Build me a PC for $350, the same price as a new PS4, that can provide visuals like this. It must include a mouse + keyboard and have all new parts, no hand-me-down bull shit.
You can't.
Before you get butthurt, I primarily play games on the PC
Only if you provide me a 350$ console with those kind of visuals, a framerate over 30 fps AND actual gameplay.
Im sure its easily done if it only has to run the game at 30 fps
Looked good until I noticed the hair dithering
that image isn't a prerendered cutscene is it?
>TFW wanted UC4's multiplayer to be good
>It will die in less than a month as a grenade/mystic spam fest where everyone just runs at each other holding down R2
I hope Kikemann and every tranny faggot he hired dies in a painful fire
>Now graphics matter.
Haven't we learn that's bullshit?
It's possible if the game only has to run at 30 fps.
So uncharted 4? I know you haven't played the game at all so don't even talk out of your ass.
I don't think UC4 has pre rendered cutscenes but the only things that are even remotely good looking are the items in direct vicinity of where the cutscene is happening.
One great example is the scene where Nathan is on a boat and you can see the opposite shore which is literally ps2 tier 2D tree sprites and shit.
The game looks great because they know how to make all the things that matter look good and everything else like shit like far away objects.
It's just clever implementing
>le 30 framerate !
this is the only buzzword the cucks use to justify their 2000$ shitposting machine
If you want to play Uncharted, buy a PS4 and play.
Why is this hard
>le graphics only matter when it's for ps4 games meme
Isn't that more of a character model achievement than a technological one, though? What's within reach of the PS4 is certainly not impossible on PC by any means.
>Before you get butthurt, I primarily play games on the PC.
yeah i'm still butthurt that you went out of your way to start a shitposting console war thread
fuck off
who said that?
disgaea 5 is a sprite based game and its one of the best Jrpgs this gen
>So uncharted 4
You mean those sloppy "60" fps in multiplayer mode, where they had to tone down the graphics and visuals to help the game run above 30 fps?
Because the single player mode is at 30 fps.
And about the gameplay, I mean real gameplay. something that goes a bit father than walk over there, climb that wall, listen to dialogues, beat that boss with QTEs and shoot to people with the worst kind of TPS gunplay available in the industry.
Who fucking cares, why do you spend so much time arguing about console vs pc?
Just play some fucking video games.
If you want Uncharted buy a Playstation 4 and play it.
They pump up the visuals for cutscenes and then scale it back in game
Sonycucks post those mainly for a reason
Here's what sonycucks actually play with
Pretty sure a 350 build could run some Crysis at PS4's fps levels, set the graphics settiing to lowest, only textures to max. Then you only need to find a NPC get him close to some good looking prop and enable DOF and motion blur to make sure everything but the npc and prop are blurred the fuck out. Then take a screenshot and you got exactly the same or better
It can't be done. Consoles are built on a budget. Naughty dog is just a good company.
the framerate meme is the funniest thing in this gen
Its literally a buzzword that has nothing to do with the games, it makes them look softer and thats all, you retards like memes so much that you will sell your house to gat the le 60fps XD
Show me a PC game with better graphics than Uncharted 4, period.
You can't.
>Its literally a buzzword that has nothing to do with the games
>real gameplay
You were doing good up until this part right here. Nigga just stop. Is fake gameplay a thing now?
>this turn based rpg isn't real gameplay! you just press a command and you watch him attack!
>this action game isn't real gameplay! you just press the attack button multiple times and watch your character swing!
Yeah, damn shame their stuff isn't multiplat.
Artificial Gameplay
Well, crysis came out 9 years ago now. You're getting there though, sonybro.
At 30 fps.
>developer does what is necessary to improve the framerate for the sake of gameplay
>Sup Forums still complains
sasuga pcuck
Not fake gameplay. LAME gameplay. As in, you do basically nothing engaging. Leave all those things I listed from Uncharted games and you'll have the same experience.
>this underage acting like 60fps hasn't been the standard since at least NES days
>thinking pc needs to defend itself
does this include your monthly fee for the ps network?
Sucks to be bought by Sony but it works out in the end.
Probably kept FROM and ATLUS alive.
Cutscenes and photomode? Not that hard to do
Why do you keep making these threads?
>"Post a better looking game than U4"
>Someone posts BF
>Brony replies with "b-but shit gameplay"
every single time
This is all subjective my man. Try again.
Uncharted's multiplayer "gameplay" is some of the most boring and simplified gameplays in every third person shooter ever released.
Uncharted needs to learn a lession or two from games like Gears of War and Vanquish.
Wow that still exist? Ps4guys are 100% Cuckgaym0r.
It's not as black and white as that, you dickhead. Both have payments after that affect it too.
Think of when you pay your £40 a year just to fucking properly play online.
Think of the fact that you pay full retail almost all the time.
>No m-my Sup Forums machine is perfect !
how about instead you check this 3
Battlefront has better gameplay than Uncharted anyway.
