Sonyggers will never know what is like to play using a good controller

Not only this fixes 100% the 360 D-pad issue but it makes officially the greatest controller of all time

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Asymmetry is an active detriment to the design
the DS d-pad is something you ACTUALLY USE along with the stick

Why does the d-pad trans form? like does it trans form from a shit d-pad to usable one? who would even want it the old way?

Vita dpad is god tier 2bh

That one turns from shitty basic xobx d-pad, to slightly less shitty one, that is still shitty as it doesn't change the underlying problem.

in what, jrpgs?

Literally any menu
it's significantly more efficient to use a dpad to iterate through a menu than it is to physically push a stick in one direction. Of course xbots don't know how idiotic they are since the dpad is in the most inconvenient position conceivable

no because sonyggers play with the best controllers

not an argument

i would disagree and im a ps4 owner

>delete this I can't refute it

It doesn't change anything though it's still on a fucking peg. The Xbone controller is better since the D-Pad isn't like that.

Bone Pro

[_] argument
[√] not an argument

>you'll never know
>points out dpad defect in same post
thats some bait you got there my friend.

at least 360 pad isn't as bad as original xbox pad, the ergonomics guy for xbox at the time must have had monster hands.

It's still pretty much uncomfortable with emulation and shit. Wii U pro or bust.

Speaking of bad controllers, holy shit the PS4 controller has literally shredded my thumb. I should take a picture and sue. It's literally cracked and raw like it was chapped or something, but on a massive scale.

Fuck PS4.

this thank you
I love handheld games for this reason
they usually get proper dpad usage

Did this change anything besides the shape of the button? If it was just deeper ridges, then they did not fix it.

Sony only uses the best chinese factories

If the saturn pad is considered to have the best dpad ever made, why does the vita dpad get so much praise? They're polar opposites of eachother

It's now impossible to press down and accidentally go down-left,down-right

Do you need me to explain this basic stuff? fucking autistic

Are Xbox controllers a one-size-fits-all solution to PC games that support controllers? I'm sick of having to fuck around with x360ce, and worse still, I can't get it to work in Wine at all.
I know having the same .dll in a million different directories is part of the Windows™ experience, but it's fucking grating.

KYS cuckold

Forces you to buy extenders. It was built that way as a marketing ploy

It's still a shitty dpad. Fuck you and your fanboyism. It's a very good controller, but one of the shitties dpads ever.

>controler abuse
>people cant take care of their shit


you're thinking of the PS3 controller


I'm starting to get that with my 3rd party ps3 controller.

If it was such a good controller why did it need a fix?

That would be preferable, if they have as much support as an Xbox controller.

The d-pad is good for menu and for indie shit and that's all I care, besides it's just as bad as a fighthing d-pad for fighthing games

You need me to explain basic stuff that even autistic 5 year old kids would understand

Look up Xinput

Indie retards complain that you can't use the d-pad for XBLA games
>Microsoft release a transforming d-pad that solves the issue

>B-B-but it still needs a fix! Still needs a fix please don't argue with meeeeee

Yeah, the Xbone controller is perfect for well-built american men.

The PS4 controller is too small and made for frail asian 'men' and their precious motor ''''skill''''

The dpad is still mechanically identical to an analogue stick. Deeper ridges doesn't change that.

You can literally just make them cordless Xbox controllers with ScarletCrushProductions. Look it up.

Don't use XInput, it has been deemed as potentially harming.


>I-I can't play Fez using the d-pad!,worst controller ever, if I can't play my hipster indies it's 0/10 !!

No it's still on a peg which is why it was shit in the first place.

It does but your comment is irrelevant because you never used a transforming d-pad or a 360 controller with 4-way d-pad only (yes, they have these models)

What's it like living in 2014?

>the dpad is in the most inconvenient position conceivable

I just have to...move my thumb?

Sup Forums is a fun place

People who never play games talking about video games

People who never touched a 360 controller talking about controllers


Might get one for PC gayming.
Can you use the PS4 touchpad as a mouse on the PC?

