So why is Sup Forums so dense about Overwatch?

So why is Sup Forums so dense about Overwatch?

I mean, I'm not a super fan of overwatch, I like the game, but I'm just confused as to why Sup Forums is tossing around

for stuff you can earn for free anyways
That would probably last a while, hopefully, but it's a gamw with effort put into it

Is Sup Forums usually this dense?
Is EVERYTHING a meme game now?
Why can't other people on Sup Forums let others enjoy a game instead of shoving their opinions and comments down others' throats and refuse anything else?

I just don't get it

Everything big has to be TORtanic. Everything.

Did this really call for another thread?

I need to sink my dick in her assberg.

So they're calling everything shit just so they can go

>lol told you so we called it


The more a game (or company) is liked, the more shitpost it will receive by Sup Forums.
Users here purposely shit on popular stuff, trying to bait people that love it and collect some (you). Then you have the most simple minded users that think those shitposters I described are unironic and so they start really believing their shitposts are true.

No more like TORtanic was a moment of pure shitposting gold that made people have a feeling of togetherness because of their similar opinions. Now they are just trying to recapture that shitmagic by being a shitposting hivemind and saying anything popular, anything with a big budget is the next blunder of the century.

>micro transactions for stuff you can earn for free anyways
Even though this is obvious bait I bet people like this also supported those assassin's creed ones because "fuck me in the face at least I can grind endlessly for it"

>The more a game (or company) is liked, the more shitpost it will receive by Sup Forums
I think you mean the more well-known it is, popularity doesn't always factor into it

And it certainly works both ways as well. 50% of Overwatch "fan" threads ("TFW OVERWATCH IS GOTY 2016" and the like) are made by people who probably haven't even played the game, they're just trying to get a rise out of the Overwatch haters - and it's working. When the topic lands on games like Overwatch that have a large market/media reach, both sides are as bad as each other

Microtransactions in B2P games are a shitty habit.
The game's fun, though. It was about time someone BTFOd TF2. Shame it had to be Blizzard.

>microtransactions in a "full priced" game to buy stuff you can earn for free makes it okay
no. it doesnt make that okay.

Why not? If they add nothing else other than visual, whats the problem

So you buy a $40 multiplayer only game and it has micro transactions? Jesus christ you fucking people are dense.

>they're just cosmetic so they're not really part of the game, it doesn't matter
This retarded behaviour will eventually cause companies to sell high-res texture packs and high poly models.

because retards such as yourself keep making endless fucking threads about it

also go fuck yourself if you think vidya opinions on the vidya board is bad


>looks like free2play shit
>plays like free2play shit
>has microtransactions like free2play shit
>has no single player content like free2play shit
>40 bucks plus tip

People actually bought this? There is no hope left for mankind.

the games released now

you can stop shilling

Can't report these threads fast enough. As if we need 17 threads about overshill.


>Even though this is obvious bait
Wait what do you mean?

I played a few co-op vs ai games, got to level 3, and already have enough in-game cash for a few skins and poses.

Yea it will take a few months of playing to unlock everything, but it is free, and it's all cosmetic.

The micro transactions are for boxes of random cosmetics you get for free when you level. I see nothing wrong if people want to spend extra for more of the same stuff.

Because that worked for steam.

I think if someone actually does this without prior release as mods, people would probably eat it up.

It's not Sup Forums. Most of the normal people here are actually playing the game. All the shitposting is either from TF2 fags where worried Overwatch is stealing their business or Battlestillborns salty they couldn't get away with microtransactions in both their base game and their mobile app

Yet another thread




this is the obligatory standard of Sup Forums's logic for ages
if youve been here for a while its understandable
basically no fun allowed, youre not allowed to enjoy something, nitpicking, forced meme arguments and if something does well or is successful/fun we have to unironically hate it as much as we love it

im not joking
now please stop with the abundance of overwatch threads

I remember when Sup Forums was hyped for Xcom2


I forgot that was even a game.

Remember Fallout 4? me neither.


lol we got a real salty dog here, folks.

Yes that's exactly it. Sup Forums calls every single release a massive failure and then when one of them is a massive failure they're like "haha called it Sup Forums is always right!"

