Anal Blasting Lake

Why is this place so fucking punishing jesus christ .
Catacombs of Carthus was such a fucking breeze.

> Fucking demon clerics attacking in couples.
> Fucking poison ghrus
> Fucking labyrinthian corridors full of enemies.
> dozens of fucking basilisks in a single cramped place.

Is it because its a bonus area?

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How's any of those thing even remotely hard?
The only dangerous thing the lake has is the fucking giant ballista, and it's more annoying than hard.

Stop playing games like you have somewhere you need to go and take your adhd pills too.

Thats the least challenging bit

Dodging basilisks is pretty easy
Dodging fireballs in demon ruins is pretty easy

what's left?

reminder giant worm is solaire who was corrupted and transformed by the sunlight maggot


Thanks, Vaati!

You cannot be serious.

>Stand behind the snek
>let the arrow hit the snek

Smouldering lake is shit, but the real issue is with Demons Ruin.

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea making a whole fucking level with no fucking boss and with the sole purpose at the end is to shut down that fucking ballista?

>he didnt git gud

I felt satisfied as fuck shutting off that ballista. Totally worth it for me

>people actually complain about the fire orb spawning demons

I've learned to never expect any amount of critical thinking from Souls fans after the Shrine of Amana bitching.


It's pretty obvious Demon Ruins was supposed to be a full zone until Bamco probably urged them to hurry the fuck up.

Demon Ruins are a Bloodborne Chalice dungeon, complete with reused assets.

Literally the last thing anyone wanted. I'm positive From knew better.

This so much. The worm should have been where Old Demon King's current room is, and you fight him like a mini-boss where the ballista can't reach. Then, the Old Demon King's fog gate is right near the ballista.

I hope you got that speckled ring before doing that. You did, right?

Please leave a bad player review on my profile, so i can learn from my mistakes.

OP here . Disregard my stupid shit . I'm an idiot .

I meant Demon ruins , not smouldering lake .
Demon ruins is what grinded my gears.

Shrine of Amana bitching? I recently finished it, I don't think there's anything too wrong with it. What was the bitching about?

Same shit.
How can you possibly die to basilisks? They don't even attack you, just spew smoke in which you have to stand still for half an hour to get petrified.
And you must have zero spatial awareness to be able to get lost in the "labyrinth".

People don't know how to use cover. They also don't realize that it's not a good idea to wade around in waste deep water with numerous enemies around.

They nerfed the fuck out of it. The tracking is a lot less now.

Also, having played as a pure mage there, no weapon, no shield - just magic, it is literally the worst level in the entire series, including BB and DeS.

Originally the tracking on those magic spells was beyond absurd. They'd circle around you until hitting a wall and even chase you through buildings. The very first patch was to make that area easier.

The demon ruins guys are way eaiser because there are so many ways to just negate magic in this game and because you face them 1 at a time. There's that one hallway but the only stuff down there is some bonedust that you can just grab and die because you're 15 feet away from the bonfire.

If the basilisks attack you at the same time then the curse bar pretty much fills up in less than a second . It's not about getting lost in a labyrinth . It's about trying to fight multiple enemies in a cramped place leaving you not much room to dodge.

That's fucking stupid, just bait and kill one by one, and use cast light on the murky waters. It wasn't really too hard. I got dumpstered once by the ogre and once in the place where you get the NPC summon.

it was really annoying in the unpatched console release, but they patched it almost immediately
most of the bitching is probably parroting honestly

Just wait until you get to Lothric Castle and the game decides that everything in the game should now two shot you because DUDE PREPARE TO DIE XD. Seriously though, it's fucking nonsensical how damage/defenses are handled in the PvE.

I loved this place. Did so many invasions here, and got invaded a lot. It took me nearly two hours to explore everything and kill all the enemies. Good shit.

I'm glad there was no boss after the Demon Ruins either, your sole objective was to shut down the ballista (for which there was zero reason to really) but it felt good as fuck having everything done before going into the boss fog to kill the flaming faggot.

Not to mention its boss is definitely one of the hardest and probably THE hardest in the main story.

Thanks anons. So far I like DS2 better than 3 in general. Unfortunately in my opinion 3 betas 2 by a long shot in boss fights. I think 2s are extremely simple. The exploration and environments are far better though, except for earthen peak and no man's wharf. I have yet to play the dlc too so I hope I like it as much as the base game.

