*presses LShift*

*presses LShift*

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You sure you're not confusing it with *presses E*, kid?

might be
I dont know which the flashbang is, I don't play mccree

You should try. He's fun.

but if i want brainless combos for brainless kills ill just play pyro

Ah, so you're THAT type, I see now.

people still comparing OW to TF2?
why it isnt even played the same the heroes are off and comparing hanzo to the lucksman is pure bs.
lucksman / huntsman is a weapon of luck and managin to do good with it is hard. Same goes for Hanzo but his bow can do far more...
like his ulti.

*presses left click*
*gets play of the game*

oh oh iho iih he hiii iiiih

"hang on, let me just stand perfectly still in plain view of 4 enemies with a nice loud callout, i'm sure that'll go over well"

>dying to bastion
You can only blame yourself.


there are obvious comparisons, but they arent mirror images by any means
unfortunetly ow doesnt have enough depth to make it last

>damage falloff

when does it start and what is max range?

You have no idea how much I'd barter for a useful widowmake ON MY TEAM FOR ONCEr that could stop most obvious. loud ults

>implying his ult is what makes him OP
He literally has a guaranteed kill button.
Press e then shift then right mouse button.
Bam, free kill.
Now just wait for the cooldown and repeat.

well blizzard is blizzard and see how hearthstone turned out

>try out Mcree in the arcade mode brawl
>rolling everywhere and flashbanging people like there's not tomorrow
I think I'm in love.

Just don't play that way then. McCree is arguably better if you're good at clicking on heads at medium range and only using the combo stuff if you have to. There's nothing more satisfying then deleting Tracer with two shots.

It's a class-based team-based game. You're not supposed to be able to 1v1 every hero with your "main".
It's McCrees role to shut down anyone in close quarter combat.

>about to kill reaper
>presses left shift
remind me why I bought this?

He's not saying that his ult is OP, he's saying that anyone with half a brain could avoid the ult since he's so vulnerable and loud

Learn to read please.

naw man i know. his problem is that he's so fucking simple that, depending on damage numbers, will always be either god-tier or absolute garbage.


Mercy's Rez range needs a severe nerf. McCree that got waxed by me gets rezzed nearly a mile away from where Mercy was, then "lolgg" stun/hammer combos everyone into oblivion.


I got a quintuple kill using D.va's special. I don't think le die die die man is that OP.


It's also his role to pump out consistent mid range damage and snipe people from long range with his ultimate

>avoid the ult
You don't need to avoid it, just kill the slowly walking glowing le high noon man.

Good McRees can do the wombo combo and also outshoot people midrange with their regular revolver shots.

pyro takes skill

possibly, but its the least skillful of the classes

Fanning the hammer needs nerf. Mei's range on freezing needs nerf. Bastion's turret mode needs more spread. Zenyatta needs at least 25 more health. Did I miss anything?

His ultimate is hot garbage unless your team makes an opportunity for you to use it. His midrange damage is solid, but Soldier will outgun him at midrange every time due to no falloff. McCree has his niche.

Fanning the hammer is ok. His mid-long range damage output needs a nerf.

It's a team-based game.

Lion in Dota 2 can just press R then click somebody to instantly kill a huge portion of the cast at level 6. And that's not including the damage from his stun if he stuns you. Not everybody is supposed to be equal 1v1 in these types of games. It's not a fighting game.

stop running around solo as genji and go help the team instead of trying to get your KDA up

>playing on that one payload map with the foliage at the end
>I ult while standing behind it since it's doesn't count as blocking but McCree's ult still locks on through it
>mfw High Noon like 4 guys behind a bush they can't see me through

Okay I'd actually nerf flashbang a little bit then. Maybe half a second less stun?

Zenyatta is fine, he's pretty strong already in good hands.

D.va needs everything

Then it would be a 0 second stun.

