Arma 3

Why aren't you playing right now?

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But i do, i only play wasteland


Wasteland is still miles better than KoTH, Altis Life or DayZ clones so I can't hate you.

Tired of..

>awful setting and senseless weapons and vehicles selection
>awful perfomances
>awful netcode
>broke ass personnal armor simulation
>broke ass inventory
>broke ass physics
>broke ass collisions
>no FCS, no HMD
>no CCIP, no CCRP

I always come back to it eventually, but I'm in one of those phase I can only see the ugly.

I've been playing a bit with Iron Front preview recently, the potential is enormous once they figure out how to increase the textures resolution and fix all those nasty bugs.

I've been playing a lot lately. Nam, zombies, usual convoys, everything. Let me rest for a while.

stopped playing ages ago after being a diehard BI fanboy for over a decade.

I stopped being a fanboy when you realize that BI is never, ever going to change. ArmA 3 has the same problems that OFP has. Thats not an exaggeration. And the reason thats never changed is because BI literally doesnt know how to fix it.

And dayz ruined the community. More specifically, dean hall leaving the default server settings on when he launched dayz mod ruined the community. That is to say, 3rd person virus has ruined the pvp community.

The appeal of a milsim fps goes right out of the fucking window when youve got a free look camera that you can glitch above, around and through objects.

coop with mods is still good but i got tired of the lack of decent missions put out by the community. Released stuff is COD level trash most of the time, and all the really good missions clans/groups/communities jealously guard for no real reason at all.

>no reason at all
Missions are built with modpacks in mind, there's no point in releasing a half-assed version for vanilla

> coop with mods
> vanilla

theres plenty of shit tier missions that need loads of fucking mods released. But high quality missions almost never get released.

That said, D.I.C.E was released and almost nobody payed attention to it, so maybe I'm in the minority and most of the public community genuinely enjoys playing trash.

Looking for a first person only server in dayz was like finding a needle in a haystack. It still is.

yep. It will stay that way until the next stable too, and then there will be a lot of activity, which will slowly die off until you're left with 2 private 1st person servers which always have players, but are always full and a struggle to get into.


How about u people download Iron Front Preview on the workshop and join me on the FR 12 13? It runs some kind of domination type map.

Can't run when playing multiplayer. That's fine though, been playing TLR on and off for a little over a year on Arma OA.

it runs like shit, especially in MP

I'm amazed it took them this long to implement switching weapons while running function.

I do but only rp

2 words.

>Linux nonfunctional.

>Runs terribly
>No friends to play with regularly
>Horrifically buggy
>Jacked up price

i am, well i was
im browsing the forums trying to find the EXACT reason why armas engine is the worst engine in video game history right now

what is it with this games Real Virtuality Engine that it cant handle multi core cpus, why cant it fucking use all cores accordingly, why cant it fully use my GPU

this game is making me so sad, its a great game somewhere deep down, but its ruined by this shitty performing engine, and i doubt BI will ever fix it, unless they start a new engine from scratch which they will never do

Game runs like garbage.

Servers are constantly invaded with Chinese, Slavs, Southern Hemisphere Inhabitants and other undesirables.


Tactics my ass. Kiss my god damn ass.

Its a """""""military simulator"""""" where motherfuckers run and gun with GPMGs and LMGs.

Had my fill running shit over turning everything inside out and shitting on pub stars and fag clans with my rag tag group of 4 other friends on wasteland mode, the game has nothing else to offer except a foundation for streamers and other e-faggots

All I wanted was arma 2 with a few extra things thrown in like drones for instance The one thing about nu arma I like

arma 2 is all near future shit with terrible performance.

The most hilarious thing about the Arma """Fanbase""" is that it never even existed until ARMA II went on sale for about $2 a few years back then the meme game DayZ. Every since then with the help of ever so cancerous streamers more and more """"""""fans"""""""" started popping out of the wood works. I don't think these people actually enjoy the game but think their shit doesn't stink because they're not playing some other AAA FPS Title.

