>B-but it'll flop!
Oops, looks like Sup Forums was BTFO once again. Gearbox just scored another hit and Sup Forums literally can't do anything about it. Where my battlebros at?
B-but it'll flop!
Stop shilling your dead game, faggot
>where my battlebros at
playing something else
>$0.10 has been deposited into your account! -Blizzard
>Game that dropped one third of it's price in less than a month
>Another hit
>5,000 peak players today
While overwatch has over 7 million people try and log in on launch. So much traffic that it lagged out, WoW, Hearthstone and D3 servers.
Best Boldur Na reporting in
damage control at its finest
>out for less than a month
>1500 players on pc
lmao, i seriously hope randy kills himself the fucking piece of shit
Battleborn isn't for casuals desu. It actually takes some skill.
>Blizzard defence force creating BB threads just to have someone to blame
You know its true.
Literally selling more than Borderlands at launch. Keep crying Sup Forums, your tears are delicious.
This game is just 100% FUN. Sup Forums just can't stop being btfo can they?
This is true. Getting past the 7 minute unskippable intro is a true test of gamer skill
I am so sorry for you guys.
I bet I could destroy you and any other 4 OW cucks single handedly
Dragon age 2 sold more than twice as much as dragon age 1 on launch
I can't believe there are people so invested in Battleborn to defend it this much. It's an okay game at best, it has so many flaws.
Literally like 90% of these threads have been blatant false-flagging and you have people falling for it every time, thinking they're hot shit and a master detective for calling shill.
Here's another example of a false-flagging shitposter who needs to off himself:
what the fuck is Youtubers life
These threads are still less obnoxious than the painfully obvious threads made by the BRs and slavs that still play TF2.
>That peak player count.
>Brawlhalla has more than Battleborn
Holy shit
Oh boy a Stillborn thread?
My friend bought Battleborn. He finished single player campaign and never touched it again. Don't ask me why
>HTML edits
This game literally has 100K players on right now and still growing. Time to go back to your baby toys, OverCuck
Post your face when you didn't buy Stillborn.
Why are you lieing so much?
>Sadly trying to copy the other good thread where everyone shit on OW
Just stop
How is this a metric of quality if Sup Forums slobbers all over undertale's dick constantly and it's literally bottom-tier?
What you're saying is never listen to Sup Forums, bascially?
Nah fuck off
Post yfw you bought BattleBorn, the best multiplayer game of 2016
itd fucking better.
the development cost was equal to the entire borderlands franchise.
it NEEDS to sell way more just to break even.
It's a cute game about making games while slowly getting better equipment, moving into larger apartments, and recruiting people to make videos for you. The way you get points is a little more interesting than the games that came before it, you have to choose from a selection of responses to each clip while balancing your energy, the type of response, bonus points, and the jigsaw shape that response will make for when you edit the video later on. Also you can buy accessories for your room, go to events to make friends/network, and manage random events.
It's in early access and you can only be a scarecam lets player. Later it looks like you can do cooking shows, fitness shows, and that kind of stuff. Might be kind of neat when its finished. Especially when it comes to collaborating to make videos with people across different professions.
The peak was 12k the day it first came out and hasn't been anywhere near that since
>I could still have 60 dollars
You sound like such a faggot OP
Is everyone who likes OW 12?
>affordable price
>literally thousands of hours of content
>original and unique artstyle
>Gearbox quality
>playerbase growing exponentially
>household name in a matter of weeks
>awesome figures
>high-skill multiplayer
Is there LITERALLY anything this game can't do?
Right here. Sitting at 98 hours played from day one. It's a game that I enjoy quite a lot but I would not consider recommending the game.
There is absolutely no punishment system in place for people leaving matches, and while it doesn't happen too often, it is rather frustrating when it happens. This is a real issue in both PvE and PvP.
I understand that the GTX 760 is a dated card at this point and I will be upgrading in a few months, but I personally think that paired with a 4770 should be able to run the game with every video setting at its absolute minimum at a consistent 60fps. It doesn't, though.
Despite not having cross-platform play, PC patches are held back by the certification process that console updates must go through. This has been outright stated as an intentional decision. I think it is ludicrous.
Most of all, a wide majority of players seem to not realize that PvP is not a team death match, and that in the case of the Meltdown game mode, kills really don't mean a whole lot if you're letting enemy minions waltz into their grinder while you're getting them. I figured this would happen less as the days go on, but it hasn't.
And more, I'm sure.
It hurts me, Sup Forums. It really does. Why does Gearbox fuck with so many things I love? For fuck's sake, I looked for Duke Nukem 3D last night on Steam to buy a few copies for friends. Guess what? Gearbox fucked that up, too.
I honestly can't tell anymore if this is shilling or just some enthusiastic guy posting about his legitimate like for the game and it's qualities.
Just kill me now.
>It's doing good on consoles!
Just go to bed Randy
>#43 most played
>#70 best selling this week
Welcome to Poe's Law
Enjoy your stay
>Gearbox quality
>euro truck sim
>idle clicker games
>single-dev indie shit games
I'm not playing any of these new fps/moba games but damn is it fun watching Battleborn fanboys cry and bitch impotently.
Original CS is still more popular. LOL explain that fanboys.
>people posting positive things about the game? must be shilling!
Classic Sup Forums
> Where my battlebros at?
