Mods r asleep post ur favorite video game snack

Mods r asleep post ur favorite video game snack

Thanks doc

Thanks doc.

The real question here is, which flavour is actually tastier?

I'm not sure about that sweet yam one to be honest. Would rather just go with the young coconut.

Thanks doc.



Girl cum

pandan tastes weird imo




Is this a new meme?

I don't know what is this


Grazie dottore

i hope you get your dick kicked in

>Americans call that pasta

Thanks, tac.

Thanks doc.


No, we call that macaronI. This is pasta.


What the fuck is a video game snack? You mean a snack?

i know what colors mean
i don't get the "thanks doc" part.

how much does that cost?

Tree fiddy

Gracias doctor

>This is pasta
Manco per il cazzo, amerigrasso.


I just ate those a few minutes ago


cabbage is fucking delicious way better than lettuce.

so sorry, i'm little behind on the latest meme schedule
can i stay pleeeease?

For a microwave thing, those Michael Angelos things really arent all that bad. A lot better than any other frozen dinner brand Ive tried at least.

skeleton ass thirsty bitch

Honestly, I think I'd actually like those a lot. I hope they're still being sold.


there is no way all of that fit in that foam container

>Pasta in microwave
>frozen Pasta

I feel very sorry for America. You guys even think that pasta is less heltier than your junk food, thank to idiots like pic related.

a me non sembra male ad essere completamente onesto

Salamat sa ice cream, doktor

> new
welcome to Sup Forums enjoy your stay.

Ma dai cazzo, tralasciando il fatto orrendo che è un piatto pronto da scaldare, cos'è quel formaggio che c'è sopra? Come è fatto quel sugo? E soprattutto
>absolutely no preservatives

end my life

someone just post the piccolo dick meme already

100% Sup Forums snack.


relax kiddo
it's just stupid meme

ah no non nego assolutamente che il piatto nell'immagine debba avere un sapore orrendo, ma l'idea in sé è carina