These are the people you see in MilSim FPS games that run around with retarded equipment sets, sooperleetsniper sets, etc.

Nigga... Hol up

well thats not true.

The fanbase is the same one that was kept OFP from being a bargain bin forgettable or a gaming magazine "hey remember this games interesting but unconventional design?" piece

BI has literally been kept on life support by a ridiculously fanatical modding community. OFP was still being played in fairly significant numbers and having content developed a full decade after its release.

But otherwise you're right, the explosion in its popularity was due to dayz, then dayz ushered in the cancer.

and to think, Dayz mod when it first came out, was a brilliant, brilliant idea and utilization of arma. And now when i think of dayz, i feel sick.

Because Project Reality is more viable for what I want out of a milsim.

Project Reality is a mod of arma which means you are still playing Arma you stupid FUCK

You're pretty dumb, aren't you?


980 is not strong enough to push it at my desired details x 1440p

nobody plays PR ARMA you dumb sperg

Kill yourself faggot

Game is super CPU heavy, a i7-6700k or the i5-4690k are necessary if you want good frames like 50-60 FPS on VH/Ultra

Might want to fact check that, buddy.

That was a spin-off project numbskull, it fell apart because ArmA fucking sucks for online.

It's a BF2 mod originally, it's the same in name only.

is there a Warfare (CTI) mode same as it was in arma 2? preferably in chernarus. i fucking loved that mode.

arma 3 has CTI but it's changed now and i don't like it.

I'm on 4690k but ultra is unachievable even on 1080p I think

The worst part is I plan on getting a 1440p ultra wide or 19:10 real 4k monitor to play it and I dont think there is enough juice on the planet for it not even with pascal/polaris coming out

I doubt it would run well on my PC

Actually a skylake I3 has the best perf for the money in Arma 3, does better than previous generation I5 and is only 4 frames below an I7.

I don't know, I've seen people get good frames. Maybe not preset ultra, change some shit down.

Not before you choke on my dick turbo autist.

honestly i think PR arma fell through because people realized there was really nothing in PR that couldnt be achieved already with a well designed mission and ACE mods.

I said this when they were starting out and got called a faggot more or less. Welp, now they know which is why it is completely unsurprising the only PR for ArmA 3 will be a glorified pvp mission pack.

most people interested in milsim in arma seem to be more into coop anyway.

Squad will be the real PR standalone game.

when is DX12 patch coming anyway, might be just what the game needs especially since a lot of people try to play with lower end hardware


Only Enfusion, DayZ dev branch new rendering engine, is getting the DX12 treatment eventually.

They said they might eventually use their experience gained coding for DX12 to bring some optimizations to Arma 3 but it felt a lot they just said that so people wouldn't lose their shit.

It would makes sense for Arma IV to use the Enfusion engine though, but as far as we know it's not even planned yet. Arma 3 still has some good years ahead of it, probably more expansions as well.

Yeah I played it and it was pretty much ACE-lite, with all the shittiness a high amount of players brings on ArmA.

>Squad will be the real PR standalone game.
If and when it's done, for me currently it is no vehicles = no buy.

>implying the majority of Sup Forums can even operate

Arma 3 won't get it.

>get in helicopter
>5 min journey
>get out, run to objective for 5 minutes
>get shot
>respawn, wait 10 mins for another heli to take off

It's just not my thing. Also the performance is desperate.

gues will have 2buy 3 1080ti and 5820k

Me and my pals have been playing recently. We've all been making missions using the 3D editor and playing them in a rotation.

Because it runs like shit with my rig
970 evga sc
8gb ram

I would if there were a good group with good missions that started on time and didn't dick around with shitty memes and taking an hour to drive to the objective

its funny you ask, i happen to run a group like that

Wouldn't help. The Real Virtuality only uses two cores and wouldn't know how to use a single gtx1080.

there is no hope is there

what is it

its hard to define, we focus on coop play with a slight hint of milsim but thats just for the sake of being somewhat coherent when playing
no YES SIR bullshit

Do you do any PVP stuff and or fun missions?