>Go to Smouldering Lake for the first time
>Run to the Old Demon King fog gate dodging fucking harpoons all the way up the stairs
>Kill him and warp out not even realizing there was an entire dungeon
Fuck that whole area.

>Hardest boss in the game

i saw a dude on twitch going throught it without getting damaged

DLC areas of DaS2 are much better than anything in the base game. Eleum Loyce is probably my favorite zone in the entire souls franchise.

I sure hope you're not referring to Dragon Armor.

Those are my thoughts as well. I enjoyed the areas, especially the DLC, in DaS2, but the bosses in DaS3 are much better.

DaS2 has incredible DLC.

>except for man's wharf
Nigga the pirate bay was top tier stuff.

The DLC is generally the best content in the series(along with some of the worst side areas).

Yeah I started exploring but the atmosphere was so shit and the area looks shit so I just beat the boss and never returned. Shame cause the lake looks cool but underground is horrible

Yeah, 3 is the better looking game and has better level design but I still prefer 2 in a lot of ways. The only thing I really, really miss from 3 is being able to hold R2 to charge your heavy attack.
Don't forget to play the new game plus because it changes spawns, adds totally new enemies to the game, shakes up boss fights a little, and unlocks new armors and spells and stuff.

>knights deal more damage per hit than all three bosses in the castle

>infinite poise for so many enemies, of course no poise for you

>Lorian counterattacks after every hit so the fight is literally R1 -> roll -> R1 -> roll

I didn't mean wharf was shit, I meant the transition made no sense. Earthen peak too but I highly disliked that one.


Do you mean lothric or dragonslayer? Either way both are definitely not the hardest

Nigga, Solaire is in the game. All those camping grounds with the Sunny D Soup spread throughout the game is Solaire wandering around.

You even find his talisman at one of them.

Reminder that this is retarded

That's Seigward, he even tells you he made the soup

While I agree that lorian was literally roll r1 roll r1 it was an awesome fight


Oh, that. The world design was pretty much the worst of both Dark Souls and Demon's Souls unfortunately.

He says he makes a good soup, not that he's the only who makes it you fucklord.

I bet you think your mom is the only one who knows how to make chocolate chip cookies too. Holy shit, you are retarded.

>Kill him and warp out not even realizing there was an entire dungeon

Bullshit that never happened, Alex. The Demon King 2 shots you maybe 3 shots you if you spent all your leveling into health, and there is no way you can avoid this lava swirlies without forehand knowledge of where to run and how.

How many times did you die?

Holy fuck how dense are you

>Hey he's not saying he's the only who can make it so lets come up with fan theories

God damn Matsumotos laugh is contagious.

That place was disappointing. I fought the Old Demon King before I even killed the snake, and expected there to be a harder boss somewhere farther in the zone.

Not him but I didn't die. Pop a red burr and off you go. He has similar movesets to Asylum Demon so it was no trouble for me. I killed the Asylum Demon in Dark Souls 3 without taking a single hit.

I think it's because he looks like a weird combination of a crazy old man and a baby.

>pre patch shrine of Amana
>frigid outskirts
>bed of chaos

>pleb detected

The enemies in this "dungeon" are annoying, user, they are harder i.e. more annoying than most enemies the game, user. Especially those pieces of shit that summon fire balls.

No one cares how cool and badass you are, user.

>crazy old man and a baby.
This is it

The world design is bad but DS2 still had good individual area design. DS3 is so linear with the occasional shortcut that it is painful. It feels like being led along a single path even though the maps have some complexity.

The gay thing is you can skip the whole dungeon and just run to that back bonfire before demon king

Lothric is hardest in the course of the story.
Nameless King is hardest in the game.

i was about to say demon king, but you made me realize how optional and secret demon ruins is. you're totally right user.

Woulda been great if there was a capra demon boss or something

So do we know exactly who Old Demon King is, and why there was suddenly a civil war between the old and new demons?

Also, why the fuck were Black Knights down there.

His behavior is similar to Vanguard / Asylum Demon and his lava attacks are way too slow to catch anyone outside of his immediate vicinity. Are you new to the series or did you try him as soon as you could?

The only hard part about that place is the demon mage guys, just since they have absolutely absurd amounts of hp. And their fire stream attack can seemingly one shot you.