And yet here you are shoving your overshill shit down our throats while there's at least 5 other threads for it already

Yet we all still come here. There is something addictive about reading massive shitposts.

I, for one, come here because it's the only place that doesn't absolutely blindly eat everything AAA devs shit out, and because the place is still, on occasion, absolutely brilliant.

The shitposts are just something annoying you acclimatize to.

uh oh, the reddit shilling team is here.

I only come here because if I see a faggot I want to be able to call him a faggot without losing karma or whatever.

Majority of Sup Forums is poor ass pirate fags who are mad everyone's playing while they are still searching for some discount keys.


Hang yourself

just fuck you and all over

the game in itself wouldn't be shit but when 99% of Sup Forums and all the world just shits on a game like sf5 for having "this little content for such price" while 99% of the people everywhere praise and defend this game for having the exact same content/quality/price ratio just shows how fucking biased people are.

Sup Forums loves Blizzard though. There are actually posters here who STILL play WoW.

W-what's wrong with wow?


someone in another thread described it well

after tortanic, Sup Forums legitimately thinks it has the power to meme games out of existence and people who don't have the game will, instead of playing it, devote a large portion of their time to shitposting about it

>But it's a game with effort put into it

The fact that it's a FUCKING ARENA SHOOTER means there was no goddamn effort. I'm so fucking mad that people eat this shit up. You fucking idiots are actually killing gaming by buying this trash and motivating other devs to waste their time making dumbass arena shooters as well. Fuck!

Oh, you're talking about the paid mods fiasco, it took me a while to understand. As the reply you already received stated, it would be different for a game that has no mod support, especially a multiplayer game like OW, with only in-house run servers and no subscription fee, justifying the need for a constant flow of money to make it sustainable.

TOR was doomed with or without Sup Forumss influence.

exactly my point

Sup Forums suffered a delusion. The hivemind decided its failure was in part due to massive shitposting

now we're seeing the same mistake being made here, only this time, the game in question will succeed


Overwatch will "succeed" financially, but not to anywhere near the same extent of TF2.


also if you'd actually play the game you'd know it feels nothing like a free to play game

but by all means, name a relevant free to play fps than rivals overwatch in polish

ill be waiting

don't be so sure. This launch is bigger than tf2s launch and has more content than tf2 had on launch

blizzard will continue updating and adding content and maybe even go free to play in the future. Believe me, this game has a future

>newfags joined Sup Forums during TOR
>talking like they know shit
TOR is not the reason Sup Forums doesn't like Overwatch.
You niggers came straight from another forum and are upset that most of Sup Forums doesn't agree with your shit.
Sorry that people can wise up to terrible games.

>hating on a $40 (40, not 60) multiplayer only game with cosmetic stuff you can buy, but also can unlock through playing
>still mad

Tell me, what was the last game you purchased?

>go on tf2
>mention overwatch
>entire server starts screaming that overwatch is shit

Played the open beta. Its just a TF2 copy with nice graphics. It would be worth 20 top with microtransaction. But f2p would make it up for the shit tier blizzard policy for not making public servers.

How does it not feel like a f2p shooter? Nice bait faggot or go figure it out yourself (play some shooters and get your shit together).

And tf2 is like shit old and still feels nice. If they did a mayor update it could easly compare.

Also not samefag fag.

>name a relevant free to play fps than rivals overwatch in polish
>In polish
That's the fucking problem. Yeah OW is super polished with shiny graphics. But it's shallow as fuck and empty inside. Like every fucking Blizzard games.

Literally viral marketing. World of Warcraft fans were up in arms when microtransactions were introduced into WoW. Blizzard had to hide behind casual features for the longest time, before introducing paid gold and character leveling.

That same company is behind this scheme, so anyone with common sense knows it will only get worse.

The game is dead in a month and it's popularity it was looking for it getting it nowhere, I looked on twitch before the launch people had really large view counts for every stream then as soon as the second hour set in everyone lost half their viewer count and more. So the game is 40$/60$ has the ability to buy loot crates, doesn't have any weapons for each class to use instead of their main one, was completely fueled on marketing, animations ect and also promises to make maps and new heros free along with only having 3 game modes and not of them being the one that separates overwatch from other FPS sorts and 12 maps in total.

