gameplay is shallow. People will be bored of it within a month. Sup Forums got duped so fucking hard.
I literally don't know anything about this game, never seen gameplay of it, don't even know if it's an FPS or a TPS. All I know is I hate its annoying fans, so I will shitpost threads about it until it disappears in a couple months.
>Wait for it to go on sale or something
Blizzard games rarely go on sale with the exception of WoW expacs. They'll practically give away the old content in hopes that you'll buy the $50 bullshit.
Or the game is legitimately crap and people are getting bored of it.
Imagine that you love to read books, that you love to lose yourself reading a good book in a comfy couch.
You have been doing this for several years, you've met people who share your likings, you've read a lot of books and have defined tastes and you even have some favorite authors.
Then, one day the quality of books start going down, every book feels like the shame, authors doesn't really care about the book being good or made for people who like to read, but for literally everyone to feel included in the world the book tries to get you in.
Most of the people you know start losing themselves in these books, and become void of any criteria regarding good pieces of literature, they only want the next "big thing" from shallow authors.
Then, one day someone with a record of selling really bad books markets this new book that panders to everyone, with a shiny cover and some figurines to go with it.
You can buy it but not read it yet, you can just wait for it to be good, not like the other works of the author. Everyone of your pals without taste agree that this is a great book.
Would you buy it?
TLDR: Overwatch is literally 50 shades of grey tier.
I'm not sure about the game being shit. Way overrated though? sure.
What is also sure is it's going to have one hell of a terrible community, looking a the waifu fanboy threads. A LOL tier one probably.
This game looks so incredibly boring. Just spam right mouse button and sometimes press shift e and q.
Blizzard literally made a league of lesbians shooter.
No, you're wrong, here's a paragraph of mental gymnastics about how if you don't like a bad game like Overwatch, you have some mental illness or are a big fanboy of some other game or something.
this, it's just mediocre. i'm not sure why people expected anything less from modern-ay blizzard either.
the game has potential, but it's just lacking in substance. not enough depth to keep you from getting bored in a week. not enough content to in terms of actual gameplay. the characters are fairly generic as well. 99% of the character discussion has been about the female characters' asses, and then the 1% is about it being high noon.
who /having fun/ here?
I love you, you little memer.
You're in the wrong thread stupid hamster
You do realize that the new expansion was announced to be free?
you knew it. you played the beta.
>I grew out of a hobby and didn't move onto anything more fulfilling.
Re-read my post and realize what game I was talking about.
I wonder if the people praising this as a competitive game have just never played a competitive FPS and their only frame of reference is mobas, or if they're just taking the piss to piss off the competitive FPS crowd. Like, "haha, your favorite genre is dead because nobody wants to play games that take skill!"
Thanks shill.
Oh but I did, that's why Im not buying Overmeme unlike you I guess.
That game has even less content than Titanfall at its release. Not falling for the meme again
>waaaah the golden age of quake, pls come back arena fps waaah
move on gramps.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>They'll practically give away the old content in hopes that you'll buy the $50 bullshit.
>shill xD
Can you stupid fucks even read?
I feel like Sup Forums is full of underage faggots.
The characters are fairly good and reasonably balanced for the maps. The problem is that it'd be a total mess with more than 6v6, and with user maps the clear issues with the game design would quickly come to light.
Have my upvote
Oh, my bad.
I actually read the news earlier this week and took it to mean that legion will be free as well. Sorry user-kun.
Holy shit, you're right. TF had more on offer than this.
>t. born in 2004 and proud
me desu
No problem shill-kun.
Overwatch is incredible. I havent had this much fun in a video before. EVER. PERIOD. Blizzard nailed it and you're missing out big time if you didnt buy it.
Shill moar faggot
>The Division
The fuck did you expect?
>$0.03 has been deposited into your account.
No surprise.
Is overwatch your first game kid?
>$0.05 has been deposited into your Bank of Brazil account
what do these games even have in common? except for being FPS games obviously.
>If someone likes something they're a shill!!
Whatever you guys say. I'll just be over here playing the best shooter out there with me and my friends. Have fun raging at each other.
Guildwars 2 was shit, is shit and will forever be shit until they totally revamp the skill system and remove weapon skills.
fun for a few days but gets boring fast after
The Overwatch beta was very mediocre. But how in the fuck can anyone here praise a game by Gearbox? Everything they touch is so God damn obnoxious.
Massively hyped, online-multiplayer focused games that turned out to be mediocre to outright shit. You can add Destiny to that list too.
Is The Division alright dead? Remember when you shills had threads here 24/7.
If you have a group of people that are willing to play with you then absolutely get the game. Even if you don't think it's the best game ever, it's always nice just to play games with people that you care about.
If you don't have anyone to play with then I would definitely not buy it since the game is all about teamwork and coordination