Maybe I was just overleveled to shit because I did all the optional bosses first, but Dragon Armor was almost insultingly easy for me and frankly felt like a boss that I'd have fought near the beginning of the game.

Cinder is tougher than Lothric imo

Also a better fight

Champion Gundyr and Soul of Cinder are both great fights. Nameless is good as well.

Gohnorrea tree is the worst boss, followed closely by DoD and Crystal Mage

Not that user, but he didn't even make me use an estus, and my build at the time had no VIG investment. A strong gust of wind could have killed me.

>Are you new to the series or did you try him as soon as you could?

Killed him before taking out Wolnerf and Cathedral boss. First play through blind.

>mfw farming black knight gear for 6 hours

Yeah, it took way too many cues from Bloodborne in terms of its world and level design. I didn't mind it as much then since it was a spinoff, but the lack of variety and freedom made going through it that much less fun.

>lethal lava land is sloppy, half-finished (if even) content for the third time in a row

They wanted you to go through the demon ruins first, the balista can shoot a hole in the ground which leads there.

The problem is that the boss fog door is way more obvious to see than the breakable ground, so barely anyone goes to the demon ruins first. The worm is easy to avoid and the ballista can kill him for you, so it isn't enough incentive to turn around and search the rest of the lake first while the ballista is still firing

>fire cunts are the only thing in the game that drops Chaos Gems
>have to suicide into lava for a few pyromancies
Did I miss something, or do you have to die getting the shit in the lava? I could barely get the pyromancy halfway into one of them with an Orange Burr and Flash Sweat active.

Basically counters pure melee builds

DS2 is certainly more of an open world game. I went back to it for maybe 45 minutes and when I looked at my teleport list I had unlocked like 6 areas to challenge.
A linear game isn't necessarily bad, but so many cool weapons are tucked away near the end of the game that it's just retarded. Especially magic and miracles where you don't get your big damage spells until the grand archives and ng+. Whereas a wizard/hexer in DS2 could get their bread and butter damage spells from the very 2nd area of the game.

You basically have to die. It does enough damage by itself, but the fire slugs that block your way make it a suicide run if you're running a build that could actually take full advantage of the talisman you get.

I don't think there was a civil war between the demons, I though Tsorig rounded up a shitload of black knights, went down there and fucked their shit seven ways from sunday.

>why the fuck were Black Knights down there.

because they are demon slayers, that was the original purpose of their order before they got burned to shit by the linking of the first flame
and even after, they roam the world and preferably slay demons

>the balista can shoot a hole in the ground which leads there
that's bullshit right?
I played through the game 5 times and never heard of that before

No, it's a shortcut right to the Demon King Antechamber bonfire. You can skip the first portion of the ruins and almost completely avoid those fireball demon cunts.

At Lothric Castle I felt the game turned to shit.
Almost every ennemies is an old one with red eye or some shit and they now can two shot you, they're also faster and they have more health.
Happily I finished the game with Archdragon peak which was better, even if I'm not a fan of many ennemies here

>see items in the lava
>think there must be a walk in lava ring and I'll just come later for them
>there isn't

He's a boring boss, with a slow moveset and he can't do ANYTHING if you hit him with ranged attacks

There isn't? What the fuck

You can simply roll the lava circles

>mfw it's true
is that why the bonfire order is so weird when teleporting in this area?
did they really expect people to find this entrance to the ruins instead of getting past of the worm which is easy as fuck because you dont even have to kill it?

i found it on my first run by accident

Yes, you basically have to wear the most fire resist you got and keep chugging

The person that created Demon Ruins probably got some pointers from the shithead that put those obnoxious hot rock sections in Iron Keep. Fuck trying to platform between those tiny islands for a measly bonfire ascetic.

I didn't have much estus left from exploring the lake so I started shooting arrows at him after I took my last few gulps expecting to die. Turns out he can't do shit about it.


it makes me sad. the last souls game. so linear. they should have let the dark souls 2 dlc people on the A team. now people call souls3 soulless. ree.

Same. Honestly, I thought it was the correct way. Didn't even realize you could run past the worm.

So, have we really reached that turning point yet?

"DS2 was better than DS3."

i hope DLCs change the game for better

>mfw got all the black knight gear and can charge through the demon ruins destroying everything
Might try making a black knight mid level build and invading there.