Apex can't come soon enouh

As long as you don't play fucking Life servers

I like you because your right but I still play it for the atmosphere

what's the group called though

is it a vg or Sup Forums group?

>shitty engine
>shitty netcode
>shitty controls
>shootin AI
>shitty battles

Project Reality is still alive and Arma will never reach PRs level.
Even Squad Alpha is better than Arma 3.
Arma is for roleplaying

at times we might do pvp stuff but its rare
im not exactly sure what you mean by fun
we read the briefing or hear it if its not written then roll out, no sitting around for hours
we arent 100% nofunallowed serious but if people screw around too much we ask them to put a lid on it

Badger Squad Arma 3

we are not anything Sup Forums related though we do have some people from here

>970 evga sc

Well there's your problem.

>DayZ is bad
>KoTH is bad
fuck off

Tanoa is supposed to be more optimized, but its unlikely alot of servers will use it because its a 30 dollar buy in

By optimized they mean smaller, and less open buildings... Great, might as well just use CUP terrains.

>unlikely alot of servers will use it because its a 30 dollar buy in

Worst part of Arma DLC is nobody will buy the shit to play it, it will just be dead servers after a week and everyone will go back to their shitty Altis life cancer

Are you parroting the 3.5 meme or is it just evga sc? I know it doesnt overclock like the other cards, but I can still push up the clock some.

I'm parroting the 3.5 meme.

You just don't have enough VRAM.

the game is not playable no matter what your CPU
load up some cool mission made by your clanmates, and get your other 20 people on the server , go out and start attacking the AI and your frames will just nosedive

this game is just broken in its core
yes yes the server needs to keep track of every player, simulate every players bullets, keep track of AI, what they see, where they are going, what cover the AI uses and then on top of that all the scripts from your mission are running

its a shit hole

thats definately wrong
the game runs fine on SP, up to 80 frames on the autodetect setting which sets the game on high/ultra

MP is just broken and how servers limit fps

>Badger Squad Arma 3
how do i get in touch with you fags

Can't find any decent zombie servers to play with friends, usually we get into battle royal die really quickly and give up on the game. I just wanted to enjoy zombies again like day z before it was a actual product and just a mod haven't found anything good yet.

>dr shimapan
no thank you

you add me

whats the matter, got your panties in a bunch?

im waiting for tanoa map


Sessions are on saturdays.

>implying im a weeb

>dr shimapan

>getting your panties in a twist

Wasteland servers used to be good around 2013 when resources, weapons and vehicles were actually scarce. Now on most servers each town has several top-tier guns and atleast one armored vehicle. I remember when finding a gun actually took effort and playing as a team was fun as fuck


>being a superficial nigger

Arma 2 had drones, modders just never made any more of them and BI only shipped two (predator and the useless helo)

>i dont know what im talking about: the post
there is at least one more drone than you think, additionally the quad-copter is not useless at all

Talking about Arma 2 you nigger. It doesn't have a quadcopter

pretty sure the UKF mods had that one tiny drone you throw
so yeah arma 2 did have more than 2

The drones worked differently though. Pretty much just like vehicles. I like Arma 3's system.

I have a 4790k and anything above 20 players is unstable as fuck.

Because pic related.

because it runs like shit

Where were you when Arma 3 was the best PC FPS

Because it's an unoptimized clunky buggy boring mess. I enjoyed arma 2 but I just couldn't get into 3.

playing arma 3

>not playing arma 3

>arma 3 best fps
>shacktac hud
now you just need to tell you play with 3rd person on

fuck off

but I am

>shacktac is somehow related to third person

good luck keeping your squad around you without it since arma doesn't have peripheral vision.