It is to be expected. Multiplats don't push graphics in the slightest, and PC exclusives tend to look like crap and focus on in-depth gameplay instead. People can nitpick all they want, but there is no game currently released that is as visually impressive as Uncharted 4.
This game is better than Uncharted 4
Who keeps making these dumb threads im sure some retards might think "oh yeah thats a good argument" fuck off you gay cunt
so close, but no dice. here, take my 6
>It's an OP doesn't understand the difference between cutscene and gameplay rendering thread
Temp, don't use a gpu till u can afford one, turn vsync off, get a fucking job u kid fuck, $350? What are u on Christmas budget?? Ffs I make about 100$ a day, get a console u ignorant fucking cunt! Then try to upgrade it and see how far it takes u before u pick up smoking! HA! U probably can't even afford cigarettes with ur fucking broke ass $350 budget! That's not even rent worthy! That's like 2001 Honda civic monthly payments with bad interest worthy u unsolicited fuck! Go make some ramen!
>19 fps
I bet you spent 1k no that pc as well.
That's fine that you think this, but don't even try to suggest that lowering the graphic settings to achieve 60fps is a bad thing. People here do not shut up about 60fps. Now you have it, so don't find something new to complain about just because you have a fixation with shitposting.
Check my 4
it's not a buzzword though
framerate is important, especially in FPS and fighters
When comparing prices, you need to compare the price of a PS4 and a computer that can't play games with the price of a computer that can play games. Most people probably spend over $400 on a computer, so that gives me at least $750.
You mean this 4
>doesn't take a picture of Sully
Fuck you
>no argument
>proceeds to shitpost
Sonyggers gonna nig
Stop using this terrible filter as an example. It's a low contrast and sharpened mess. The vanilla visuals look much better.
>framerate is important, especially in FPS and fighters
Did you know that every fps and fighting game runs 60fps on ps4?
Now you know
nice joke
Show me where you can get a PS4 for $350 that includes a high-definition television and Uncharted 4.
you didn't bring any facts on the table
you are a bigger shitposter than me
woah so real woah
Watch it before you shitpost you idiot
good for the ps4
you said framerate was a buzzword
i'm saying that's a retarded statement to make
Being the king of kiddy games is nothing to brag about. You can stop shitposting.
why are PCucks so ass angry and so easily baited all the fucking time.
It's like they're 13 years old edge masters with a big point to prove.
>It's like they're 13 years old edge masters with a big point to prove.
welcome to Sup Forums
toddyhancer looks nicer imho
Star citizen.. not even fully out and it's the most demanding game to have ever met a pc, running on the cry3 engine.. 4690k 32gb ram, 980ti, and I still can't run ultra. Waiting for the 1080 to come out and upgrading to a 4790k in order to see how much better I can get it to.. yeah ps4 couldn't even load the startup menu if star citizen came out for it, game is close to 450gb so buying an extra ssd is recommended
God, that really does look fantastic. It's too bad the game is still controlled by the jewiest company ever.
Please stop using Crysis as an example, christ the PS3 version had better lighting than the PC one.
>i'm saying that's a retarded statement to make
now its not
its just needs to be playable like 25-30fps
lowers drops are acceptable if they last for a split second
They need to justify their 1k+ purchase.
Why is Elena so perfect?
i'm an idort but i'd still argue kids are likelier to own a console due to price
'mom buy me a $350 machine' vs 'mom buy me a $750 desktop'
Fact, league requires no skill, just minor strategic planning
Easy peasy.
And here's how you play the game.
>sonycucks lose the argument as usual
>wahh why are they blowing us the fuck out make it stop! it was just bait!!!
Every time
you are such a salty contrarian
PC is shit and you fell for the lamest meme pleb
yes it is
25fps looks too choppy to me
it bothers me with how it looks
constant 30fps without dips is fine though
>lowers drops are acceptable if they last for a split second
fuck no they aren't, not if they happen all the time
Why's their skin so fucked up
ah you're in luck, there's a free million dollar prize pool waiting for you.
le potato used parts masher !
I'm not going to.
PC is for people who can afford quality. If you don't want to have the best visuals and games, don't buy a PC. If you can stomach shit taste, get a console.
Why can't Sonyggers stand it when people don't play on PS4? What forces you guys to create shitposting threads 24/7?
the last of us have prerendered cutscenes
I needed to watch this 5 times. The puzzle confused me at first, then I understood it was a picture, within a picture, of a picture. Once I got that, it all fell together and realized that Triangle has to be aligned with the others, but in all three depth phases. Simple but complex.
>potato masher
>no hand-me-down bull shit
Try again nigga.
and that's multiplayer, imagine how fucking beautiful a cinematic campaign could look with that wizardry
Post Purchase Rationalisation
>25fps looks too choppy to me
bad for you i guess
>lowers drops are acceptable if they last for a split second
>fuck no they aren't, not if they happen all the time
rest easy they don't happen all the time
except if its a bethesda game
battlefront actually has gameplay