What games actually have females that wear armor that isn't bikini plates and show the midrift and other stupid Shit?
I'm talking armor like pic related, full on ironclad fuck you type.
What games actually have females that wear armor that isn't bikini plates and show the midrift and other stupid Shit?
I'm talking armor like pic related, full on ironclad fuck you type.
fuck off, you hole. go back to plebbit.
Elder Scrolls Online is the only MMORPG I've played where most female armor is full combat armor.
What games actually have females that wear armor that is bikini plates and show the midrift and other stupid Shit?
>this is the usual Sup Forums fag
Sure man. I'll go right after you hit puberty, so about never.
*tips fedora*
Isnt that guy a, you know, a guy?
Any MMORPG. Anything made by the Japanese. Any indy game made by virgins.
Icewind Dale 2
Didn't stop me from fapping to the character portraits.
I'm not sure but what about the Dragon age series? As I recall the heavy armors were relatively decent in the series.
How about some examples because I actually can't think of any.
And she still manages to be fucking gorgeous
>usual Sup Forums fag
yep, so go ahead and take your filthy cum gap the fuck outta here, whore.
>women in full armor
What's the point? Thugs will remove their armor in order to rape them after beating them into submission.
Every non-korean rpgs.
Gotta check that out.
He's talking about the type like Vindictus, Most perfect world games some other JRPGs and whatnot. Those kinds. Most prime example might be Tera.
I just want to play a nice MMO or something while making a cutie wear full on plate armor and fight monsters.
pls gib names
Hell even Maplestory and Star Wars The Old Republic.
I can't name you any JRPGs or whatever because I haven't played any but just search for images of any.
Daruku Soru Suri
I've already put countless hours into all the soul games and I'm still playing it like an hour or two almost everyday.
Anri is a qt. Her voice is so gud.
Not only that, but 99.8% of women wouldn't be able to move more than a few steps in full plate.
Go outside if you want to see women in realistic outfits.
Plate is not really that heavy.
>you play as an average women in most games
You're like a hero in 99% of all games. I'd imagine they have somewhat prepared themselves a bit more than the regular housewife.
Why are you neckbeards such sticklers for realism when it comes to beating and raping women?
Dark Souls games, Dragon Age Origins and probably the other Dragon Age games, Darkest Dungeon, Divinity 2, Divinity OS, Dragon's Dogma
I just thought of recent medieval games starting with the letter D. Just one fucking letter. It would be actually harder to find shit that only has bikini armor for women and isn't some low budget jap game.
And that's a sad state of affairs. We need to bring bikini armor back. We need to make fantasy great again.
This is why Hilde is best girl.
>complain about bikini armor/midrifts
>post woman with long hair wearing full plate
>implying that hair can't get caught up in chainmail or in plate joints
You retards are all the same. You keep complaining and yet you post the same crap that kills your argument every time.
Oh and also capes
These are all popular games that you can pretty much guess everyones played already. I've played all fo those and more of their kind. I'm looking for something fresh, something new.
Nigga I don't mind the fuck out of bikini armor but I'm feeling like playing something else for a change. All these mmos of scantily clad warriors feels boring after a while. I want new visuals. That's why I'm asking for games and not arguing about games where the females are wearing 2% metal armor. Altho I could've phrased the op much better.
Also, wearing full metal suit of armor in a fucking snow environment. It's like you want to freeze to death or something.
>Chest, stomach, thighs, and arms unarmored.
Try again, weeb.
I wish more games gave a choice of what type of armor your character wears aesthetically . Personally, I like both but it depends on character personality. Honestly though, if it's a game with magic and fantasy, why question clothing choices? I just always assume there's some sort of invisible barrier magic or something that allows dexterity and defense in the skimpier armor. That's why I also assume accessories in jrpgs like ribbons work the way they do.
>wearing armor
unrealistic as fuck
>All these mmos of scantily clad warriors feels boring after a while.
Most MMOs have full plate sets for female avatars and NPCs. Even if the current ilvl set isn't a full plate set, you can glamour/transmog/whatever to a set that does. Again, you're a retard.
>Not playing cleric
It's like you hate being the qtest
Untrue, if women are able to move in modern standard military gear, they are able to move while wearing plate.the weight is actually very similar
Fucking high heels. What the fuck is wrong with you? You degenerate turbonigger. Also look at that emo piece of shit stick. As if it would be able to even WEAR one of those shoes without caving in under weight. you Weebs make me sick and i still wish someone would gas you and all of japan.
I thought this was an armor thread? Why is there only weeb shit?
>complain about weebs on Sup Forums, a site that was basically created for weebs and where anime/jrpgs are a staple
I don't know why you people post here and complain. Go drink some drano
That's crafter gear, not armor, this is armor.
>if women are able to move in modern standard military gear
But they aren't
Look at drill runs men are usually carrying that shit for them
every game imaginable.
>edgy bat ears
>uncovered back and pretty much most of the body
>riddiculus huge axe
>flimsy shoulder / hip covers
keep trying
Go shag your dad you chinkloving ricenigger.
>you will never ever play a platinum game with this cute as protag
Because you are on a weebsite. This will never be your normalfaggotry friendly place.
I raped your mother into submission before she had you.
Decorative flourishes on combat armour
Fucking why
I thought normalfaggots fapped to weeb plate bikinis and not havel cosplay
for swag
bitches love fancy armor
Because video games.
What's the matter fella? Can't handle fiction?
Aesthetically speaking.
If we had both male and female characters and they wore exactly same looking outfits that would hide them completely.
What would be the point of having female characters if they cannot be used for different looking armors?
>inb4 i get told what year it is
They existed in real life too bud.
You could ask the same about male characters.
user, it seems that's a boy. His name is Jürgen.
>you hole
world of warcraft???
I think the choice should exist for both skimpy armor for males and females in a game where choice is possible, but different design.
Does it matter if there's a "point" or not? This is the case in the Souls series and still make characters with different sex, so according to your logic let's just make everyone androgynous.
Only for ceremonial purposes. A real knight would never wear his fanciest swag out on the battlefield
>Purposefully making your character bland and forgettabl.
hue what a dumb bitch wearing shitty ceremonial armor instead of that stronger shit with the balling blue tint instead.
its like she just wants to get fucking killed by a simple stray arrow or something
Elder Scrolls games in general are pretty good for that.
Titania was too perfect for that series
Diablo 3.
Women weren't allowed to be knights.
What are you, a peasant?
Why do you care so much about realism?
top valkyrie
Ave Maria, God blesses this thread.
>needing armor
>that picture
My heart!
This one is alright. The bigger problem is nobody in vidya wears a helmet, which is the single most important piece of armor.
Soldiers STILL wear them. Bikers wear them. Fucking construction workers wear them.
For a good reason, it's fucking hard to knit a decent suit of armor.
>I wish more games gave a choice of what type of armor your character wears aesthetically .
This should become a standard feature of RPGs.
Implying your blacksmith wouldn't crucify you for wrecking his carefully made decorations that were befit only for the King