If you live in South America, don't even bother buying this, they made the price so beyond expensive there's nobody to play with and it won't match you with other people not from SA, I've literally spent 20 fucking minutes looking for a full team before I just quit.
If you live in South America, don't even bother buying this...
Why don't you start working on that wall while you are waiting for players?
just switch the server?
Oh thank fucking god BR can't ruin another multiplayer game. Enjoy destroying the MOBA community with your Russian Cohorts you stinky fucker.
>If you live in South America
Thank Fucking God. All the more reason for me to buy it I fucking hate when they let dirty fucking spics into our pure American servers.
>tfw Mexico
I literally had 0 issues so far. Thank god always matched with english players and not "JAJAJAJXD"
No seas mamon.
>they made the price so beyond expensive there's nobody to play with
hahahahaha poorcucks BTFO
I'm Brazilian and had zero issues finding a match. Plus I have enough friends to more than fill a team.
I really don't know what you are talking about, OP.
thirdworld filtered
good news. no hue tards to ruin the game. now about that wall
t. argentinian
>expecting a country full of nigger barbarians to play Overwatch anyway, much less understand how to use a computer
really dude? but yeah, I mean is pretty shitty tho, considering there's maybe only two other white people in your country you could hope to play with.
where's the obligatory Falkland isle reference in that pic.
>matched instantly everytime
You can't escape, i'm here to shit your games.
The picture of the Falklands with the Argie flag on it.
are you blind my friend
>fluent in english
>see these sorts of threads and feel like HUEing to trigger these neckbeards
Are you getting matched with jajajaja XD and huehue people or North America?
I want to get the game but holy fuck i don't want to socialize with south americans in the least.
Br here. Had no problems in finding a match yesterday, waiting around 10s. Played around two hours in a 5man party, pretty good.
seeCan you pick different regions? As me playing with an eu friend?
You probably own the only computer down their paco, no wonder you can't find a game
Congrats you felt for the Blizzard meme.
Tbh all I know is that you can change regions anytime and your progress carries over.
I'm at work so can't check these things to be sure.
>it won't match you with other people not from SA
Based Blizzard.
in comparison to every other game, its cheap. ive seen their prices and they take dolar at a lower price than fucking everything, not just other games. the only reason why i did not get it was because of the balance and how much i hate huehues and jajakasdXD cunts along the way they play. the game is cheap, people here cant afford because they suck at using their money and are dumb as fuck
After you br niggers consistently shitting up American servers, good fuck off.
>he fell for blizzard trickery again
Ni one gets triggered. They mute you, you continue to make your country the joke of gaming, and you sit there with a smug "I was only pretending to be retarded" look on your face, presumably while smiling a yellow grin on a chair that's falling apart with a fresh fucked goat in the hut you call a house.
>I've literally spent 20 fucking minutes looking for a full team before I just quit.
LMAO. Literally dead on arrival.
>No South Americans allowed.
Blizzard is easily the most based dev out there.
Thank you Blizzard. Now Paco can make himself useful and build the Great Wall of Trump from THEIR side of the border.
Mexico is not in south america you nigger.
>3 hours ago
>31 posters but missed this retard
Mexico is too big to be South America. Though they could take Central America to avoid hurting the American's feelings.
"No mames wey" "que haces wueon culiao ctm que lo pario"
>playing TF2 a month ago
>BR enter the server
>spams mic with HUE HUE HUE
>change team
>he's fairily shit at it, mid of the scoretable
>I end up on his team again
>can't switch
>it's been 50 minutes, he's still mic spamming HUE HUEHUE
>start a votekick
>"But why?"
>everyone silently aproves it
And the match went swimingly.
The guys spamming the lenny face everykill are also easy to kick like that.
I wouldn't even have a problem, if they did that shit while topscoring or something, but it's always the lowly retard with 12 points at the bottom of the table. You kill 3 guys, cap a point and start running for that health pack with 7HP left, and he one-shots you on the way thinking he's the MLG real OG player of the match by that.