>2D platformer
>forced to use sticks

I know. Its a fact

>PS4 touchpad


I owned one and the dpad could still be used for diagonal inputs.

No. It's not a touchpad, it's literally just two big buttons.

>mfw i went back to my ps3
Only bad part was the gamepads their fucking aweful the sticks are terrible and inaccurate after playing xboner controller on the pc

Only when you are not in the 4-way position you dummy or if you press the control so fucking hard that it's going to break

Fucking leftist retard

>Don't use XInput, it has been deemed as potentially harming.

You're thinking of motioninjoy

I use inputmapper to connect my ds4 to a pc and it alllows the touch pad to work as a mouse.

Any game with 2D movement
Rhythm games
Many individual games use the D-pad in ways that are core to how the game is played

The asymmetrical sticks are designed pretty much exclusively for shooters, which rarely if ever use the D-pad.

Simply put, having the D-pad above the analog stick makes the controller viable for all games, albeit optimized for none.

But that's the way a general console controller should be.

How good is it as a mouse? Compared to a regular laptop trackpad I guess

Pick up a PlayStation controller and feel the difference between reaching from D-pad to stick on PS and Xbox

When on the bottom, an analog stick's elevation alleviates any uncomfortable reaching
The D-pad has no such luxury

Xbots complain about how uncomfortable it is to reach aaaaaaaaaalll the way doooown for the analog on PS controllers when
>they do the same shit with the right stick on Xbox
>it's even worse reaching for a lower input e.g. their D-pad

>Many individual games use the D-pad in ways that are core to how the game is played

Only indie hipsters care for d-pad, no one complains about using the analog for menu, at least not everyone who doesn't have autism

pretty much. you can also click it in for a left click. Kind of useful for small things you would usually use a mouse for.

Like instant fullscreen/windowed switching in ppsspp

>no one complains about using the analog for menu
Maybe not on Xbox
But they don't really have much of a choice.

Anyone who was playing games before Xbox knows D-pad is infinitely and objectively better for menus.

Cool I'm gonna get one.

Sonyggers trying to scam other people.

Seems like it works in this video the way I expect it to
Explain to me please why I shouldn't buy this? I don't want to waste my money after all, if it turns out to not work the way as expected

he's just a shitposter on Sup Forums
the PS4 controller does exactly what you want it to. It's up to you whether that warrants a purchase or not.

This doesn't fix anything. The problem with the 360 d-pad is its mechanism, not the shape.

>any menu

I can navigate menus on my 360 pad fine, as menus don't need you to input a hadouken or srk.

>why does the vita dpad get so much praise?

Because people don't buy Vitas.

>2d movement
Looks like you don't have an arcade stick
Work fine on 360, which btw seems a convenient choice to criticize, as we are using the xbone controller today, which has a dpad that shits on the one of the ps4.
Retard detected, analog control is better for racers than digital.
>Rythm games
Buy their peripheral
Xbone controller is better for fighters than ps4 controller , but really, arcade stick
>Games use the dpad in certain ways
Such as Gears of War, which I used just fine.

>>it's even worse reaching for a lower input

As a pc gamer for most of my life and avid Mmorpg player, let me tell you that I used to place panic skills of my rogue such as vanish or cloak of shadows under my main movement keys.

TL;DR: The bone controller is amazing, so we will compare Dual Shock to 360 pad instead.

The only good thing about xbox controllers is that they're pretty good for FPS games.
>playing FPS games on a console

d movement
>Looks like you don't have an arcade stick
You use an arcade stick to play platformers?

Uh... yes, I do, why wouldn't I? Ever heard of old arcade platformers?

Playing fps on a console is quite fine, desu, as you get to actually play games and they are actually released, unlike on pc, and don't even get me started on finding actually a playerbase as opposed to empty servers.

And let's not fool each other, we kind of want to play the game, not be constantly worried about a guy quitting the game because he's not liking this or that texture and needs to mod it.