I'm glad the overwatch vs battleborn shitposting has slowed down though. There's still a few laggards clinging on to their fleeting source of lulz. Y'all niggas need to keep up with the meta if you want to make it in the trolling game...
The game looks ugly as shit, and the gun takes up way to much space
Honestly speaking for the few actual BB players I have encountered here. If they explain why they like it, instead of immediately calling you a faggot and telling you to fuck off they are genuinely fans of the game. We don't want that toxic shit associated with BB.
What's sad is we know it's one guy doing this
>affordable price
That's what happens when the price drops $20 in two weeks.
Shills shilling shilling shills shilling shills.
>bashing stillborn means you like OW
>bashing stillborn means you even play OW
nigga, gearbox is shit regardless of blizzards shit. they exist and suck independently. you're delusional and filled with buyers remorse.
get over it.
>clean, colorful, efficient HUD
>expressive and detailed environments
>easily identifiable and iconic characters
I don't see the problem
Undertale is a year-old single player RPG.
Stillborn is a multiplayer game with no one playing
I've only ever seen this same screenshot and the french one with the literal semen meter.
Somebody post some other screenshots.
No it ain't I'll post all the reaction images I've used the past 4 days for fidelity. There are other fans besides me.
>It's in early access
And probably cost part of some guy's Mcdonalds check to make.
Meanwhile BB spent millions and still can't beat an indie youtube game.
Another OW edgelord lol. Your kind isn't welcome outside your containment threads.
Already clocked 200 hours since release and can't stop enjoying it. Stay mad Sup Forums :)
Borderlands has the worst design
here, have a fresh screenshot, a few seconds into the first story mission, same character.
I've never gotten lost in the UI and it does its job, but I will admit that I have awareness issues at time in PvP, and I'm hesitant to say it's all my bad. Can't really pinpoint the issue, though.
my sides
Theses look like those fucking joke huds. What the fuck
Ok fine I'll say it one more time I know thats what you want.
Borderlands has one of the most consistent and well fleshed out lores of any game. They just separate story from gameplay. It panders to plebes with silly jokes, but if you want to look in depth there is a massive unique backstory.
>1100 people playing undertale in 2016
i like to imagine its just autismo's firing up the game to hang out with their friends
The game tends to act like a joking joke from start to finish. Just like Borderlands humor
Too bad a lot of that lore was retconned and shit on thanks to Anthony "Faggot" Burch.
>Thread filled with Battleborn fans
>haters and shitposters quickly chased out
Sup Forums failed once again. Battleborn will be the highest grossing game this year.
>Is there LITERALLY anything this game can't do?
attracting players
I'll never understand the appeal of Dota 2. Like I get MOBAs and use to like Smite a lot but not much anymore but how the hell does it have so many players still asides from being free.
Why is this game such eye cancer? Its like they made a Problem Solverz game
Excuse me? Last time I checked this game had well over 90k online
A lot of it isn't totally translated from spanish so you're actually more right than you know.
I actually thought Battleborn's beta was really fun, but they're 100% retarded to try and sell it as a full price game. All the story mode missions were tedious and beyond boring but you have to play them to unlock some of the character skins/taunts and it's probably the most efficient way of getting more gear. And then they have the gall to announce a season pass to buy more garbage story missions seperate from your $60 purchase. Also paying all that money and still having to grind in-game for no-effort recolor skins or to expand your inventory to hold more junk items that you might use for one single characters. It's structured to be a f2p game and if it was it probably wouldn't have bombed. Like even if they copied hearthstone and let you buy story missions with in-game currency as an option they could be making money hand over fist from people too poor/cheap to buy overwatch but want a kind of similar game.
post it
The faggy jokes are what's with you 80% of the time, though. It's not worth putting up with garbage memes to maybe get at something that's not entirely forgettable in its story.
Not to mention the "lore" has been all kinds of fucked with every sequel
with my Overwatch Waifus
fuck your TF2
fuck your Battleborn
I have my waifus
Sorry user I'm to tired to let you bait me into derailing the thread to talk about Borderland again.
Okay just one reply
80% of people aren't going to look any deeper. Thats why I like Gearbox. They put all the work into that story and hid most of it. They don't pander and spoonfeed.
And it hasn't been fucked with its been refined.
Stop talking about OW. I'm not, so why did you bring it up?
Gearbox fucked up all on its own, other game companies have nothing to do with it. You would think a brand new IP with millions put into would be slightly more popular than decade-old RTS games.
>less players than borderlands 2
Don't need to post it just go online and play for yourself. How about you get your facts straight instead of coming here and throwing your shit-filled diaper across the room as the flecks fling back to your mouth from the impact.
have good looking female characters
Grow up and get laid, faggot.
t. no gf
I rather believe 4000 peak player then some faggot saying 90k players with no proof
The memes attract the faggots, and keep anyone who wants a serious game away. It's literally a lose-lose
Sorry, but i can't hear you over the awesome sound of TRUXTON!
have good looking male characters
Fuck you for reminding me that existed
Too bad Blizzard's shit nowadays. Numbers don't mean shit. You like CoD too?
>Battleborn shilling
This is it. This is what you look like.
god damn I used to be pretty good at armpit farts
now I get no sound and I just get winded trying to do it
>shilling your own video
Fuck right off OWcuck
>Giving him Adsense money
Good goy, Travis. 0.10$ has been deposited in your GearBox account.
BattleBorn? More like Battle is over with :) burn, GearBox
Too late it's associated.
Borderlands was shit tho