Torrent when?
Warhammer Total War
no pay no play, simple and fair
Same as Doom, but it got torrented
So never? FFS I was going to buy it with my next pay check but currently broke and can't afford it. Thought I will at least pirate it till then and play it like that a bit.... Not to mention I will have to pay for fucking chaos, cuz they are free for only a week... Arghhhhhhhhh
Doom is cracked?
>Thought I will at least pirate it till then and play it like that a bit....
you would never buy the game, stop with this bullshit
Of course.
Even Tomb Raider isnt cracked. 3DM said they will not crack Denuvo anymore.
>Not to mention I will have to pay for fucking chaos, cuz they are free for only a week
Fucking what
That's some next tier jewing.
They were FREE if you preordered it
why are so many people on here constantly broke to the point where they don't even have ~$50-60 lying around?
Because of autism
HAhaha sorry but it's true. Torrents have become modern aged demos for me, I always pirate first and check it out and then buy it if I like it, or sometimes if the game realse is to far away from my paycheck day and I have already invested money in other things, then I'll pirated and buy it when I get the money. I don't have a single pirated game on my comp.
Or if you buy it within a week after release
Because not all of us live in USA? ANd we don't get 2k paychecks every month?
I have 800€ a month to spend. Food+apartment+bills+a day or two out with friend on a weekend....... and it's gone.....
post your steam games
Takes one to know one.
So you suck at saving money and having reserve for stuff like this, which will end up costing you more money in the long run, with things like this where you now have to buy the dlc separately
Step up your finance game user
What's in it for me tho if I post it? I don't have many tho like 15 or smth like that....
no u
Plus some on gog.
>Not wanting to save your money to spend it with your gf.
Step it up Sup Forums, it's like you are autists.
>you would never buy the game, stop with this bullshit
Not everyone is a bitch nigga user
do it pirate scum
one shit one fucking game daaaaamn
is this game fun for people that enjoy a 'no fun allowed' approach to RTS? i enjoy ending the game in like 15-20 mins.
Fuck you cunt retard.
Here you go.
You can do a lot of cheesing in singleplayer.
Yup. Legend of total war, finished Total war ME2(i think) in 3 turns and Attila in 8 turns. So yeah shit ton of cheesing if you want.
at least you have kotor 2 piratefriend
good job
I could afford it, but I don't want to keep spending 20€ every month on the DLC they will start pushing out.
Maybe in a month. Maybe not at all.
Only time will tell.