But I mainly play a tank or Zenyatta depending on what my team needs. Every game seems to be 5 dps and me being a tank or healer trying to keep shit together.

theres hard counters, and then there's a press of a button

I agree. I just don't like the combination of needing LoS to using his orbs and widowmaker one shotting him with a body shot. Maybe take 25 damage off of widowmaker's 100% charged shots?

so much for reaper

heh watch this kid
*spins around
*kills eveyrone with dual shotgunz*
heh that was easy...
*turns into a ghost and soars away*

really? i've been getting pretty good spreads of 2 tanks, 3 damage, and myself as mercy or lucio. i did end up on a team of 4 people OLOLOL WINSTON STRAT xD but that's the only garbage i found

>but Soldier will outgun him at midrange every time due to no falloff.
Soldier 76 has falloff - all the hitscan "gun" classes do (except for Widowmakers assault rifle for some odd reason). At medium range Soldier's advantage has more to do with his speed (wiggling soldier is hard to hit sometimes), heal and burst damage from his rocket. That said, if McCree can click on heads then he can still win almost any offense vs offense 1v1 seemingly out of nowhere.

what's this mcgree combo I keep reading about? I just got the game, still in training mode testing every hero and its abilities

where's the cheapest place to buy this in the UK? can you only buy it from battlenet?

How? She's not really bad if you know how to use her. It's super easy to get multikills by boosting then using her ultimate. Boosting into people then meleeing them is also pretty effective.

>support that's expected to be near the frontlines to be effective
>has a massive hitbox and the least health in the game and zero mobility
He dies to a charged widow bodyshot, he is not fine. Why does fucking Lucio get 200 HP, constant regen, a speedboost and wallrunning while Zen has fucking nothing to help keep himself alive? Even Mercy can fly around a little.

>stop running around solo as genj
But that's what Genji is supposed to do.
You flank and harass enemies, leaving them with a choice to either turn back on the rest of your team, or risk their health being whittled down by your shurikens.
You charge your ult with harassment, then disappear letting the enemy team forget about you, and then you cut them to pieces when they're busy dealing with your team's attack.

Key sites but its shady

>process repeats

you press E and then you right click on the head

>Stun Time: .7 second
Wow I didn't think it was that short... maybe just reduce it .2 seconds. It's just slightly too long.

Played for almost 7 hours straight once the servers went up and only saw one Bastion PotG, and it was someone on my team.

I generally make short work of Bastions.

>tfw still can't get the hang of McCree even though I want to play him a lot more
>tfw my friends make me tank all the time since I'm good at them
>tfw just wanna be a cowboy

Reaper is still a better tank-buster if they have more than one, and especially if they have more than two. McCree can blow up any tank in isolation but if you're playing KotH and getting piledrived by monkeys then Reaper's sustained close range damage is going to be a lot better.

Reaper isn't a frontline fighter. He's more of a tankier and slower spy/scout. You can't oneshot people with your shotguns, you have to catch them off guard and be able to get a few free meatshots on them.

Don't need a tank when the whole other team is dead user.

>mfw my life is the same

>right click on the head
Fan the Hammer can never headshot. Aim center mass.

best class that is credit to team for a total beginner?

Lucio is pretty helpful even if you're bad and he's very powerful if you're good. No team will ever be upset that you picked Lucio because every team needs at least Mercy or Lucio.

You benefit the team just by being near them and alive, if you can shoot some people that's icing.

>Fan the Hammer can never headshot
I'm pretty sure that's wrong.

probably zarya. shield yourself, shield your allies, right click for big aoe damage, set up your team to murder them with your ult

Lucio if you need a healer. 76 if you need dps (and he has pretty good heals too desu). If you suck don't be a tank. Nothing sucks like a bad tank.

>Mercy or Lucio

Being Symmetra or Zenyatta is suffering

Why is nobody playing Junkrat? I've been getting PotG since the servers went live on maybe every third match, just from spamming bombs in the general direction of a chokepoint.

The bear trap is a free kill, the mine has a short enough cooldown to be used basically as a main weapon and you can't get close to me because fuck, I'll just ALLAHU AKBAR us both anyway.

