I'm looking to build my first gaming PC. It should play games at reasonable graphics with good framerates. My budget is $300-400 tops.
Any tips?
I'm looking to build my first gaming PC. It should play games at reasonable graphics with good framerates. My budget is $300-400 tops.
Any tips?
Other urls found in this thread:
>gaming pc under 400
Literally what's the point? Your games are going to look shit if you can run them at all.
Don't cheep out on a motherboard. Ebay is your friend if you're not an idiot. Save more money.
You won't be able to get a reasonable PC at that price, OP
Only if you double up your budget, you'll be able to get something reasonable.
Save up nigga
Nah, this PC plays W3 and GTA V around ultra.
>2gb card
$600-800 is the sweet spot user.
>not ultra
>user in charge of looking anything up before posting
>budget 400usd
Used you can do it for sure and you wont be worried about tinkering around or breaking it.
Go onto your local overclockers forum swap sell pages
If you don't already have a monitor, you're fucked.
So I can't build a decent Gaming PC at console price? Figures, I buy a PS4 then.
Ram has gotten cheap as hell. Or is it just because people are switching to DDR4?
Dude, I have the same card and a better CPU and get low 40s on Witcher 3 on high with some settings turned down to medium. You might get a silky smooth and cinematic 24 fps on ultra.
You're full of shit.
>320 GB
Enjoy having no porn.
These guys are right.
Something you CAN do is spread the cost out a little bit. It's what I did for my first build.
Bought and built everything except my graphics card first time, and then second time around, added a graphics card and closed-loop liquid cooler. Grand total just a touch under 800, but split between two months. You won't be playing anything with huge amazing graphics, but you'd be amazed what you can get away with with just onboard graphics, at least until you get a decent card
RAM was expensive because literally one factory burned down in South Korea. I guess they rebuilt it.
silky smooth 24 fps master race amirite?
You CAN build a PC for the cost (or less if you get an APU) of a console.
But SHOULD you build such a PC? Unless you can't afford it, no.
potato masher?
Dont spend so little. Remember you are not buying a console that can only play games and watch vids.
The ability to do everything a PC can do as well as upgrade in future comes at a cost. If you dont need to do any of that then there aint no need to buy a PC.
>better CPU
..Which is?
>you're full of shit
I recommend getting 2x4GB, dual channel RAM really helps in most games.
Yea get a console if you are poor.
That's a shitty recommendation with how cheap another 8gb is.
>buying PSU and case together rather than just buying a PSU and then binding all the parts onto a metal plate with grid of holes on it
>matx mobo
>DDR3 memory when ddr4 is cheaper now
>a nvidijew card
>water cooling
>750W PSU
officially trying too hard.
>Don't cheep out on a motherboard.
motherboard is literally most irrelevant part. you can buy cheapest anything as long as it supports rest of your stuff and you're good.
I hope you do realize he's getting around 26-30 fps with those settings. Not 60fps.
Yeah it did. In 2002. Try finding any modern benchmarks where dual channel does shit.
100% ultra? nope
mix of ultra / very high here and there and it runs fine.
How the fuck is that impressive to you? 26 fps dips in low load environments? That means you must be dipping down to 10 fps in some places. That's unplayable to anyone with standards.
the point is that you can get a PS4 for $300 and have better graphics without spending $121039 on a computer
50fps with hairworks off. Though view distance at medium kills the immersion.
Funny my 760 seemed to do as well or better than that setup.
Well if you want console tier hardware then yeah stick with your $300-400 price range.
No, but then a console isn't a decent gaming PC. If you set out to build a console-like PC then you can do it for $300-$400 but you wind up with the same kind of compromises as a console like integrated graphics.
>My budget is $300-400 tops.
you should be good.
it won't run new games at ultra, but high/very high won't be a problem.
can't really expect much more from $400 pc. if that's good enough for you, go for it.
what is pornhub for 200, Alex.
>budget is $300-400 tops.
>Any tips?
Either add at least $600 to that budget or buy a console instead.
>firts red led fans
>now inner red cases
>a crate, screws, etc.
>not as expensive as a $20 case
>not a matx mobo
>DDR4, as if cheap mobos have that option
>$150 960 not the best option for the price
>not 60FPS
For a console alternative, that hasn't been the bar. Comparable console settings can get much better frames though.