The game will be dead half way through next month. Mark my words.

Why do you care? Fuck off.

Pretty much this.
One week. That's the time I give to the game before threads start poping left and right of bored players ranting at Blizzard. The game is fun for the first four days and then it becomes repetitive as fuck.

It's funny to laugh at hypocrites that marketed and spammed the game to high heavens then to shove it in said marketers faces that the game is already collapsing on it's self.

>How does it not feel like a f2p shooter
once again, name a relevant free to play shooter that matches this game's quality

if you cant give a basis for comparison, fuck off

>that the game is already collapsing on it's self.
AHAHAHA do you sad faggots actually believe this?

No I believe facts, not some magic energy mumbo jumbo that will keep the game a float if you support the game enough. Look hereThis guy got it in one, the facts are in your face right here. Give me a counter argument to refute that, show me numbers of people that are playing it now. The game is already dying because there is so many others just like it that have more for a cheaper price or even for free.

But TF2 has even more in it. Now don't think that I hate overwatch. Cause the game is fun and had a great time playing it. But it lacks too much content to be 40. Its a really really empty game overall.

And besides name a thing about overwatch that makes overwatch standout besides the graphics. I can't expect poor graphics from Blizzard. Look at the size of the company. Its not even comparable to smaller developers.

It's a 40 dollars multiplayer only game with 12 maps.
It's worth 20 dollars, tops.

Wanted to say TF2 as comparison but failed in the beginning.

>so many others just like it that have more for a cheaper price or even for free

name 2 please

if you want civil overwatch discussion LEAVE TO /VG/ ALREADY.

>But TF2 has even more in it.
because its been out for fucking 8 years now

Overwatch's launch has literally double the content tf2 had on launch

TF2, Battlefield 4.

>tfw porn of waifus is the only reason anybody gives a shit about Overwatch

God bless Overwatch and all the porn that came with it. I haven't orgasmed this good in a long time.

Kidding right? I mean there arn't any weapons... That alone has more to over then overwatch does now.

>the porn isn't even good, just generic doggy style and sometimes futa

Blizzard's lack of creativity is poignant.

When was the last time they've innovated anything? Lately they rehash shit that's already been done, slap a premium price tag on it, force Blizzdrones to suck their cock.


tf2 is old as fucking shit and the community is cancer

>battlefield 4

lmao what the fuck, not like overwatch at all. only in the sense that its an fps. Also that shit is 60 for standard Dice affair. try again

tf2 did not have multiple weapons on launch

jesus christ what is it with you people, do you read the words you're typing? This is a fact

on launch, overwatch had more content than tf2s launch

tf2 had half the maps and far less characters and collectibles

Shill shill retard

Oh fuck off.If you are going by that count valve logos missing as well then.You have skills instead.

It was also free.

what are they rehashing with overwatch? If you say tf2 you literally have not played the game


Deal with it, Blizzdrone.

It came with the orange box which cost money on launch you dumb faggot lol

Alright good point thats my bad. But atleast say something that makes overwatch standout on its self besides the grapics that makes it worth the 40 and microtransactions.

Shills, shilling their game.

ive never played blizzard game before this, had 900 hours in tf2

the two games are only alike in the sense that they class based fps with objectives

their gameplays are totally different, but you wouldn't know that because you havn't tried it or even looked up a substantial amount of footage and instead would rather shitpost about it

No, it was part of the Orange Box, which cost $60.

You sound exactly like HotS shitters.

>It's soooooooooo different from LoL and Dota 2 xDD
>It's soooooo unique XD

It's the waifus.

Powerful cooldown based abilities and ultimates

multiple classes that are different versions of the same class suited for different play styles (two fast scouts, two builders, two snipers, etc)

Animations that make the game feel worlds better than tf2 which had incredibly stiff animations, at least in first person

So you say you dont have classes in bf4?

I came buckets to blackjr's overwatch futa. In particular, the and widowmaker one.

I'm gonna be so goddamn happy when this game crashes and burns and neo-Sup Forums will be butthurt about it.

>>why is Sup Forums
Sup Forums is not one person, faggot OP

Are there rankings in Overwatch or is just for fun?