AND his Ult is a Team Kill by itself if you know where you're putting it.

Blame Tracer and Genji, since they were so good with healing orb or armor that Blizzard had to nerf Zen and Symmetra.

Good ol' Tesco my chum, I already have a £6 voucher from buying whiskey with that shit Tesco card thing, it's gonna be £40+ everywhere, It's £42 at Tesco

bastion or lucio

No, it absolutely cannot headshot. It's still 70 damage per hit at close range, so it doesn't need to headshot to kill almost anything.

If it could headshot you could kill Reinheart with a single FtH without even having to roll-reload and do it again, and since most tanks have huge heads it wouldn't even be hard.

>beginner friendly
No. You need to constantly keep your energy high, otherwise you're better off just playing Rein and holding down rmb for the whole match.

i was wondering the same. i always do well with the guy, and the few that i see are scary as all hell.

They're both still amazing in the right hands. There is a reason why competitive teams are running Zenyattas even with the nerf.

Literally every match has a Junkrat/Mei on the team.

Hm, you might be right, the wiki says the same.
But I could swear I've seen the red headshot indicator when I used it. Maybe they changed it or something.

Does he have any good skins? I think he's a solid (hero?) (character?) (soldier?), and has a noice potential with swanky plays

Zarya is definitely not a beginner character. Her entire playstyle is about balanced aggression, game sense, and knowing who can do what to whom at any given moment so you can counter it with the right timing. A new player's not even going to know what everyone can do much less when they're going to do it. Also, her laser's not the easiest thing to aim since it's pretty much just a point target hitscan.

>killing the enemy doesnt help your team

Spot the "pybro"

Buffs and nerfs needed:
Bastion: Not able to turret on top of moving objective
Mercy: Revives herself too
Symmetra: Ceiling turrets should be visible with sniper chick ult

Its what I have so far.

The only niche Zen has now is making a single target dead very quickly with Discord. He's great as a counter to the monkey, who is also very popular in comp for his disruptive potential.

I'd argue that heavy takes less since you just hold down left click and medics just magnetise to you and providing you actually play the game you can unlock an item that heals most of you or your medics HP.

Literally zero matches I've been in have a Junkrat before I pick him, and I've been waiting since the end of the timer just to see if anyone wants him. But I'm on EU so maybe we're just shitty over here.

If you played in very early beta and MAYBE the first stress test a bunch of things could still headshot that can't anymore. Even Zarya could headshot at the very start of the beta, shit was so dumb. I'm pretty sure that was changed by the first stress test though.

I made this mistake myself for a while but believe me you'd hear a LOT more bitching if FtH could headshot. You could just throw out stupid yolo right clicks and hope one of them randomly plinks the head and get kills basically for free at medium range.

Literally kill yourself on the first two, Symettra I could agree on.

damage dropoff on mei's right click
buff pherra to 150 health/50 armor
make junkrat's mine do damage to himself
increase damage on winston's ult
buff 76's ammo to 30 rounds
give reinhardt a quick melee
increase spread on widow's auto rifle mode and charge time on sniper mode
increase lucio's rate of fire
increase mercy's rate of fire
reduce spread on dva's mech guns

>Mercy: Revives herself too
That is easily the dumbest suggestion I have ever read.

>tfw you high noon at the same time as an enemy McCree does and kill him first

>Mercy revives herself too
that is unbelivably retarded and op, the only thing that makes her ult balanced is the fact that it cant do that

Bastion is already one of the worst heroes in the game

Maybe it's because I played the minute servers went up and everyone I played with knew the beta inside and out. But literally every team has a Junk/Mei combo. They may be defensive characters but they do way better than most offense characters and do not die.

>never played Overwatch
for a odd reason, i can't get my mind off RoadHog once i see Overwatch gameplay,

>Soaring across the map as Mercy
>Those bone-snapping noises when you hit or kill somebody with your hammer as Reinhardt (occasionally followed by double/triple/etc kill)

Is there anything more satisfying?

Do you want him to goosh goosh your boyhole