>unplayable in any manner
>"probably" dipping down to 10FPS in some places
>source not provided
Quoting for picture relevance.
>integrated graphics
Proven untrue in this very thread. Git gud.
>all these other shitter posts that don't represent what's already in the thread
nice meme
you forgot
>$300 PS4
>still looks nice
>$15000 PC
>Proven untrue in this very thread.
Proven what untrue? All the consoles this generation with the notable exception of the WiiU use System on Chips, basically a step towards even further integration than AMD's desktop APU chips. Like it or not they use integrated graphics and there's no point denying it.
Buy a Ps4 and you will have fun without becoming a neckbeard
>>"probably" dipping down to 10FPS in some places
>>source not provided
I didn't think I'd need to post a source because it's pretty obvious your fps is going to be much higher fighting a single wolf, alone in the forest than it will be in a city, surrounded by 30 npcs. Watch the video and see that he's averaging 90 fps just walking around the forest, and then dips down to 66 fps in novigrad.
What was your other thread getting too big you piece of shit?
>spending more than $500 to get ps4 tier graphics
Honestly, you could spend ~$1200 and have a really good rig if you put it together yourself.
But your trolling and probably meant buying Alienware, so whatever.
maybe in your delusional little head
Don't worry op, you should be able to play any thing with a budget like that. Even the new shit should be fine
Knew this was a shitpost from the OP.. If you spend more than console you get a rig that lasts more than a Gen or two and does a lot more than just a console can. It's a computer. As an owner of both (PC, ps4) I suggest grab your exclusives on console and the rest on PC.
buy used poorfag
Honest advice: buy a pre built and upgrade it when you can afford to.
There's no shame in it regardless of what underage Sup Forums mustards say.
Yes they're easy to build but components are also easy to fuck up if you've never assembled them before. You can misalign something and ruin the connections, you can forget a step or do something wrong that will fuck a piece up when you power it on, etc.
Sure there's a great chance you'd do just fine but the issue is you don't have enough budget to replace something if you make a mistake, and that's a sucky risk to have in your first build.
If you have an old crappy desktop, maybe you should format the HDD, completely disassemble the PC, and put it back together and install your basic stuff as a dry run. You'll at least get a feel for how things fit together.
Change that 960 for a 380
Going to be much more expensive because of labor and resale margins. If going prebuilt, the best idea is just getting used and putting a fresh PSU and GPU in it.
380s are $30 more, albeit some with free games or promotions that could probably be resold on ebay. I enjoy Shadowplay though.
>380s are $30 more
4GB retard.
>ignore poorfag/toaster threads
>$45 in rebates
Which website is this?
>mail-in rebates
Not worth making a new thread.
Anyone have any good recommendations for a mouse I can easily use with a laptop while lying in bed? I'm a lazy motherfucker.
You can get the 4gb 960 for about $30 more.
Why don't people realise that PC gaming is for enthusiasts?
If you can afford to spend more making a game look better or run faster, why wouldn't you? If not, buy a console.
>My budget is $300-400 tops.
ayy fucking lmao, it's WD or nothing you dumbass.
i used to think that opening my case would help cool down the system, cause of fresh air, so i opened it during summer until my graphics card overheated and broke.
keeping the case closed is essential for the internal airflow, the fans cant create a proper gust if the case is open
>Looking to build my FIRST gaming PC
Remember when Sup Forums was full of 25+ year old men with qualified opinions, and how now it's just populated by ~20 year old SJW nu-male cucks and women?
Oh wait, Sup Forums was always cancerous underage shit.
>not having a CPU cooler that spans half the room
>building a PC means you're a feminist
You're proof of your own retarded statement.
>Low end PCs still run slightly better than next gen
>No paid online
Gee I wonder. PC gaming may be more for enthusiasts, but PC gaming is still open and vaired. It's the benefit of not locking hardware.
>Why don't people realise that PC gaming is for enthusiasts?
Ask nvidia and amd. They're the ones who keep making low-mid end parts.
>Oh wait, Sup Forums was always cancerous underage shit.
I guess that's why you're here, then.
>OP makes PC help thread but doesn't bother to make a trip